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Josh 09-24-2005 08:51 PM

Rant/current events.
I've come to the conclusion that this site is going nowhere fast. I am sick of the BS, no one seems to support me or my staff, support the forums at all... We are a community and without a community watching out for each other it turns into a cesspool and ruins anything once good and fun. No matter what I seem to do I am the bad guy, I’m bad for banning rule violators cause they are popular, I’m bad if I don’t ban rule violators, I'm bad if I dont uphold the rules, I'm bad if I uphold the rules. I am sick of it all, I came close to just offing new subscriptions and all, waiting it out till most are expired and just closing the site. I will not do that, this site means to much to me, to you guys...

I spend 15-40 hours a week doing behind the scenes work, while dealing with home issues of my mom in bad health, fighting breast caner for 7 years, working full time, going to school at night, I get up at 7am, and get home at 10pm.... Yet anything I do is wrong according to the masses, I’m sick and tired of being called being on a power trip for upholding the rules, yet if I don’t do anything in time before it all goes bad I’m considered bad? You guys have to figure out wtf you want out of this site? I have it set as a family oriented place for truck enthusiasts to hang out... yet the trend seems to be try and violate the rules, then ***** if I give a 24hr slap to warn you, no one ever seems to listen unless I do a ban, so I just started doing bans non stop.

Another issue is avatars, if you see your avatar disappear and still have act access, be thankful and don't go on a 400000000 paragraph rant about me touching YOUR stuff. This site is mine, you are here by my rules, and the rules are ever changing, by y'alls input. I try to be fair in everything, never taking sides till I hear the full story, then get input form my moderators and others as to what we believe is the proper decision, yet everyone lambastes me as being a sided individual, I’ve been called a left wing commy, a right wing nut job, a libertarian freak, all in one week... I’m accused of taking sides due to the "buddy system" when all I do is try to get both sides of the story aired and get a settlement agreed upon. I’m a bad guy for enforcing vendor rules to keep people form making money off me, when I’m setting here near the end of the month trying to make sure n figure out I got enough fkn cash to pay for this place.

As of oct 15th, the parts boards will be pay to sale only, I am sick of dealing with the BS of people selling parts, ripping someone off etc. getting drug into it, missing sleep trying to please both sides, getting ***** at if I don’t respond in time.... only contributors and vendors will be able to sell, yeah i know it sucks, so does wasting your friday and saturday dealing with BS for no money, very few thanks, just to help people on as is where is buyer beware area.

If you cant act responsibly in public and have to act like a typical internet asshat, then your stay here will be very short, I’ve been generous on bans, but I see that is not working, I am going to have to start being a hardass, and I do not want to do that. Those that know the true me know I’m a giving caring guy who does anything for anyone as long as they are respectful... If you are unhappy hear as some seem to be, it is a simple thing to fix, LEAVE, I don't need your negativity bringing the whole place down cause of your unhappiness. If you feel something can be done to make you happy, email or pm me, and if I feel it’s a valid thing I will reply and try to assist.

We are going to start doing more contests and “fun” things. The articles contest needs more entries, stuff like how to time an engine, how to change oil, basic stuff new guys need to know, but afraid to ask…

Basically this is how it is;

No cross posting
Island of misfits post will stay till y'all get better at posting
Reading the rules will be mandatory when you log in
For sale posts will be part of the $25/yr subscription in order to post
Rules will be enforced, I hate it, I hate rules, but without order there is chaos, and chaos on the Internet does not work
Look for alto more contests and other fun things soon.

Longhorn Man 09-24-2005 09:26 PM

Josh...let me know if there is anything I can do to help...always wanting to help around here.

matthufham 09-24-2005 09:32 PM

for the most part, i agree. i've never had problems with the parts board, but i've bought 2 things so i'm easily batting 1000.

69 BOWTIE 09-24-2005 09:47 PM

Man this site is awesome your doing a hell of a job,I lost my previous status as kaycee don't know why but if you could let me know please do.I went through major withdrawls not being able to post or reply here.Keep up the good work and we appreciate everything you doing.

4tiresngas 09-24-2005 10:12 PM

Josh, I have not been here that long, but I love this site and am on here everyday. Ask my wife...she hates it, by the

I hate that about the parts board. Some guys have really helped me out. I try to do the same for others. If I find a part at the yard I know someone needs, I sell it to them for cost plus shipping. Some guys have sent me items they had for just shipping...where else can you find good people like that?

I think this is a great forum with great members. Don't let a few bad apples spoilt the barrel.

My .02

toms68cst 09-24-2005 10:27 PM

The way I see it we are guests in Josh's house and if any one of us misbehaves, Josh can kick any one of us out for any reason he see's fit.

Thanks Josh for hanging in there an sticking with it.


Alex Hayley 09-24-2005 10:30 PM

As you can see, I have been here for quite a while but tend not to post to much...but check the site often. I have seen the site change over time and for the most part better. In my opinion, the decisions(pay to sell, strict enforcement rules) are a good idea. Keep up the great work!!!!

masterbeavis 09-24-2005 10:45 PM

Hey, im all for doing what you gotta do to stay alive (so to speak) When board get big, the easy going days dissapear quick. Since coming here, I find the consensus of info to be pretty darned helpfull, and I appreciate having this site as a reference for my wrenching activities. Muchas Gracias!

Im kinda bummed about the decision to make the classifieds vendor/member, but one bad apple ruins it for everybody else. I dont think it is the mods responsibility to be drug into every kind of bad dealings. Unfortunatley, the mods are the only ones who have the power to try and make things right. Heh, I know, why not bring in some sort of escrow service so that nobody gets burned as easily, and will overall make the selling/buying experience more safe (I think it would be a pain in the rear actually, but what can you do to weed out the crooks, and allow everyone to sell stuff?)

Albeit annoying, I feel that maybe one person might actually learn from the rules if they were to read them before they could log in. Better yet, make em read them each time they try to make a post. I know I am not perfect, a mandatory refresher would remind me how things are supposed to be. One idea to go with this, add in a time delay, or some similar thing like that. It would make it so they have to ignore and be annoyed longer before they could get in. If they break a rule, they dont have an excuse, and cant claim ignorance because they had plenty of time to read the rules(maybe even give them a multiple choice quiz on the biggies at login??) How bout adding the checkbox of "I agree.... yada yada yada, violation will result in immediate yada yada yada?? Might make people think for more than a second?

Once again, we all appreciate your, and the other mods hard work, and hope the new changes you make will make everyones experience here better.

Thanks again. :thumb:

HuggerCST 09-24-2005 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by 4tiresngas
Josh, I have not been here that long, but I love this site and am on here everyday. Ask my wife...she hates it, by the

I hate that about the parts board. Some guys have really helped me out. I try to do the same for others. If I find a part at the yard I know someone needs, I sell it to them for cost plus shipping. Some guys have sent me items they had for just shipping...where else can you find good people like that?

I think this is a great forum with great members. Don't let a few bad apples spoilt the barrel.

My .02

Believe me, you're not the only one with a wife that hates it.(or at least the amount of time spent here) :hm: I think that the change for the parts board is a good thing though. It makes an area that was once gray with who could sell what & how much clearly a black and white issue, and a one year subscription is only $25. Isn't the info alone worth the $25 a year? Considering how much time you (and I) spend here, wouldn't you give $25 a year to keep the board around? Josh obviously does a great job with the board, and puts up with way more headache than I would ever want. The people & crap that he has to put up with makes him come across as an ass sometimes, which is understandable. We don't see what he puts up with, and how people act/talk to him, we only see the reprocusions. I hope that the headache doesn't drive him away, but if things don't change, it eventually will. I've seen it many times in similar situations.

Fred T 09-24-2005 10:53 PM

I don't blame you at all, Josh. It's a thankless job, no matter how you do it. I'm getting tired of all the whining and complaining, too. Thanks for all the work you have done.

LUV2XCLR8 09-24-2005 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
Josh...let me know if there is anything I can do to help...always wanting to help around here.

:agree: 100% w/ Andy, anything you need J just let me know ;)

jay_shy 09-24-2005 11:12 PM

I agree
I agree that all that is done behind the scenes is very time consuming. I thank all who are responsible for this site. I have only been here a short time and have learned much more than I would have anywhere else on the web.

This is a great site and hope it is here for a long time as well as everybody else does. I don't sell or buy much but I am willing to pay an annual subscription. $25.00 does not sound bad at all. In fact let me know when it is due and who I am to send it to.

Again thanks to all involved.


pjmoreland 09-24-2005 11:24 PM

Try here:

69 Short Fleet 09-24-2005 11:35 PM

No doubt you have your hands more than full Josh. Is there any way you could delegate some of your responsibility through other or additional mods? Just a thought. I think all members reading this would have more of a contribution to the board by BACKING OFF with your compaints unless their serious, read the frigging rules STICK to them... done! I also believe, if you have problems with buying parts after exhausting all means of communication with the seller and still don't receive them... DEAL with it. There is no way Josh or any mod is responsible for a bad transaction on-line. Sorry to hear about your mom Josh I hope she will get better. Thanks for all your hard work to make this board what it is :c2: . Regards Doug

Josh 09-24-2005 11:44 PM

Thanks for the words guys.

I am in the process of implementing a system to make the rules have to be read before allowed to even read the board now, It should be up soon but I didn't want to close the board for too long tonight during peak hours.

I would also like to make note that any current and future subscribers will be allowed to sell parts, it will be part of the package deal, unless someone comes up with a more viable way to keep the junk off the parts forums and keep the scammers out.


al's71gmc 09-24-2005 11:55 PM

Hi Josh,
You probably don't need to hear this from a newbie, but I think this site is fantastic! You and all the mods do a great job, and I think MOST members would agree. You'll never be able to please everyone, but if you continue to be fair, you'll please most.
Anytime a decision goes against someone they'll be unhappy, and some others will support their position. Nothing can be done to change that.
But I want to personally thank you for this site. I have gleaned more knowledge in the past 2 months of membership than I can believe. It is amazing to me that so few members are actually cotributing with at least the min $25. That was one of the first things I did after finding the board.
I sympathise with you about the lack of appreciation and the time you spend working on the site. We all have busy, hectic lives, and you sound like you have more than a full plate. Your work IS app. Thanks,
Al Hoekenga

masterbeavis 09-25-2005 12:02 AM


I would also like to make note that any current and future subscribers will be allowed to sell parts, it will be part of the package deal, unless someone comes up with a more viable way to keep the junk off the parts forums and keep the scammers out.

Not as effective, but it slows down the new scam artists, 6 months and 100 posts minimum to post in forsale. Plus trader feedback (similar to ebay) that shows their number right next to their name. If you have a high score, you should be able to trust them, low score, buyer beware.

MAC67 09-25-2005 12:07 AM

ill just say this , guys , your kind words , & words of encouragment mean ALOT right now , i see alot of what goes on around here it has gotten out of hand but i have got to say it is members like you guys above me , the new guys tryin to learn new stuff and the older fellas that jump at the chance to help a young guy out without critisizing his progress or thoughts !! , you fellas are what makes it enjoyable to come here , and J , you know im here for ya

hotrodmtodd 09-25-2005 12:08 AM

Sincere Thanks
This sight has LITERALLY changed MY life, and for that I am grateful. I ALWAYS try to do the right thing on here, NO MATTER WHAT. I have made wonderful friendships, and even been screwed over royally once, but have ALWAYS tried to treats others the way I would like to be treated, and forgiven those who don't know any better. I will pay ANY fee you guys ask of me. This place is well worth it. It's like having a whole family full of truck nuts. It doesn't get any better than that. Thank you ALL. Take care, Mike

Longhorn Man 09-25-2005 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by masterbeavis
Not as effective, but it slows down the new scam artists, 6 months and 100 posts minimum to post in forsale...

In addition to that... a strike 3 and you're out...or even one major violation in the parts board gets you banned from parts maybe.
Just a thought.

Josh 09-25-2005 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by masterbeavis
Not as effective, but it slows down the new scam artists, 6 months and 100 posts minimum to post in forsale. Plus trader feedback (similar to ebay) that shows their number right next to their name. If you have a high score, you should be able to trust them, low score, buyer beware.

That is a pretty good idea, Ive thought of something like that and am still unsure... But all ideas and methods are being thought of and discussed.


Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
In addition to that... a strike 3 and you're out...or even one major violation in the parts board gets you banned from parts maybe.
Just a thought.

As of now anyone in violation of parts board violations gets the axe permanently, no matter how minor of a violation....

stllookn 09-25-2005 12:23 AM

Ummmmmmmmm....could we get some more pictures of Jersey Girl on here? I will gladly pay my $25.00!

stllookn 09-25-2005 12:25 AM

Oooooops! I bet that last post of mine was a violation!

Josh 09-25-2005 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by stllookn
Oooooops! I bet that last post of mine was a violation!

Is now, bye bye for 24. anyone else like to join him? This is exactly what i was talking about in the above post, some people just lack basic RESPECT.

QKENUF4U 09-25-2005 12:29 AM

site it great, info is great, everything about this place is great esp. now that i actually have a truck to use the info/parts on.
kinda bums me out about the 25$ membership/parts posting cost (has it always been that way ?) i really dont have the extra money (another reason the truck is still in project mode) but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. ill have to figure out a way of staying on board.
thanks for everything josh

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