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shelby987 05-04-2006 09:15 PM

Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
I have always used seafoam and lucas in my gas tanks during every oil change to keep either my injectors/carb/or just general internal engine components clean. Anyway, while reading the bottle the other day I noticed you can also suck seafoam into a vaccum line to decrease carbon build up, rather than putting it in the tank. I sucked 1/3 of a can into the p.b. booster line, let it sit for 5mins....fired it up, blew out a TON of smoke (assume some of it was due to just burning up the sea foam), but the truck idles much move evenly, rev's much smoother, and it doesn't diesel anymore when I turn it off.....I couldn't be happier.....I think I should probably at least pull and clean if not replace the plugs now that I have done this though.

CochinoFilipino 05-04-2006 09:27 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
I keep hearing good stuff about this Sea Foam on all boards I visit. I'll have to try it someday.

qksilver 05-04-2006 09:39 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
Awesome on frozen nuts and bolts too

LUV2XCLR8 05-04-2006 10:10 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!

Originally Posted by CochinoFilipino
I keep hearing good stuff about this Sea Foam on all boards I visit. I'll have to try it someday.

Never heard of this, I will have to look into it ;)

Brainchild 05-04-2006 10:19 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
I have used it in the carlot cars,they seem to run a little better,after they sit a while,they need something to clean the gunk out of em.Boss swears by it.

shelby987 05-04-2006 10:47 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
I have used it on two different engines (one was a chevrolet 3.8, and the other my trucks 250) I double treated both, I think that one treatment would have been good enough.....but the second was worth the $1.20 of sea-foam I used. I have heard people that have an issue with using this stuff in the tank or in the oil, but I will now swear by sea-foam, I have a friend who thinks that sea-foam broke his head gasket, but I am pretty sure that was from improper winter storage, boat motor...(he blew out a couple of freeze plugs during the winter.) I am more than amazed by the results I have had, an will continue to recomend this to anyone that asks....if its good enough for my vehicles...... :)

mrein3 05-04-2006 10:53 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
The make an aerosol version of their Sea Foam called Deep Creep. Basically the same stuff in an aerosol can. Spray it on like pb blaster, etc. Works good.

As far as the original product, I was always told, 1/3 in the tank, 1/3 in the oil, 1/3 down the carb or through a vacuum port.

corn 05-04-2006 11:53 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
spray it right into the carb when the truck is running. Same idea...

70c10 05-05-2006 07:25 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
Where do you get it?

shelby987 05-05-2006 08:03 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
you can buy the stuff at any autoparts shop, its in a very plain jane white bottle with red lettering.

I have also heard the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 rule, typically I just put 1/2 in the tank and the rest in the oil prior to an oil change, might start making this part of my regular regiment when oil changes come due, very pleased with how the truck runs now, wonder if it helped my mpg at all? (have to wait until I get my new front axle to answer that one)

kaycee 05-05-2006 09:22 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
I have used it a # of times I was getting the service engine light constantly on my kids 97 Grand-Am.After changing everything under the sun and still having the light pop on I tried a bottle of it.I used the FPR vacum line and some in the gas tank and some in the oil.HOLY BATCRAP what a difference it made,I chaged the oil about 200 miles later.Havent seen the Check light yet so I'm sold on it.:metal:

67ChevyRedneck 05-05-2006 09:29 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
If you go to the 99-02 silverados with the 5.3L motor have a bad carbon build-up problem and lots of guys over there swear by this stuff. I'm going to try it in my Z71 when I get a chance....

redhead69 05-05-2006 10:02 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
Seafoam= S10 EGR FIX, or any other vehicle that is prone to throwing codes due to sticky egr's from carbon buildup(uhh humm.. GM). I suggest using this in an open area and changing your oil when done. It is great for carbon build-up.

shifty 05-05-2006 10:19 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
here are more details on how to use the product from their site:

i have a problem with a sticky valve or two when the engine is cold on my honda, 183,000 miles on it, so i'm going to give this sea foam stuff a shot. just one thing that confuses me:

are you supposed to pour this stuff into the engine while it's WARM and also RUNNING, then turn the ignition off, let it sit for five minutes, then fire it up? just curious, i don't think i understand what they're saying.

i'm also a little confused how i'd add it to the intake. i technically have a throttle body and could dump it in there, but ... should i just remove a vacuum hose instead and dunk it in the bottle so it will pull the contents into the intake? seems like it would get burned up right away...

redhead69 05-05-2006 10:31 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
I use a shallow tupper ware container.. took off the hose from the booster and let the vaccuum sip it out of the container. It made my vehicle kick and sputter and smoked like've got to go slow or it will die.. then yes, let it sit for a few ( I think it allows the cleaner to seep into the combustion chamber) then fire it up.. Mine smoked again but then cleared up and ran real good.

67ChevyRedneck 05-05-2006 10:31 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
They way I've done it (with a similar product and from what I've read on is you get the engine running to normal temp. Pull the PVC vac hose. Stick the nozzle in the hose and slowly open the valve. You want to try and get as much in as possible before the engine dies (or however much they suggest on the bottle) and when it dies let it sit for at least 10-15 minutes. Refire engine. I have read that if you try to refire the engine within 10 minutes this stuff has so much "kick" to it that it can cause engine and piston damage.

68inprogress 05-05-2006 10:39 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
this stuff has saved us so many times, fixed a 4-wheeler, cleans out all of our vehicles, we even used it and revived a couple old lawnmowers!

Orange 05-05-2006 11:25 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
Just a note - I have heard on more than one occasion that it is recommended to change O2 sensors on vehicles that have them (not applicable to our trucks I know) after Sea Foaming, as the "junk" can collect on them, and throw codes or cause them to read incorrectly.

Just a thought...

I used it in my 1994 Camaro...should do it again, as it helped tremendously with the idle.

shifty 05-05-2006 01:07 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!

Originally Posted by Orange
Just a note - I have heard on more than one occasion that it is recommended to change O2 sensors on vehicles that have them (not applicable to our trucks I know) after Sea Foaming, as the "junk" can collect on them, and throw codes or cause them to read incorrectly.

This directly contradicts what is listed at their website and a couple of sites on the web that say this is a "fix" for faulty EGR valves.

I'm actually needing to use this on my Honda, so I guess I was wondering about how to get it into my engine for the Honda. it's a 1500cc (1992) D15-series engine. I could pull several vacuum hoses to the engine - the EGR, the idle air control valve, etc. Not sure which will work.

shelby987 05-05-2006 03:22 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
I have always used the vaccum line for my p.b. booster as it comes right off the intake, and seems to work well. As for getting it into the engine, you can let it 'sip' the stuff up the hose, but I go with the all in one shot, I rev the engine to about 2k or so, and stick the end of the hose to the level of the container that represents the amount of sea foam I want in the engine (was thinking, it might be easier to use a funnel of some sort, and pour it into the intake, but I have never tried that).
I wait 5-8 mins, fire it up, and give it several good high rpm revs to get the carbon loosened up a bit more, after that, I just let it idle for 5-10 mins to ensure I have burned off whatever is left. Don't worry, you will get a LOT of smoke, I believe that a decent amount of it is due to buring off the sea foam itself, not all carbon deposits.....but you can't argue with results.

Orange 05-05-2006 03:46 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!

Originally Posted by shifty
This directly contradicts what is listed at their website and a couple of sites on the web that say this is a "fix" for faulty EGR valves.

I'm actually needing to use this on my Honda, so I guess I was wondering about how to get it into my engine for the Honda. it's a 1500cc (1992) D15-series engine. I could pull several vacuum hoses to the engine - the EGR, the idle air control valve, etc. Not sure which will work.

That was my thoughts at first...
But then I sort of considered it a little. It COULD make sense.

EGR is just the Ex. Gas Recir., so it gets the junk through it anyhow.
The O2 sensor is just reading the air flowing by it normally, and it's an "electical" part pretty much so when you dump the junk on it, it could foul it up.

Not saying I believe this theory as the gospel, but I have read that. I didn't make it up - but have read it from several other people with Seafoam Experience. There is really nothing to clean in the O2 sensor though - it either works, or it doesn't (since it is a code sender).

Make any sense?

Guess I am in partial agreement with you though.

shelby987 05-05-2006 04:55 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
could always pull the o2 sensor when you put the sea foam in to avoid fouling it at all (pull it, and leave the wire connected, just keep it outside of the exhaust).

farmtruckIII 05-05-2006 05:13 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
I use it in my chain saw, and worn out 94 GMC it brings them both back to life every time!

shifty 05-05-2006 09:41 PM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
hey shelby - i don't think it's the car burning the Seafoam that causes the smoke - if that was the case, you'd smoke like hell when directly applying the stuff to the engine through a vacuum hose. the smoking doesn't start until you have left the stuff sitting in there and it has a chance to eat away the carbon deposit - i am pretty sure the smoke is the carbon deposits being incinerated.

anyway, i googled for "seafoam honda" and found so many 12+ page threads talking about the incredible results from this, so i went ahead and did it tonight.

my '92 civic has 180k+miles on it. it runs pretty well. i slowly poured 1/3 in through the power brake vacuum hose (sucked it right up) using a plastic measuring cup. i basically dumped the last little bit in to choke out the engine entirely. then i poured 1/3 into the crank case, then the last 1/3 into the tank on about a half tank of gas.

i waited about 15 minutes, backed the car away from the garage (pushed it) and fired it up. HOLY SMOKE, literally, smoke everywhere, my neighbor came out and asked if everything was OK, thought the house was on fire. :lol:

well, after i pegged the gas several times over the next couple minutes, i noticed i have an exhaust leak! smoke was coming out where the manifold meets the cat! this explains a noise i've been trying to find. the car was running rough, it was necessary to kick up the idle to keep it running while it was tossing smoke.

well, then i did as others suggested and drove around in the car for about 5-10 minutes to burn the rest out. got the car back home again and parked it, pulled the negative battery terminal to clear the ECU, then did some yard work. came back about a half hour later and reattached the cable, started it up, it idles a little better now, still have misfires when the engine is cold (hoped this would fix it - assumed it was a stuck/floating exhaust valve), but i'll be damned if the car doesn't respond better to the throttle. like - seriously - much better throttle response. no more sluggishness when i hit the gas.

now, if i can just figure out what the hell is causing this misfire :mad: i was reading on the container you can mix this stuff 50/50 with gasoline and soak your injectors in it to clear them out, so i'm thinkin about doing that in case it's actually my injectors. gotta change my oil soon now too, so looks like that will be a sunday or monday job.

curious to see what the car will feel like after sitting over the weekend and letting more of that stuff soak in - also, wondering how it will act after burning through this tank of gas.

Broken_down? 05-06-2006 02:54 AM

Re: Wow, I can't believe it worked so well!
I to used the Lucas for my taurus tranny. Stuff makes a difference. I put some of the lucas in the fuel and car ran so bad for about 15 minutues. It was shifting so bad I thought my tranny was going bad. But resolved itself a few minutes later. I have read sea foam is really good. After reading this post I am going to buy some tomorrow. Most are saying to leave it sit for 15 minutes. What I am getting from this is that it eats more of the carbon build up? If this is the case why not leave it for a few hours or even over night? would this harm the engine or just give it more time to clean? I have 4 O2's so I might pull them and run it that way. This post should be sticky IMO.


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