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N2TRUX 07-23-2006 08:53 PM

What did you get done?
I left Friday morning for a weekend in San Antonio. I spent Friday at my state associations trade show. Friday night I went to the Rain Forest cafe and relaxed with family and friends.

Saturday we went to Seaworld and spent the day. Even though it was 98 degrees the humidity was low and there was enough of a breeze that it wasn't "too" hot.

During the pre-show entertainment part of one show the clown like character fill his hat with water and puts it on my head. I get a gallon of ice cold water on my head, which felt good at first. Then I remembered that this is "salt" water and discover how sticky it feels as it drying.

Oh well, my daughter and wife laughed till they had tears so I guess it was worth it...:rolleyes:

What did you get done?

67chevy2wd 07-23-2006 09:19 PM

Re: What did you get done?
Got the motor back into my 91 Beretta, that is not a fun job. But it is in and the hard part is over. Hopfuly tomorrow I will see if it starts.

Grande Rojo 07-23-2006 09:48 PM

Re: What did you get done?
Picked up my new 355 engine today for my 86' swb I bought a few months ago. Goodbye to the 305 and in with the 400hp 355:metal:

I've been working so much the last 7 months (opened new store)that I have not got any thing done to my stepside.

Gary 07-23-2006 10:29 PM

Re: What did you get done?
Went to Lowe's and got parts and tools to start painting my 72, and dropped by advance and found they had the tubing I need to (hopefully) repair the windshield washer so they actually wet the window again (this if on the 85).

bigblock73 07-23-2006 10:46 PM

Re: What did you get done?
I busted my butt doing home renovations this weekend...and the previous couple weekends as well. :( To sum it up, I put in seven new windows, finished building a new 10x12 shed, tore down the old shed that was clinging onto the back of our garage, removed all the siding from the house and garage, replaced some facia boards, had the house sided (paid to have that done) replaced the garage window...blocked off the other, tore off the garage roof and replaced some bad wood (THAT sucked let me tell you!) more I am sure I am forgetting. I still have to shingle the garage roof, build and install the entension jambs for the house windows, stain the new windows, paint a few exterior wood pieces the new house color...along with the gas and electric units. I am tired to say the least, but is is worth it ten fold!

Yeller has been sitting and watching...waiting for some attention. :(

SanitysBane 07-23-2006 11:35 PM

Re: What did you get done?
Changed the oil in my '85 Buick Le Sabre. Call me crazy but I decided to build 13, instead of a restro '70 Chevelle. The Chevelle will always be around though, and I don't have the funds to do both. So now I am searching for some paint to use on the frame, my painter gave his word on one kind, and I can't find it anywere, may wind up letting him spray it.

AspecialZ 07-23-2006 11:44 PM

Re: What did you get done?
Did some work on the 41 sedan, finished the trunk floor and installed the bear latch kit from auto Loc, I can't make up my mind if I'm happy with it or not, guess we'll see. I fired up the 74 stepper this weekend with it's new headers and wires. Had a buddy come over to the shop to discuss the installaton of an X-pipe exhaust system. I put the sound proofing material in through out last week, finished up on Saturday. Guess we'll start again fresh next weekend. I feel a sick day coming on :barf: :lol:

Eyegore 07-24-2006 12:28 AM

Re: What did you get done?
Helped my son sand so more on his 78 k10, also picked up a engine hoist off craigslist for $35 - score!

79BIG10 07-24-2006 01:52 AM

Re: What did you get done?
I worked all weekend but was able to see some guys and their wives I haven't seen in years. One was from home from Bosnia for 2 weeks so we all headed over there and partied. Tomorrow I'll be trying to refire the Blazer up. It is only supposed to be 98F. :rolleyes:

SSC's76 07-24-2006 10:43 AM

Re: What did you get done?
Nothing truck related but the flywheel is sure acting like it's missing a few teeth. Sucks because it's not that old.

Droped over my brothers house and picked up his old 54" TV. It wouldent work with his new TV provider some bs about the sound going out. Works great for me and it was free.

Spent the rest of the weekend searching for a motorcycle. Havent had any luck there since I'm not willing to pay $800 more then the bikes worth espcially if it doesent run or needs a new front end. :crazy:

Slonaker 07-24-2006 10:46 AM

Re: What did you get done?
I had a busy weekend with a bunch of committments. I tried getting the alternator tested on my Camry, but the parts store guys can't figure it out. They don't follow the directions on their testing machine, but still tell me mine is bad. To make sure they don't sell me a $70 part because they don't know what they are doing, I have them test the new part. It shows up as bad, too. I don't know if they are idiots, or if their parts are as bad as mine. The results:

One tested on car, said alt has bad diode and battery is good

One tested battery in cars, says it is bad. I point out he has the tester hooked up wrong, he then says battery is good.

One tested alt off car, says diodes okay but alt is bad

One tested off car, says diode good but alt bad

One tested off car, seemed to actually understand how to use the machine, says alternator is good

These people drive me nuts!

I also washed and dried the Toyota and the truck.


Ric83 07-24-2006 12:21 PM

Re: What did you get done?
Well, spent Saturday at the Texas Heat Wave, waiting to see how much of it I could enjoy before my wife went into labor, but she made it thru the whole thing. Actually, she hasn't gone into labor yet. :crazy: lol. It was fun. Not really a whole lot of nice cars or trucks out this year for some reason. It was kool to see a NBS Z71 win the tug-o-war though!! :metal: Spent Sunday walking all day again to see if she would have the baby then, but still nothing. I guess he/she is just too comfortable in there. lol.

Edit: BTW Slonaker, I really like that pic of your truck.

Slonaker 07-24-2006 12:42 PM

Re: What did you get done?

Originally Posted by Ric83
Edit: BTW Slonaker, I really like that pic of your truck.

Thanks. It looks better in photos than it does in person. :) The paint is in pretty bad shape.

Good luck with the baby thing!


EJC78 07-24-2006 01:36 PM

Re: What did you get done?
I dropped a zz4 motor in my 60 Impala started converting the steering to a 605 gear box. Ordered disc brakes all the way around, and ordered some Coddington Furry's as well. I havent done much on the truck latley but as soon as the Impala parts come in and I install them its back to work on the TRUCK!!

Pickles 07-24-2006 02:03 PM

Re: What did you get done?
I had a busy weekend and didn't get anything done on the suburban:whine:

First I had to work saturday , then the old man had me 15 dozen ears of corn to cut off ,cook and freeze, when I got off work. Man was I tired too.

Got up sunday morning and took my mother, my grandkids and myself to church. When I got back home my son and his girlfriend had picked the garden. So I made 18 jars of HOT Salsa and 18 jars of ripe tomato ketchup.

After work today I have enough stuff left I'm going to make green tomato ketchup.

Then I will hopefully get to start back working on the suburban tomorrow after work. :hm:

wow this is making me old ;) hehe

Slonaker 07-24-2006 04:25 PM

Re: What did you get done?
I don't know what green tomato ketchup is, Pickles, but you're making me hungry! :)


kdubaz 07-25-2006 12:22 PM

Re: What did you get done?
This is my first post here in a long time, so here's what I did.

Bought a truck.

'81 Chevy shortbed. $1200.

The super cool tailgate it came with - and it worked believe it or not.

Stock interior. Lots of stuff to replace, and I've got to figure out why the bench won't go back the extra 3" or so.

305/400 Combo, runs great, just needs a new throttle cable - it's sticking.

And since this is kinda an introduction post, here are my other two trucks:

My '04 Chevy Silverado. Channelled on 22's with a Leer shell, suede seats, etc. It's a V6 - originally purchased for a daily driver, and until I picked up the '81, it was. In fact it's at work today. Hence the license plate - "BD IDEA"

This is an old pic, but it's my '01 Sierra. Channelled on 22's, now with shaved handles, tailgate handle, taillights, suicide doors, etc. It's got the 4.8l V8 under the hood, and right now it needs a lot of work to get done, mostly bodywork.

Anyways, that's it for trucks. More info on my site,

N2TRUX 07-25-2006 11:22 PM

Re: What did you get done?
Dang Kevin you have a couple of really nice laid out rides. I love the Silverado! Keep us updated on your progress...:metal:

AspecialZ 07-25-2006 11:37 PM

Re: What did you get done?
Awsome whips...feed the disease brother!!:metal:

Crank 07-25-2006 11:38 PM

Re: What did you get done?
Well I personally didnt do anything but sit in my barracks and rest, but my girl, and her father went to Maryland for me, I'm definately marrying into this family, and picked up my '86 GMC for me. I am still stuck in Pensacola for about 2 more weeks and wanted to have the truck picked up just in case I get orders to California. But hopefully I'll get to go to NC and be a little closer to home and get to work on the GMC and maybe even get the Crewcab stripped and to the body shop, I'm gonna farm out the floors and rockers, cuz I really dont have enough time myself. But at least the '86 is in KY now.

kdubaz 07-26-2006 11:24 AM

Re: What did you get done?

Originally Posted by N2TRUX
Dang Kevin you have a couple of really nice laid out rides. I love the Silverado! Keep us updated on your progress...:metal:

Thanks guys. Right now I've got to replace the throttle cable, which I've never done before, but I'm sure I can figure it out. Then I'll get it registered and go to emissions Friday.

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