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Whynot 07-28-2006 04:59 AM

transform pics
I have not had photoshop long. And I have been trying to change the background on pictures,transform parts of diffrent pictures or maybe layered stuff. But I can not get it. About all I can do to a truck correct is to lower it.
Thanks !!!!

LONGHAIR 07-28-2006 08:51 AM

Re: transform pics
There are tons of tutorials for PhotoShop on the internet. Just google it. I would help if I could, I use PaintShopPro.

PunkyGoose 07-28-2006 10:10 AM

Re: transform pics
There are many ways to do stuff in Photoshop, it is hard to explain “how to” do stuff without seeing an example of what you are trying to accomplish. If you post a picture(s) it might be better. I am not an expert by any means but I will try and answer your questions.

Layers are like panes of glass that are lying on top of your background image. You can put different elements on different layers and manipulate them separately. Layers are your friends!

If you want to swap out a background you need to have it as the background (or at least on a lower level) and then put the element on it, on a layer on top of it. How you get it there is the big question. You need to look at the numerous selection tools available. You can use “extract”, the “magic wand”, “pen tool” or just erase! You might want to use the help in Photoshop, it is a good resource. Adobe Photoshop CS Classroom in a Book is another.

If you just want to swap a background “fast and dirty,” assuming both images are similar size – open both background image and the image with the element you want swapped in, in Photoshop. Click the “top image” select all (Ctrl A) - you should see the marching ants around the picture, copy (Ctrl C) then click on the background image, and paste (Ctrl V). Notice the layers pallet, the image you just pasted in is on a new layer on top (blocking) the background below – make certain the new layer you just pasted in is highlighted (it will be). Now just use the eraser and erase the bad background from around the element you want, and you will see the background you want appear from below.

Hope this helps – have fun.

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