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aggiedave98 08-01-2006 09:16 AM

speaker/subwoofer options
I'm pondering doing something about my stereo system in the '89 burb. What have you all done and has anybody put in a subwoofer? What about bigger front or rear speakers?? I would like to do both but don't want to take up cargo room w/ a sub.


Bad Karma 08-02-2006 11:13 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
Unfortunately, I don't have answers for you, but I am in the planning stages of the same project... I have my amps and stuff already, just working out the speaker details. I am most likely going to go with the Q-Logic kick panel pods in the front for mids and tweeters, and then throw a midbass in each front door for starters. As for subs, I'm thinking 4 12", but am probably going to try 4 15" (because I used to have a Toyota w/4 12's, and I want to see how the 15's work).

Suburbans are huge inside, with a little creative box design, the 15's will fit easily.

What are your plans?

aggiedave98 08-02-2006 11:31 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
Well, you're ahead of me... i'm just starting to think about doing something... I used to do a bunch of stereo work when I was younger, but haven't done much lately... right now I just have an older amp driving my two rear speakers and the head unit driving the 3.5" ones... I went to Fry's yesterday and was looking at how cheap the video stuff was (for pretty large monitors) and thought I might start looking to put in video...

where did you find the qlogic? I thought there were some but crutchfield said online that there are none for our years.

And where will you put your subs? I use it to haul stuff and so I wanted to have the whole area clear when I take out the 3rd row and fold down the seats... can you fit any subs under the middle row seats??

keep me in the loop when you do stuff... I'd really like to see what you're doing and it doesn't look like a bunch of folks here are doing much on their burbs for sound/video...

what year is your burb??

aggiedave98 08-02-2006 11:48 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
how do you plan on putting the speakers in the doors? has anybody done this? because the doors are so hollow I wonder if you need to put any padding in there...

Bad Karma 08-02-2006 02:07 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options

Originally Posted by aggiedave98
Well, you're ahead of me... i'm just starting to think about doing something... I used to do a bunch of stereo work when I was younger, but haven't done much lately... right now I just have an older amp driving my two rear speakers and the head unit driving the 3.5" ones... I went to Fry's yesterday and was looking at how cheap the video stuff was (for pretty large monitors) and thought I might start looking to put in video...

where did you find the qlogic? I thought there were some but crutchfield said online that there are none for our years.

And where will you put your subs? I use it to haul stuff and so I wanted to have the whole area clear when I take out the 3rd row and fold down the seats... can you fit any subs under the middle row seats??

keep me in the loop when you do stuff... I'd really like to see what you're doing and it doesn't look like a bunch of folks here are doing much on their burbs for sound/video...

what year is your burb??

I have to admit, I looked at the Q-Logic pods quite a while ago. I was going to use the QL-K1006, but I now see they are for 1978 and up... I bet they would probably still work, but I'll have to check into that I guess. There's always custom fiberglass ones! (Unfortunately, I don't know how to make anything out of fiberglass).

EDIT: I just looked at Q-Logic's instruction sheet for the QL-K1006 that I saved on my computer a while ago, and it says they fit 1973-1987 Pickup and Suburban. I'll see if I can find a recent set of instructions.

My subs are going in between the rear wheelwells, I pitched my third-row seat a long time ago. Not sure if anything will fit under the second-row seats, it would probably have to be a custom fiberglass job because of all the floor contours.

Depending on what kind of system you want, maybe you could make the box removable?

Bad Karma 08-02-2006 02:12 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options

Originally Posted by aggiedave98
how do you plan on putting the speakers in the doors? has anybody done this? because the doors are so hollow I wonder if you need to put any padding in there...

I've looked into this a little, it does involve sound-deadening installation and other stuff. You should look at some car audio sites to see how people are doing it, that's how I'm going to learn once I'm to that point. :cool:

danny7139 08-12-2006 10:57 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options

Originally Posted by Bad Karma
EDIT: I just looked at Q-Logic's instruction sheet for the QL-K1006 that I saved on my computer a while ago, and it says they fit 1973-1987 Pickup and Suburban. I'll see if I can find a recent set of instructions.

They work fine for the 91 models. They shouldn't generalize the pickups and the burbans together since the pickups went to OBS in 88 and burbs didn't change since 92. The kickpanels didn't change at all for the burbs from 87-91.

aggiedave98 08-13-2006 03:10 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
what is OBS??

87burb 08-15-2006 05:00 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
Old body style

I'm still debating on what i want to do for subs and amp, i did cut the rear speaker openings and put some 6x9's in there it sounds better for now but i need more bass and need to remove the front speakers not sure how to get into the dash tho...

aggiedave98 08-15-2006 08:38 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
Do you have any pics of your 6x9's in there?? I'd be intersted how they look.

To remove the dash you first have to take off all the gauge pieces. Then, you can remove the dash cover.

87burb 08-16-2006 12:40 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
Damn so thats going to be some work to get to those front speakers? I will take pics when i do the passenger side. I just removed the side peices, the speaker, cut the hole big enough to put the new speaker in, drilled new holes for it. replaced everything and for the cover, i just used the same old cover it fits fine.

aggiedave98 08-16-2006 12:47 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
It's really not that bad... I've taken off the "guage part" several times now... (in fact I have it off now). Taking that off only takes about 5-10 minutes w/ a cordless drill (about 10 screws). Then taking off the dash is a few more...

oh, I forgot, you have to take off the side moldings (a few more screws) to get the dash off...

but it's really not that bad, especially considering all that you did for the rear ones...

BUT, make sure your front speakers fit... look at crutchfield's info for the dimensions that will fit... I didn't and they push up on the dash...

87burb 08-16-2006 12:51 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
Okay, i was thinking about just taking the front dash speakers out and trying to figure out a way to install kick panels to replace them. Have you thought about that yet? How much were the speakers that you put in there?

aggiedave98 08-16-2006 12:55 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
Mine were pretty cheap... I thikn like $40 on clearance at crutchfield (about 4 years ago)... that's why I bought that model... they were cheap but good.

Yes, I'd love to install kick panels... just haven't found a cheap way to do it...

still want to find out of the q-logic work for sure... any prices???

if you're going to go kick panels then you coudl just snip the wires for the dash speakers instead of taking it all apart if you want...

Bad Karma 08-16-2006 06:08 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
The Q-Logic ones will work, but I have read that they are just thin ABS plastic and they cost around $150! I think custom fiberglass kickpanels are the way to go. Search the web, there's lots of how-to articles, it doesn't seem that hard, and it's alot cheaper.

aggiedave98 08-16-2006 10:58 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
it seemed like a lot of time to do it... anybody here tried it??

87burb 08-17-2006 04:22 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
After i get some cash together, i will try it and let you know.

aggiedave98 08-17-2006 08:46 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
please do!! i'm curious to see what somebody on the board has to say... i would like to do it, but it's lower on my priority list right now...

GoobersBlueBurban 08-21-2006 11:37 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
where abouts is Sugar Land texas?? I've heard of it but never knew where it was.. Fiberglass is not hard to do if you know what you are doing, and will turn out really well if you take your time and do it right..a good friend of mine does car audio and custom fiberglass pieces..aggie how far are you away from Paris Texas??

aggiedave98 08-22-2006 09:05 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
SugarLand is basically a suburb of Houston.... on the Southwest side of Houston, down 59. So, I"m about 6-7 hours from Paris I would guess. I met a couple of people from Paris in college but don't remember names...

I may have to put fiberglass on my list of suburban to do items... thanks.

GoobersBlueBurban 08-22-2006 04:53 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options way down there in south i would go fiberglass..its not hard. If a stupid ole redneck like me can do it, anyone can do it.

BeerMonkeY 08-22-2006 07:53 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
i made custom kick panels to house 6 1/2's for my burb, but then ended up in my buddies show truck (81 short box on 39.5's) i plan on making another set someday but my burb hasent seen the road in awhile. i also run 2 rockford fosgate 12" HX2's in a ported box.

Hobbs 08-23-2006 11:16 AM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
1988 sub....

I put 6x9s in the front kick panel and 6x9s in boxes and mounted them to the rear wheel wells. I do not have a 3rd seat. My concern in the rear was to keep my hauling room and did not think I had enough room in the side walls where the old speakers were. I also put an amp under the second seat.


aggiedave98 08-23-2006 02:52 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
Hobbs, do you have any pics of your speakers?? I'd like to see!

Hobbs 08-24-2006 01:02 PM

Re: speaker/subwoofer options
No problem.

It will take a few days, prob. mid next week. I am busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest right now at work.


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