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CMars45000 08-29-2006 08:05 PM

Ron Francis wiring harness?
Has anybody used the Ron Francis wiring kits for our trucks? With provisions for A/C and Power Windows?

Just looking for some input before I plop down $400+ on this harness...

The only variations my truck will have from its factory form will be power windows, Vintage Air A/C, HEI and electric fans

thanks for the input

chevybill 08-29-2006 08:14 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
you can get the painless harness for a little over 300 from summit, I think they are easier to use with our trucks part number 10206.

Shane 08-29-2006 10:06 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
go to ebay and do a search on ez2wire ... you can get a 26 circuit system for about $175 shipped.

I have helped a friend wire a 65 C10 using one of these kits and it was just as easy to install as the $450 Painless kit he and I put in a street rod project.

BigMike 08-29-2006 10:30 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
Myself, I went with the Painless setup because I liked the idea of having the firewall plug, like original, to connect the front harness to the inside main harness. Alot of the competition are hard wired together (no front or rear, all in one harness) and you have to fish the wires through the firewall and I did not like that. I think that is one reason for some of the other harness' being under $250.

I looked at the Ron Francis setup (online) as well but liked the Painless setup better, not because it was less.

Just my opinion.

BTW, I paid $379.99 for my harness, with the A/C harness kit from JEGS (free 2 day shipping).


mbgmike 08-30-2006 02:53 AM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
If you want the best made and you are not into cheap. Ron Francis makes the best harnesses in the USA. I don't care what anyone says. I sell Painless Products. Ron charges more but they are the best. If you want the best buy from ron francis . If you want a great product buy a Painless Product. We sell them but you can purchase them from many companies. I will always stand behind Ron Francis Wireworks, They are the Best.

BigMike 08-30-2006 03:07 AM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?

Originally Posted by mbgmike (Post 1793549)
If you want the best made and you are not into cheap. Ron Francis makes the best harnesses in the USA. I don't care what anyone says. I sell Painless Products. Ron charges more but they are the best. If you want the best buy from ron francis . If you want a great product buy a Painless Product. We sell them but you can purchase them from many companies. I will always stand behind Ron Francis Wireworks, They are the Best.

What makes them so much more superior? Wire? Connections? Name?


mbgmike 08-30-2006 03:23 AM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
That was a quick reply One thing I like is the connections. You just push them on an then screw them on ,one handed. Real easy they just click them on. Any one that can chew gum can understand their directions. I don't need them but a person that can't wire up a truck can follow Ron's. Painless is a Good product but Rons In My Opinion is easier to Intall , Plus I like the s/stl housing. Its worth the money. You can switch from battery hot real easy by a flip of the switch. i will stand behind their Products

BigMike 08-30-2006 03:27 AM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
When I was doing my research I saw nothing about them that made me want to spend the extra $$$ on them, then again I have never seen the setup in person.


Shane 08-30-2006 09:21 AM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?

Originally Posted by big.mike (Post 1793432)
Myself, I went with the Painless setup because I liked the idea of having the firewall plug, like original, to connect the front harness to the inside main harness. Alot of the competition are hard wired together (no front or rear, all in one harness) and you have to fish the wires through the firewall and I did not like that. I think that is one reason for some of the other harness' being under $250.

I looked at the Ron Francis setup as well but liked the Painless setup better, not because it was less.

Just my opinion.

BTW, I paid $379.99 for my harness, with the A/C harness kit from JEGS (free 2 day shipping).


No disrespect, but is the firewall "plug" really worth $215?

68 short step 08-30-2006 10:18 AM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?

Originally Posted by Shane (Post 1793617)
No disrespect, but is the firewall "plug" really worth $215?

not only the firewall plug, but already mostly put together (plugs, terminal ends, etc...)
so IMO i'd say yes..

61corv 08-30-2006 12:03 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
Try call them they are great.

BubbaGreen 08-30-2006 12:21 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
Anyone have pictures of the ron francis version? I have used painless and really like the quality, the hi-temp TXL wires make this a very nice harness, not to mention the firewall mounted fusebox w/bulkhead style pass-thru.

68 short step 08-30-2006 12:28 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?

Originally Posted by 68 short step (Post 1793646)
not only the firewall plug, but already mostly put together (plugs, terminal ends, etc...)
so IMO i'd say yes..

BTW i was talkin about painless.......... i too wanna know why ron's product is superior

Shane 08-30-2006 12:45 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
Forget Francis's kit ... I wanna know why Painless is $215 better than ez2wire's kit.

I still don't see it.

68 short step 08-30-2006 12:55 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
ez2wire---- 175$
painless (without a/c harness)----320
diffrence of 145$$ not 215$$$
ez on you have to crimp the headlights plugs, one continues wire underhood to cabin (harder to trouble shoot), cut to lenght wires, etc...
painless pre cut to length, plugs already attached, has plug to firewall, etc..
thats just MO so keep the $$ and get what makes you happy
thats what i'd do

Shane 08-30-2006 02:45 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
Go back and do your math again.


BTW, I paid $379.99 for my harness, with the A/C harness kit from JEGS (free 2 day shipping).
ez2wire = $149.00 + $16 shipping = $166
Painless = $379.00 (from Jeg's with AC)
Difference = $213

One continuous wire is "harder to trouble shoot?" How so? The less wire one has to contend with the easier it is to find a problem spot.

If NOT crimping a couple of wires is "Painless" then I would say you spent your money well. Hell, I will crimp a few wires all day long for $200. :haha:

This has turned into a pissin' contest ... not what I intended, just wanted to show that there are less expensive ways to do the same job.

Not sure about ya'll, but I could sure use that extra $200 on something else.


thats just MO so keep the $$ and get what makes you happy
thats what i'd do
I did. :cool:

BigMike 08-30-2006 04:18 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?

Originally Posted by Shane (Post 1793778)
Go back and do your math again.

ez2wire = $149.00 + $16 shipping = $166
Painless = $379.00 (from Jeg's with AC)
Difference = $21

One continuous wire is "harder to trouble shoot?" How so? The less wire one has to contend with the easier it is to find a problem spot.

If NOT crimping a couple of wires is "Painless" then I would say you spent your money well. Hell, I will crimp a few wires all day long for $200. :haha:

This has turned into a pissin' contest ... not what I intended, just wanted to show that there are less expensive ways to do the same job.

Not sure about ya'll, but I could sure use that extra $200 on something else.

I did. :cool:

No pissing match here. I just wanted to have a nice looking bulkhead that connected the front harness to the fuse block, I did not care for the fact that I had to run the harness through the firewall (within a rubber grommet). I did not want to have to weld up the square hole that the original harness went through, it was much easier to just modify the existing hole to fit the painless kit through.

It all comes down to personal preference. I prefered to have the 2 piece bulkhead instead of 1 continuous harness. I saw the Painless setup, EZ2wire, GEM and another brand (I cannot remember the name), at the Pomona Swap meet about a year ago (all were displayed on a plywood background). I felt that the painless was a better setup and I liked it better, that is why I chose Painless. If Ron Francis had their setup on display or if I had seen one, installed or not...maybe my choice would have been them. Who Knows. For me it was not a money thing, I just wanted a quality product and I just did not see that in the EZ2wire or GEM (almost identical) products.

My opinion :)


Shane 08-30-2006 05:41 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
My last reply wasn't directed at you big guy.

68 short step 08-30-2006 06:40 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?

Originally Posted by Shane (Post 1793778)
Go back and do your math again.

ez2wire = $149.00 + $16 shipping = $166
Painless = $379.00 (from Jeg's with AC)
Difference = $21

One continuous wire is "harder to trouble shoot?" How so? The less wire one has to contend with the easier it is to find a problem spot.

If NOT crimping a couple of wires is "Painless" then I would say you spent your money well. Hell, I will crimp a few wires all day long for $200. :haha:

This has turned into a pissin' contest ... not what I intended, just wanted to show that there are less expensive ways to do the same job.

Not sure about ya'll, but I could sure use that extra $200 on something else.

I did. :cool:

lets say you have a short (tail light fuse is blowing when you put it in) trouble shoot it easier by unplugging it at the firewall ,now you have broken it down.... if the fuse is still popin you know its inside the cab, if not its on the outside..... why do you get so upset? are you the inventer of ez2wire,did you get a new crimping tool, and take up crimping as a hobby, painless blow you off at some show????? no need to cry its just wires....right?
check your math too!!!

BigMike 08-30-2006 07:14 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?

Originally Posted by Shane (Post 1793890)
My last reply wasn't directed at you big guy.

No worries, I was only explaining my decision to go with the Painless setup. Not that I have to explain my decision, just that it may help others to know what it was that made me go with Painless. I have never dealt with the other wiring harness manufacturers so I can only pass on what I have seen, researched and purchased.

Every person has their own budget and what they feel is more important to them. It is true that EZ2wire, Ron Francis, Painless, GEM and the others serve the same completely wire a vehicle. Where they all seem to differ is in the fuse block, connectors and instructions (some even use smaller wires). If I were building a Hot Rod or going with a completely shaved firewall, then maybe the EZ2wire product would have been a better fit for me.

I would still like to see one of our trucks with the Ron Francis kit to see what they look like. I have seen them in the pictures on their site but that is it. When I had called them (twice) nearly a year ago and asked them if the fuse block had the firewall bulkhead, she did not know and I was supposed to get a call back and never did. Then I had asked the board if they have any experiences in wiring harness' and thats where painless came in and my reseach began.

I think Painless is the most/best advertised harness on the market. Maybe that is why so many people use them, plus word of mouth goes a long ways. I think that plays a big part of the guy doing his first wiring project. He wants an easy wiring job with little to no hangups, a familiar name that he has heard around gearheads.

Sorry to have all these book sized responses :crazy:


BigMike 08-30-2006 07:17 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?

Originally Posted by 68 short step (Post 1793911)
lets say you have a short (tail light fuse is blowing when you put it in) trouble shoot it easier by unplugging it at the firewall ,now you have broken it down.... if the fuse is still popin you know its inside the cab, if not its on the outside..... why do you get so upset? are you the inventer of ez2wire,did you get a new crimping tool, and take up crimping as a hobby, painless blow you off at some show????? no need to cry its just wires....right?
check your math too!!!

C'mon guys, lets not get too carried away here. It is a discussion, lets keep it at that before it gets locked. The original question of this thread has gotten lost in this mess, lets get back on track (yes, I too am guilty)

Sorry CMars45000...just some very passionate people on the board, we just sometimes forget what we're passionate about :lol:

Lets get back to the Ron Francis question...


Here is the pic on their site of the 67 up Chevy Truck kit

I just recently found this - Firewall mounting block

And the different panels

68 short step 08-30-2006 07:24 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
1,2,3,4,5,6 ok im better..... i still wanna see ron's harness....

Shane 08-30-2006 07:31 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
:haha: I love how folks always resort to personal attacks when they can't prove a point.

P.S. This is not directed at you big.mike. I totally understand your point and your right, you don't have to justify your choice. I was only pointing out that the same thing can be accomplished for less money. Nothing more. Nothing less.

chevybill 08-30-2006 09:35 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?
This happens almost everytime I purchase something for my truck. I do a search and find nothing but positives about a proudct. Then I make a decision and a purchase and the "great debate" begins. At any rate, I have the painless kit for my truck.

68 short step 08-30-2006 10:53 PM

Re: Ron Francis wiring harness?

Originally Posted by Shane (Post 1793941)
:haha: I love how folks always resort to personal attacks when they can't prove a point.

P.S. This is not directed at you big.mike. I totally understand your point and your right, you don't have to justify your choice. I was only pointing out that the same thing can be accomplished for less money. Nothing more. Nothing less.

point was proven ( but probably refering to yourself, for not being able to prove the point:haha: :flm:)..... now that i see his work (function may be great) id say for sure go with painless (looks way cleaner)

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