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N2TRUX 12-03-2006 09:26 PM

What did you get done? 12/03
I had a great weekend even though I didn't actually work on my trucks. Friday night a spent a couple of hours getting my Christmas lights on separate circuits so I wouldn't throw a breaker every time I turned them on.

Then I detailed my wife's 03 Denali, and my 06 Crew cab. I was too worn out so I got up early Saturday morning and finished my crew cab my 77 Cheyenne before my buddy came in town. At 9:15 n2billet showed up with is family and he and I took off to meet up with a few other buddies. We went to a hot rod benefit for a buddy of ours that broke his leg and been off work for over a year. We had a great time seeing old friends, eating bar-b-que and checking out the hot-rods.

Today I went to my daughters first volleyball tournament of the season. They played well, but ran up against a bigger taller team in the semi finals and placed third....:cool:

What did you get done?

bgangsta999 12-03-2006 09:33 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
Let's see... Well I worked Saturday morning out at the airfield then sold my 72 chevy c-10. Trust me, I was sad as my baby drove off for Florida. It hurt to see my first one go:( But hey I know have a 71 shorbed project that I'll be starting a build thread for!! Woo! Sunday didn't do too much watched football with a couple of my soldiers, and now I'm back out at work on the airfield. This coming weekend I'll be pretty busy starting my new project!

magnethead 12-03-2006 09:37 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
Friday i worked on posters for our FCA, saturday a friend of mine and I carried our FCA banner while the rest of the group rode in the float behind us in the city parade, today i sat around and tinkered with making my switch panel base.

pcmcobra 12-03-2006 09:46 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
did not do a whole lot.
Fired up the snapper and bagged(mowed) the front yard. Much easier than a rake :)
Contemplated future options for my truck. I am set on buying my wheels/tires first. Just can't decide on what kind of motor...
Buy a zz4 crate motor, or something similar.
jump into an lq9 6.0 liter and prepare for some LONG weekends and nights...
decisions, decisions.

greens69 12-03-2006 10:10 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
1 Attachment(s)
Well didn't really work on any cars or trucks this weekend... But just bought and got home with a 1984 GMC SWB.. red/black. Will put up a better picture later this is all that I have now..

dswancutt 12-03-2006 10:58 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
Finally fixed the damn turn signal switch on my 78 k10 after 7 years of fighting a bad wire that would leave me without turn signals, brake lights, rear lights or a combinational of all of the above. Everything works and is bright. This allowed me to finally put the bottom cover back under the steering column. Had to rob it off my red parts truck as I cannot find the original one in the garage.

cliffsta 12-03-2006 11:11 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03

Pretty much sums up what I did this weekend and last. Otherwise, getting ready for finals over the next week or so, writing two huge English essays. Trying to get some more hours up at work, hopefully can make the big bucks this holiday.

EJC78 12-03-2006 11:11 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
5 Attachment(s)
I worked on my SBC I installed a performer rpm air gap thunder avs 800cfm both endurashine. I also installed a March pulley set up. I'll post better pics later.

texan1186 12-04-2006 12:14 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
1 Attachment(s)
I spent all day saturday workin on the truck. i got the c notches welded in and the leaf springs flipped, tied up the loose ends on the electic fans, and cleaned out the interior. Next week ill start on the fuel injection but for now i get to polish those supid wheels:whine:

bigblock73 12-04-2006 12:16 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
I started my 1 piece window install on Saturday afternoon, went and got a new (to me) tailgate for Yeller, stopped by the body shop to check progress on the bed, and later in the evening went out with some family members to celebrate my 33rd b-day. Sunday, did house chores, tinkered a little more with the 1 piece windows, then did some dry wall work on the house windows in preperation for new inside trim.

79Silv4x4 12-04-2006 12:34 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03

Originally Posted by bigblock73 (Post 1924854)
I started my 1 piece window install on Saturday afternoon, went and got a new (to me) tailgate for Yeller, stopped by the body shop to check progress on the bed, and later in the evening went out with some family members to celebrate my 33rd b-day. Sunday, did house chores, tinkered a little more with the 1 piece windows, then did some dry wall work on the house windows in preperation for new inside trim.

You by chance doing a detailed write up on the 1 piece install? I'm curious how well it goes. . .

ks147j111928 12-04-2006 12:38 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
3 Attachment(s)
Actually got to work on MY project! Dang electric grinder broke halfway through the day, just got it a week ago! Flippin' Cornwell...:(

Attachment 228645
Finally got the driver's rocker on... shoulda put the cab corner on first. Crapola.

Attachment 228646
Had to bust out the parts truck to tear up the snow a little... you like the hillclimb tires?:metal:

Attachment 228647
I love welding.

bigblock73 12-04-2006 01:01 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03

Originally Posted by 79Silv4x4 (Post 1924976)
You by chance doing a detailed write up on the 1 piece install? I'm curious how well it goes. . .

Yessir. :)

ocbaud 12-04-2006 01:08 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
i aint done 1 thing to the truck. it and the mustang have been parked in the garage since Wednesday from all the snow and ice here.

but, the week before that, i did do some stuff :)

i fixed the leaking tranny cooler lines(actually need to get ride of the crappy rubber hose and hose clamps and get some decent fittings and braided lines).

Low84 12-04-2006 01:14 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03

Originally Posted by texan1186 (Post 1924847)
I spent all day saturday workin on the truck. i got the c notches welded in and the leaf springs flipped, tied up the loose ends on the electic fans, and cleaned out the interior. Next week ill start on the fuel injection but for now i get to polish those supid wheels:whine:

Sweet truck! Is it bagged?


Originally Posted by pcmcobra (Post 1924198)
did not do a whole lot.
Fired up the snapper and bagged(mowed) the front yard. Much easier than a rake :)
Contemplated future options for my truck. I am set on buying my wheels/tires first. Just can't decide on what kind of motor...
Buy a zz4 crate motor, or something similar.
jump into an lq9 6.0 liter and prepare for some LONG weekends and nights...
decisions, decisions.

Which ever on is great but a friend of mine jus got done with his 5.3 swap into an 87 chevy and that thing hauls. Ran a mid 13 second pass the night of this vid. I can just imagine a warmed over 6.0

Too bad the camera kept going out of focus.

Bri87swb 12-04-2006 03:28 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
Friday night I finished installing crown in my basement and put some finishing touches on a mantel taht I built. Then I set up a saltwater aquarium (I must have needed another expensive hobby :lol: ).

Saturday I spent some time at the pet store trying to figure out what the hell I was doing. $400 later I had the gravel, rock, salt, and test kits that I needed to get started. Now the tank cycling begins and so does the waiting period. With nothing left to do with the tank, I wired some outside lights and cleaned the garage.

Today we had our nephews over and watched Cars. Basically sat around all day playing with the kids and having fun.

SSC's76 12-04-2006 08:38 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
Dident do too much since all the snow has put a damper on everything. I did finally got another tailgate on my truck took it off my donor box. 80+ tailgate so I had to switch all the hardware to get it to work.

I also figured since there was a good amount of ice and snow I'd teach my little sis how to drive on the snow. She did really well with the subaru but I cant have her thinking all cars drive like that in the ice and snow.

N2TRUX 12-04-2006 08:53 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03

Originally Posted by greens69
Well didn't really work on any cars or trucks this weekend... But just bought and got home with a 1984 GMC SWB.. red/black. Will put up a better picture later this is all that I have now..

I see your going to jump in on the 73-87 trend too. Looks like you got a clean starter truck. What's the plans?

greens69 12-04-2006 09:07 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03

Originally Posted by N2TRUX (Post 1925712)
I see your going to jump in on the 73-87 trend too. Looks like you got a clean starter truck. What's the plans?

Thanks it is not too bad of a truck.....Nothing major...just wheels and lower it... and drive it to work..

N2TRUX 12-04-2006 09:27 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03

Originally Posted by greens69;
Thanks it is not too bad of a truck.....Nothing major...just wheels and lower it... and drive it to work..

Yeah, that's what I said about my Blazer...;) Get some better pics.

Where were you on Saturday?

texan1186 12-04-2006 11:13 AM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
[QUOTE=Low84;1925187]Sweet truck! Is it bagged?QUOTE]

yea the front is bagged and it was at ride height in the pic, the back is static but if i can find someone to dearch the springs or something i will do an air over leaf type setup.

82c10 12-04-2006 03:46 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
nothin truck related, i am thinking about working on it though, more into mustangs now though

bodydropped 12-04-2006 04:04 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
well my weekend started off ruff thur night i was comin home from school and i was doin 70 when the left rear decided to fall off the truck i was scared shtless had my dad come out btch at me then get the truck to work were we put new studs and new lug nuts and it dented my brand new bed that i went and picked up

fri headed off to tyler for a carshow were a buddy from naples,fl and gulf coast alabama followed me up there when i got there the restriction on my throttle blade broke off and made my throttle hang up

sat judged the show i got to judge both the red and black and the blue and silver c-10 from hills they had there highs and there lows the black truck interior is almost perfect to me the 1 peice windows lookk decent but the weather strippin looked like butt on the outside the bed in my opinion would of look better without the hole in the bed floor for the fuel cell the silver look nice but the paint was perfect just one part i didnt like but other than that they did top notch job on them

sun about frooze to death and waited for awards which the black c-10 won best of show

84 400 12-04-2006 04:37 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
wow cool stuff guys! i did check out a jeep but that was about it. looking to get back into four wheeling but man them jeep guys are so full of them selves. So i been lurking on there forms gaining as much info as i can on thme. planning on a daily driver / weekend wheeler for my little brother. fix it up and give it to him. any ways EJC& that motor looks sweet! Greens69 welcome to the boxy years. that truck looks really clean good luck with it

Captkaos 12-04-2006 05:30 PM

Re: What did you get done? 12/03
Friday I got my one piece windows for my project truck. It came to my house not the shop, so... I also got all the bushings on the Jimmy removed and hopefull will be moving to the removal of the Fuel lines to the installation of the EFI lines.

Saturday we went floor shopping and Sunday I for some reason had the urge to pull up the carpet from my Dining room.

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