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Tycoon4u 03-19-2007 11:32 AM

paint reaction please help ???
I painted the top of my cab w/white oil based enamal and found 1 goobered spot on the window post. I sanded it smooth but every time I try to primer the small bare metal spots it softens and blisters the white paint. I've tried both enamal and laquer primer. The white goes on fine over the dry primer but when I spray primer over the bare spots it reacts with the white next to it while wet. Any input would be appreciated.:crazy:

thanks, Dale

Tycoon4u 03-19-2007 12:03 PM

Re: paint reaction please help ???
anybody? TTT

49studebaker 03-19-2007 04:33 PM

Re: paint reaction please help ???
I didn't know anyone used oil based paint on vehicles, but if your primers, etc are compatible I wouldn't know what would cause that. I'll be watching this post 'cuz the answer will be interesting. Good Luck.

EZ4U2C 03-19-2007 04:51 PM

Re: paint reaction please help ???
It could be one of two problems:

1. You may not have the area your reprimering feathered enough. If you leave a hard edge the thinner will cause the paint to lift.

2. The primer solvent my be to strong for the oil base paint.

Let the oil base dry for a good amount. Like a day or two Then resand it and feather it out good. Then when you put your primer back on put it on in a lot of dry coats not real wet. See if this will work

19673ontree 03-19-2007 05:03 PM

Re: paint reaction please help ???
this is a typical problem I'll tell you how to take care of it , you just need to DRY spray it , what you will need is
#1 one warm day
#2 some laquer primer as you already said you had
#3 sand and clean the area you are having problem with
#4 adjust the trigger stop on your paintgun till it put's out more air than paint ,
#5 hold your paintgun far far away from the area and spray the primer at it with the primer drying as fast as it hit's very faintly ,
#6 you can repeat this till you have a nice cover of dry primer on the area , it can then be painted over , that's how I take care of that ,
if you have some urethane primer you can put a very very very light dry coat of it on last to seal the area ,

RustyParts 03-19-2007 05:33 PM

Re: paint reaction please help ???
I believe the laquer thinner in the primer is causing the problem, I'm assuming you're using automotive primer and paint and not a rattle can. The solvent is getting under the enamel and causing it to lift.

meathead95 03-19-2007 06:47 PM

Re: paint reaction please help ???
maybe there is some kind of oil contaminate in the metal like a finger print or something try whiping it down with white vinigar and do it again

Tycoon4u 03-24-2007 11:47 AM

Re: paint reaction please help ???
It still did it after several days drying. I think 67 3ontree has it pegged, I'll try that. Should have pics posted soon when I get the cab done.
thanks for the replys.

EAST SIDE LOW LIFE 03-24-2007 12:30 PM

Re: paint reaction please help ???

Originally Posted by Tycoon4u (Post 2082971)
I painted the top of my cab w/white oil based enamal and found 1 goobered spot on the window post. I sanded it smooth but every time I try to primer the small bare metal spots it softens and blisters the white paint. I've tried both enamal and laquer primer. The white goes on fine over the dry primer but when I spray primer over the bare spots it reacts with the white next to it while wet. Any input would be appreciated.:crazy:

thanks, Dale


The rule is that you can spray enamel over laquer but not laquer over enamel as it will react! You point out that you have tried to use both laquer & enamel primers. The area you are working on is now contaminated and as a result your getting a reaction. First off use a compatible primer, enamel in this case as your finish coat is enamel. You will have to likely sand and prep the piller over and blend it into the roof. Trying to keep the area just confined to where the problem is will not get rid of the various primers that you have used.

Did you purchase your products from a body shop supplier as they are pretty knowledgable people and would only be too glad to help you.

More info. on the type of paint products would be of help to pin point this problem down to it's source. Can you post the product names and who supplied them as this would be a great help to solving this.


19673ontree 03-24-2007 12:38 PM

Re: paint reaction please help ???
the amount of time has not got anything to do with it , if it drie's for a hundred year's it would still do it , if you try it like I said above it will fix the problem and one more thing that I forgot to mention is that if you push whatever you are working on outside in the sun the primer will dry as fast as it hit's the area !!
let us know how you do , am getting my cab ready to paint right now too ,,

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