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SLIMJIM 04-03-2007 06:06 PM

Jimmy problem......
Someone help me out '75 Jimmy has a problem. I had a new carb put on it about a year ago. It flooded, caught fire, and I put it out immediately. Just the carb burned and a few plug wires, (that I know of). Any ways, fast forward to now.... I put another carb on it, it runs better than ever, but there is a problem....when I went to pick it up, I got in cranked it over a few times, turned the key and starter, no lights nothing, whole truck dead. We wiggled a few wires, and bam cranked right up. Did it for the second time last night, again, no nothing. Tapped on a few wires and cranked up. It aint the key switch or neutral safety switch because that wouldn't cause the lights to not come on, or would it? Voltage regulator? Fuse block? (All the fuses in the block underdash were ok) Fusible link somewhere? The truck has never had this problem. I figured if it was a loose wire somewhere, then why wouldn't the truck just die when I hit a bump or something riding down the road?

It's a little embarrasing too, becuase I just gave the truck to a friend of mine who needs some transportation, so I need to fix it pronto.....any input would be great. Thanks.


tvblazer78 04-03-2007 10:00 PM

Re: Jimmy problem......
Clean your battery cables and check your ground off your motor to the frame. Some times your battery cables do some funny things. So do that first. And let us know if that fix it.

Jonboy 04-04-2007 12:17 PM

Re: Jimmy problem......
There is a fusable link that goes from the bulkhead on the firewall to the starter. That is most likely the culprit.

SLIMJIM 04-04-2007 06:13 PM

Re: Jimmy problem......
Didnt think about the ground, but I will check that. I cleaned the positive terminal the first day it happened. I figured that might be the problem too Jonboy. Gonna check both...will let you know.....Thanks.


SLIMJIM 04-05-2007 05:54 PM

Re: Jimmy problem......
Got some info today about the fusible link....if it is busted, the vehicle wont crank at all, so since after fiddling with a few wires and it cranks, it probably isnt the fusible link. Damn. I cleaned the terminals again and the ground to the top of the alt bracket.....gonna keep looking.....any more suggestions give a holler.


Jonboy 04-05-2007 06:20 PM

Re: Jimmy problem......
Jim, you might want to post this in the pickup section. Pretty much the same vehicle, but with a lot more traffic.

I would check the wire that goes to the pos. battery cable on the starter solenoid. Or check all of the wires at the starter. That is the main power feed for the whole truck, I'm pretty sure.

SLIMJIM 04-09-2007 10:47 AM

Re: Jimmy problem......
Thanks for the responses. As of today and numerous trips, no problems. The Neg wire was pretty corroded at the battery, so I hope that fixed it. Will check back if it acts up again.


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