1971LT1SWBPOSI373 |
06-12-2007 11:44 AM |
2001 Blazer Accessory Power Dead
I had a power cord short out that was plugged into my dual accessory power plug (the cigarrette lighter type) and it took out an interior lighting fuse. I replaced the fuse but the lighter outlets are still dead. I have interior lighting, so the fuse is working, along with glove box lighting as well. My real cigarrette lighter located in the ashtry works, so I'm sort of stumped???? Did Chevy put a fusible link or a fuse behind the accessory lighter outlet panel? The owners manual makes no mention, and looking at the Haynes wiring prints I didn't see anything. There was no burnt smell, so I highly doubt any damage was done, just something blew. I pulled every single fuse inside and under the hood-no luck. Anybody know anything about this????