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brianthelion02 09-14-2007 06:12 PM

Most dangerous tool in your shop and why!!!!!!
My 50 ton press scares the sheeit outta me!!!!!!!

72freak 09-14-2007 06:19 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
Me and the lift

krue 09-14-2007 06:26 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
I believe I am the most dangerous tool in my yard (wish I had a shop).

jamie72 09-14-2007 08:51 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
my wife..

72lb4x4 09-14-2007 08:58 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
What krue said...
I'm not sure if its dangerous, but I'm always afraid that the cutoff wheel in the big electric die grinder is going to grenade and embed parts of itself in my forehead. It sure cuts better than the girlie air powered ones, though.

72freak 09-15-2007 05:47 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by jamie72 (Post 2359003)
my wife..

What is she doing in the shop???????

Thas craps not allowed over here.......she calls me if you need me!!!!!!

jamie72 09-15-2007 02:26 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by 72freak (Post 2359561)
What is she doing in the shop???????

Thas craps not allowed over here.......she calls me if you need me!!!!!!

she comes out and `helps` me sometimes, but usally trips of something or cuts herself, then you know the rest... i got to hear about it for a month...:rolleyes:

Rollie396 09-15-2007 04:55 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
my wife is pretty helpful around the shop.She even wanted me to teach her to weld which I did and she was a natural
I vote for grinders as most dangerous.

jamie72 09-15-2007 05:09 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Rollie396 (Post 2360029)
my wife is pretty helpful around the shop.She even wanted me to teach her to weld which I did and she was a natural
I vote for grinders as most dangerous.

mine is helpful.. and she wanted me to teach her to weld also... but she always wanted to wear sandles....

JameslovesJammie 09-15-2007 05:56 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by krue (Post 2358824)
I believe I am the most dangerous tool in my yard (wish I had a shop).

I couldnt' agree with you more!

Retro68 01-09-2008 09:00 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
My german shepherd. Hey he is a tool he keeps bad people away from my stuff.

blu87 01-11-2008 01:15 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
My hi speed buffing wheel, snatches the s/s trim out of my hands and shoots it at the driveway squirrels.

hdflstf 01-11-2008 06:33 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
Radial Arm Saw

One slip and you'll lose whatever got into the sawblade.

get me on the road 01-11-2008 07:59 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
I dont know if you guys would consider a razor blade a tool, but I have had to get stiches twice because of those things.

lyrikz 01-12-2008 06:30 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by brianthelion02 (Post 2358807)
My 50 ton press scares the sheeit outta me!!!!!!!

Id have to say that im the most dangerous tool in my shop. Any tool i have, whether its a socket or a gas torch, i can make it dangerous.

I still have my fingers though.... My cut off wheel tried to take one the other day, but i got it back.

sick69 01-12-2008 06:02 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
The cab of my truck,,,,,not sure if its a tool or not.

2 trips to the ER
14 stitches the first time and 13 the second

Guess I would be the most dangerous.


BarryB 01-14-2008 09:21 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
Well, I would have to say, the electric cut off grinder. I have had my fair share of nicks with that thing. And i use gloves while using that thing, before you know it slices right threw and into the fingers.

68K20 x Drill 01-14-2008 09:32 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
The hammer, because I know it can fix anything, but you only get one try.

72highlander 01-16-2008 01:24 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
anyone that has a 2-ton japan made jack should put it at the top of their list. the japanese send them over to kill us to get us back for WWII.

wibilly 01-31-2008 02:01 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
angle grinder with wire wheel and a switch other than a paddle switch. mine cought in the shackel bracket jumped out of my hands, waked me in the nads then pealed out on my belly winding up my shirt comming to a stop just before tearing into my beard. thank god for short cords on cheap tools

Southedisto 01-31-2008 09:32 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
mini sledge or grinder with a wire wheel.

BLE 'BURBAN 02-02-2008 10:53 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
If'n I get a mad on then it's anything that I get my hands on to launch acroos the shop/yard

jb4short 02-03-2008 01:04 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
American Express Platinum never says "No"

1966gmc 02-03-2008 01:15 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
Myself...........especially if torches are involved :)

463 02-29-2008 03:16 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
grinders zip cut,flap,wire or what have you. keek them in good repair keep the guard on it & ware eye and face protection. don't drop it. :thumbs:

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