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70 GMC Trucker 11-03-2007 01:58 AM

Parking it for the Winter
Any tips on things I should do as I'm going to park my toy for the winter but hope to start it up every month or so ? It's under cover by one those cheap Costco tent's and I have a Fox truck cover over it. Hope to bring it out in March or April and don't want any surprizes.:buh::dnd:

powerbench 11-03-2007 02:19 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
i know with my , cars .....fresh oil change, gas stabilizer,....and a battery tender.....just firing it up doesn't really give it a chance to i 've used desicant holder(like the ones used in an RV)...some say they may cause corosion in wiring, but at least they slow down the moisture and that old car smell.....might also be an idea.....heard it from some collector .........steel wool in the tail pipes.....keeps the critters from making a home in you tail pipes....:barn:

chris71 11-03-2007 09:52 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
mouse trap on the cab floor, and one under a tire. if you dont have a batterey tender, disconnect the battery cables to eliminate the draw on the battery. power bench has a good point, starting it up for 2 minutes wont charge the battery, i run my cars for like 20-30 minutes to get the alternator some time to charge the batery. gas stabilizer, but put it in and then run the truck for a while to get that stabil. in the lines, pump, carb, you dont want that un-stabilzed gas sitting in the carb where it could begin to get gummy, especially if it is sitting for a few months.

piecesparts 11-03-2007 11:02 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
I park my show truck for the winter and so does my son. I usually don't go out of my way to do much with the fuel lines, I just make sure the fuel tanks are full, so that they do not collect a lot of water. I will start the vehicles once a month and let them rotate for lubrication and cleaning the fuel bowls out, this wayy nothing dries out completely. We put in new oil and just last year we started using the "Deltran" brand of battery "Tenders". These things are great, they will take a battery and charge it up to a "HOLDING" condition and then back off to keep it at that condition. So, if you have a readio in your truck that has a memory or a security system that drains a battery with a trickle, then this charger will do everything that you need. I purchased two and am going to get a couple more for the other things that I have in the outer sheds. Well Worth the investment, It is great to walk into the garage in the spring and crank the motor over and get fire right away.

dan42 11-03-2007 11:07 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
Hmmm. Winter? Yeah, that's when it rains. We just make sure the windows are rolled up.:D

Classic69 11-03-2007 11:14 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
I parked my '69 a week ago. Its a sad time when I gotta park it and can't drive it for another 6 months till spring. But I also have 6 months to work on it and modify it.....LOL

This is what I do:

- Disconnect the battery.
- Leave fuel tank close to full.
- Start/Run it once a month for a bit.

northerngmc 11-03-2007 12:22 PM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
I parked my 59 back in August....

My concern in Victoria would be moisture. I purchased Silica Gel Dehumidifiers from Lee Valley tools (,43326) that suck up moisture from the air and can be dried again by heating up the contents. I would consider leaving a bag in the cab and another under the hood.

Make sure the cover is tight and out of the wind. A loose cover flapping in the wind all winter will mark and damage paint.

Fill the tank and use gas stabilizer.

Either use mouse poison or a couple of traps in/around the truck and try not to park it on grass, or make sure the grass is short.

Good luck.

By the way I am looking to be in Victoria in December ( 9 - 14) how bad is the rain?

powerbench 11-04-2007 02:09 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
lol dan42....

powerbench 11-04-2007 02:11 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter the way do you have any other pics of your truck 70....i just bought a 70 gmc...

70 GMC Trucker 11-04-2007 10:38 PM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
5 Attachment(s)
Here's a few of my toy !:hi2:

corn 11-04-2007 11:46 PM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
Its a shame that beauty has to sit outside...

dan42 11-05-2007 01:14 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
3 Attachment(s)
GMC trucker,
That is a really pretty truck - I like how it sits, and that color with no chrome molding is perfect. I think mine is a little too yellow for no chrome - the trim would break it up nice, but that's not gonna happen anytime in the near future.

powerbench 11-05-2007 02:01 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
wow they both look awesome... nicce job guys:c2:

Already Gone 11-05-2007 04:13 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter

Originally Posted by 70 GMC Trucker (Post 2428508)
Any tips on things I should do as I'm going to park my toy for the winter but hope to start it up every month or so ? It's under cover by one those cheap Costco tent's and I have a Fox truck cover over it. Hope to bring it out in March or April and don't want any surprizes.:buh::dnd:

You cant leave that truck outside under a tarp!!! Drive it here to Saskatoon and park it in my garage with mine till April. You can drive the truck here and fly home via West Jet for 150.00. PM me if interested.

70 GMC Trucker 11-05-2007 05:02 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
Thanks but for the cost of gas alone for the trip , I could build a garage and install gas heat !! But thanks and hope I will be alright !:crazy:

RedZ71 11-05-2007 08:34 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
im so tempted to do the same thing to my 71 chevy, just like those 2 above. my 2001 Z71 is smoothed down just like that, so im definitely a big fan of that look, but at the same time, im torn between deciding on "period" trimmed, and smooth and clean. we'll have to see what time brings for me :)

both of those trucks look fantastic!

70 GMC Trucker 11-06-2007 03:03 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
What's the price on the battery tenders ??

70GMCer 11-06-2007 07:06 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter

Originally Posted by dan42 (Post 2428888)
Hmmm. Winter? Yeah, that's when it rains. We just make sure the windows are rolled up.:D

I thought "It never rains in Southern California"...............

piecesparts 11-06-2007 09:55 AM

Re: Parking it for the Winter

Originally Posted by 70 GMC Trucker (Post 2432965)
What's the price on the battery tenders ??

I guess that will depend on where you purchase yours. There are many places that sell them. It also depends on which model you get. I chose to get seperate units of the "Battery Tender Plus", so that I could set them up in different areas. The company makes them in different sizes for motorcycles, cars and shops (the shop model is a ganged up charger that will do many batteries). Go to their website and see what they list as products and dealers.

I purchased mine through Summit Racing and saved a small amount on the cost. They are a little pricey, but it is cheaper than buying new batteries. The fact that they will charge on a battery that is down in voltage and then keep the battery in a "FLOAT" condition, is what I was after. We have large battery banks at my work place and this little charger works exactly like those systems and it is great.

oldiron 11-06-2007 02:19 PM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
Another thing you need to take in consideration is ground moisture. Being in a rain climate like we are you will have gound moisture coming up when the sun does ever come out causing condensation. I suggest putting down a thick piece of plastic with some sand over it to keep the moisture coming up. Simular to a moisture barrier that are under houses. One of my trucks was outside under cover and I still had moisture under the hood and body and that was this summer.

northerngmc 11-06-2007 03:00 PM

Re: Parking it for the Winter
Sounds like a lot of trouble to me!

Maybe you should consider selling the beautiful truck to me and I will move it to a cold dry climate!

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