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rscam 04-02-2008 05:22 AM

I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
I bought 2 new window regulators from them in Dec. I put them in the other day and the driver side stripped out and fell to pieces in the bottom of them door. I emailed and asked nicely how to get another one. They said it was after 30 days and I would have to prove it was put in by a GM certified tech or prove that it was installed by per GM service manual instructions. They also said the only way it would strip is if it were in a bind. I preceded to tell him there is NO adjustment to these windows at all like a Camaro or some other car with a curved window would have. ITS A FLAT WINDOW for goodness sake. I rolled it up and down 3 times with ease and the POW. Pieces in the bottom of the door. Now no returned emails. I will buy all my stuff from YEARONE now you can take them a bag of rusty parts and they will give you a new one no questios asked. What really honks me off is the insult that I'm some hack that can't install something unless I have a GM service manual. I know it was after 30 days but if you wan't return customers you have to service them, Not me No more.

pcmcobra 04-06-2008 08:15 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
I was thinking of buying their new tranny xmember, to see if it would work on a 6.0/4l80 swap, but it might take me some time to get it installed...gonna think twice about them now....

1LoC10 04-06-2008 08:43 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
It was purchased 4 months ago, so i wouldnt expect them to give you anything anyways... plus sense the window is flat like you stated, the only way that would happen is if it was installed wrong

rscam 04-09-2008 03:33 AM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
You must work for them 1loc10. Explain to me how to install them wrong. The holes are round and not slotted like adjustable windows. Absolutly no way to install it wrong "IF" you have a brain. Since then I have had someone email me from there and say that the person who emailed me originally shouldn't have questioned me so much and agreed that it shouldn't have fell apart the way it did. So I am shipping it back for a new one. I just expect to get what I pay for. I have broke things in the past and just ate it and bought a new one instead of returning it because thats the right thing to do.

1LoC10 04-09-2008 05:03 AM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
yup i dont have a brain

shifty 04-09-2008 07:01 AM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
i lost mine too, 1Lo, so don't feel bad.

i've had nothing but superb experiences with GMCPauls, so i am surprised to hear this review. i will still continue to shop with them, though, because in the dozen orders i've placed with them, i have never seen the same top notch service.

and no, i don't work for them. i'm just a happy enough customer that i feel compelled to type all of this.

GMCPaul 04-09-2008 03:05 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
Hi, Rscam, Paul here at GMCPauls the previous posters on this post do not work for us and I have not spoken with them on the subject and it wasn't just somebody that replied on Tue. Apr 1 to your email you sent on Mon. Mar. 31st it was myself and if you re-read the email I sent I actually felt and I replied she should have gone more in depth with her questions or investiagation of the subject as I did if you read the below emails between us that I'll attach at the bottom of this post and they reflect this. By the way I also noticed you posted this nearly 24 hours after I replied to you telling you to send it back for my inspection. In the future let me suggest the fastest and easiest way to rectify any problem is to contact a business direct by phone, because unless you are a corporation with a bunch of folks in India answering your customer emails 24/7 it does take a little time time to respond, and honestly your coment of

""I will buy all my stuff from YEARONE now you can take them a bag of rusty parts and they will give you a new one no questios asked""

makes me wonder a little, but I'm not here to judge just to explain. along with the fact you told us it only stripped in the emails and then posted that it"" stripped out and fell to pieces in the bottom of them door."" and then in your latest post you state

""Since then I have had someone email me from there and say that the person who emailed me originally shouldn't have questioned me so much and agreed that it shouldn't have fell apart the way it did. ""

Please point out where you told us it fell apart in the emails below?

Now to the emails

> > > > --- NAME DELETED For PRIVACY<rscam73@************.com> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > This is a copy of my reciept. I put my new
> > > window
> > > > > regulator(driver side) in and the gear is
> > > stripped
> > > > > out. How do I go about getting a new one and
> > How
> > > > can
> > > > > I
> > > > > be assured the other one and the new one
> your
> > > > going
> > > > > to
> > > > > send me won't do the same?

> > > --- GMCPauls Truck Parts
> <>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi, the only way to strip out the gear
> assembly
> > on
> > > a
> > > > new window regulator is to install it
> improperly
> > > > with
> > > > the window in a bind, in order to receive a
> > credit
> > > > or
> > > > replacement after 30 days of placing order
> you
> > > > would
> > > > need to be shown that the new regulator was
> > > > installed
> > > > per the Chevrolet service manual instructions
> or
> > > by
> > > > a
> > > > Chevrolet dealer or other competent mechanic
> > with
> > > > access to a Chevy service manual which details
> > the
> > > > correct installation of the window regulator.
> > > > My Very Best
> > > > Danielle @

> > --- persons name deleted <rscam73@***********.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Are you going to reply to my email. Please do
> the
> > > right thing and respond. I plan on buying more
> > stuff
> > > from you guys but you have to do me right.
> Please
> > > respond. Thanks Tim
> > >

> --- GMCPauls Truck Parts <>
> wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 03:37:49 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: GMCPauls Truck Parts
> <>
> > Subject: Re: Thank You for your order
> > To: Name Deleted <rscam73@***********.com>
> >
> > Hi, Tim
> > Sorry we were closed over the weekend and my
> > daughter flagged this email for me to respond to
> > yesterday afternoon and this morning was my first
> > chance to reply.
> >
> > The reason Danielle responded asking about
> > installation is the following
> >
> > This was said because we had a local customer buy
> a
> > window regulator and install it in a 69 Chevy,
> they
> > called complaining it was defective, I then pulled
> > one
> > myself off the shelf and inspected it for quality
> of
> > construction and had it dropped off with them,
> they
> > called 2 hours later stating it was bad, so I just
> > grabbed one off the shelf and went over to check
> > things out, upon arrival I find a truck with the
> > door
> > glass run channel damaged and division bar felt
> all
> > torn up and and binding on the glass and the new
> > regulator gears not lubricated.
> > I went back to the shop grabbed a glass run &
> > division bar felt along with some spray lube
> > returned
> > to the truck and installed the regulator after
> > lubing
> > the gears and it worked like a breeze, the owner
> > then
> > appoligized and paid for all the regulators after
> > commenting that the window raised and lowered far
> > easier now.
> >
> > In looking at your email you forwarded I see
> that
> > you bought a new cab rubber kit from us so I'm
> going
> > to assume that you installed its new parts for
> door
> > before beginning. I appoligize that Danielle did
> not
> > notice this as when I pointed it out to her she
> > stated
> > she did not look at what else you had ordered.
> >
> > If you feel the regulator failed because it was
> > defective ship it back to me
> > GMCPauls Truck Parts
> > ATTN: Paul
> > 505 Adams Drive
> > Rockville, IN 47872
> >
> > With the RMA # 4108PDR on outside of box with a
> > note
> > enclosed stating why you feel it was defective and
> > your address. Upon my receiving it I'll inspect it
> > for
> > why it failed and if its defective I'll send a new
> > one
> > to you.
> >
> > Danielle was only trying to make sure that the
> > installation was done correctly because many
> people
> > feel that parts replacement is a no brainer and do
> > not
> > have the training or common sense in some
> instances
> > as
> > with the local customer to replace all parts
> > correctly.
> >
> > Sorry for any inconvience this may have caused
> > and
> > I hope you have a really great week and that 2008
> > finds you Healthy, Happy & Prosperous!!!!
> >
> > My Very Best Regards
> > Paul @ GMCPauls

--- GMCPauls Truck Parts <>
> Hi, Tim
> I hadn't heard back from you yet so I thought I
> would forward the prior emails to you in case the
> 1st
> somehow got lost or deleted.
> Have a really great day!!!!
> My Very Best Regards
> Paul @ GMCPauls

Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 11:16:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Person Name Deleted" <rscam73@**********.com> Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by ************.com. Learn more
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Thank You for your order
To: "GMCPauls Truck Parts" <>
I'll take it out in few days and send it bck so you
can see for yourself why it broke. The 3 times I
rolled it up and down I could feel a grinding in the
handle every time I hit a certain spot in the rotation
every complete turn it made. Thanks Tim

Thats the last we heard from you. I'm still waiting on the regulator to arrive.

By the way I should have mentioned in the 1st email from me that if you did not install the rivets tightly that hold the vent window frame together after installing the vent window seals that it will also make the vent window frame distorted and larger than it should and cause the glass to bind. Just something you may want to check.


larry may 04-09-2008 04:56 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
Found this in FAQ.......Originally posted by KRUE. Lots of how to do any project on this board some where. Great bunch of Wizzards here.

rscam 04-09-2008 08:20 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
I email you GMCPaul on Mar. 27th. You replied on the 27th. I replied back on the 27th. You didn't copy that email on the above post. I wrote this on Apr.2nd which gave you 2 days after the weekend to reply. Since you didn't reply the 2nd time I was mad and wrote this. Then On the 3rd of Apr. you replied. In that email it said I haven't heard from you so I will resend the emails incase it got lost. You didn't copy that in the above post either. Its says Apr. 1st on the original email as stated above, but what is not showing that it arrived on the 3rd. After I waited for a 2nd response. I will send it back to you and you can determine if I am COMPETENT to install a window regulator. If I jumped the gun in leaving negative comments I am sorry for that. Life is too short to argue and I would just rather buy another one and not argue anymore.

XXL 04-27-2008 07:29 AM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
Thanks, Paul for commenting on the post.

rscam and others, I've been dealing with Paul for about 9 years... after stumbling across him when I sold him a tailgate on fleabay. I've since bought a number of things from him, including all the sheetmetal currently on my truck. While things sometimes go wrong, I have yet to experience it with GMC Paul's... wait... I take that back. One time I had to email him about a plastic rocker panel grommet that was "missing" from my order... and then it showed up the next day in the mail, with a postmark 2 days before I called him ;)

rscam 04-27-2008 02:22 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
I have gotten a new regulator from GMCPauls and for that I am thankful. Although I am out return shipping and have to buy new beltline moulding that was damaged when I took the window out. My whole issue with this disagreement is saying it should be installed by a Chevy dealer or other COMPETENT mechanic. There are alot of COMPETENT people on this board and elsewhere that can work on these trucks without towing their truck to a COMPETENT dealer to install everthing per service manual instructions. Most of us on this board are people trying to build trucks in our garage on weekends and can't afford a concourse restore at a shop. Just because it was after 30 days that I asked for a replacement shouldn't kick in a set of rules that prove my competency. Most people who restore vehicles buy parts until they are ready to install them. They don't buy something and install it within 30 days. I am done with this now. Again thanks GMCpauls for replacing the regulator even after 30 days when you didn't have to. I only ask that you be a little more understanding of the people who buy your product and don't assume they don't know what they are doing.

XXL 04-27-2008 06:01 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore

Originally Posted by rscam (Post 2696383)
My whole issue with this disagreement is saying it should be installed by a Chevy dealer or other COMPETENT mechanic. ... Again thanks GMCpauls for replacing the regulator even after 30 days when you didn't have to. I only ask that you be a little more understanding of the people who buy your product and don't assume they don't know what they are doing.

He didn't make that assumption. You did. You assumed that "other competent mechanic" didn't mean you, and so you got offended.


special-K 05-10-2008 02:32 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore

Originally Posted by XXL (Post 2696553)
He didn't make that assumption. You did. You assumed that "other competent mechanic" didn't mean you, and so you got offended.


If the comment wasn`t directed towards Rscam,then how is it relavent and why was it included in the response?I can see the obvious insinuation with my eyes.Remember,the response was sent to a disgruntled customer.Not exactly careful wording considering the situation.And,you have to be awfully incompetent to not be able to do this job.It`s not an easy one,but this guy did manage to do it.
He said it`s been worked out and he`s moved on.No more comments necessary.

XXL 05-10-2008 05:41 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 2715604)
He said it`s been worked out and he`s moved on.No more comments necessary.

Yet you felt the need to leave one. That's a bit of a "hit and run" on your part. I'm surprised you didn't lock the thread to show your "authority" on the matter... they YOU have the last word on the topic.

Liz 05-10-2008 10:13 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
is it a full moon this week? several members feel the need to fight amongst themselves lately. Lets just move on and such :)

thanks and have a wonderful day

Mr79C10 05-11-2008 12:30 AM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
Think its time for a group hug?:D

larry may 05-11-2008 04:23 AM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
2 Attachment(s)
Here ya go good as a group hug. FTD ANDROID delivering flowers for all of you.

special-K 05-11-2008 01:49 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
Ah jeez...I don`t know whether to thank you,Larry,or cuss you.On the good side:I can lose the image of tu-tu & tights clad Andy.The bad:It`s replaced with him in a gilded bodysuit striding quite gayly.Eeeww??...........(funny though):lol:

70cst 05-13-2008 09:54 PM

Re: I won't buy from GMCpauls anymore
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...I miss out on all the fun. :lol:

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