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Dealing with insurance co. help.
I haven't been on the board much in the past two months--I've been wrapped up trying to finish my foxbody (which I would love to post pictures of if anybody is interested). But I am glad to post again on my favorite board.
So, a lady hit me the other day in my truck. She sideswiped me in a parking lot. She has insurance. My truck has been much in need of some cosmetic attention anyway. In fact I have already started collecting parts. I was just waiting to finish the rustang before I started on the truck. So really, it couldn't have happened at a better time. After many phone calls and much wasted time, the insurance company claimed liability and told me to get a quote and send it in. From what I gather, if the quote had been under $2,000 the insurance co. would basically have just cut me a check site unseed, no questions asked. I got a quote yesterday and it came to $2,640. This was from a big, very legitimate body shop. Not at all who I would use, but the most legit shop that I could possibly find. Now, I will probably be able to do just about everything that I want to do to the truck for a little more than that, considering I already have alot of parts and I plan to rock primer or semigloss black for atleast a few years. Which I will ask all of my questions about that in another thread. I sent the quote in. Now they want to send out an adjuster. I am afraid that they are going to total the truck out and I really don't want to deal with that. Of course I would buy it back. Any way I need to take a preimptive strike and have some sources to look up value. Because, you know they going to lowball the $#!+ out of me. KBB doesn't go all the way back to 87. WTF?? And on edmunds they said value for a clean 87' swb with 88,000mi was $1500. Again, WTF? If wouldn't even register a value for my, uhmm, my 320,000mi--340,000mi (Best I can tell), rough condition truck. I would think it would be mileage exempt. Am I going to have to just pull up a bunch of autotrader listing and lie about the odometer--cause it says 88,000. So if anybody knows a good source to use, please let me know. Thanks for reading my novel. Longest post ever. |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
If it is her insurance that is sending the adjuster out, just tell them 'sorry, but it is a show truck' and the give the value that you think it is worth instead of what the blue book says for a regular old farm truck.
Not sure what the laws are there, but I would be checking with a lawyer if they try to total it. Or make them find you one near equal condition to replace it. |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
pics of the fox body please
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
I don't know what the laws are in Texas. Call a lawyer, most will give you a few minutes of free advice on something like this.
And whatever you do, don't lie about the milage. Simply let the adjuster read the odometer himself. If he asks about the milage, simply say that you don't know. Because, in reality, you don't, your estimate is a guess. |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
The guy is here right now. He hasn't said much. It would be hard to call my truck a show truck and keep a straight face. But I did forget that the paint is still shiny when it isn't covered in bird$#!+. I don't have a lawyer on call and again don't wanna have to deal with that over a $2,600 claim. It's a shame that I might have too. Anyway, I will keep yall posted.
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
Well, they want to total it. I couldn't get much out of the adjuster. He wouldn't even give me any kind of ballpark value. However, his estimate of damage was only $1,500. So they are really gonna lowball me if they total it over only $1,500 worth of damage. Now, how he came to the total loss conclusion without knowing a ballpark value of the truck is beyond me.
I will try to post some pics this weekend. Yall are gonna cry when you see what they are totalling my truck over. I also want to create a thread about members other/project/past rides. I wanna see what other people are into. I will post pictures of the mustang in there. |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
Are you gonna buy it back or just stick with that stang.
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
I'm going to buy it back. I'm just worried about the math involved and I'm gonna have to fight tooth and nailed not to get screwed. It has been a great truck. It has been my daily driver for the better part of the last 6 years accruing some serious miles. I know everything that is wrong with the truck, there are no mysteries. If anything is rigged--I rigged it and know about it. Honestly, I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think I would be Mustangless and heaven forbid TurboBuickless before I would be 73-87 GM SWB truckless. I'm not even a truck guy really though. It might be senimental and I don't know how people get by without a truck.
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
A couple years ago my 78 Silverado got destroyed. I got hit head on and the frame was toast. Someone wasn't paying attention and swerved into my lane and hit me head on. They ended up getting the ticket and were at fault.
I was very nervous about the whole insurance process because me and my dad had just totally rebuilt the truck as far the mechanicals. New engine, transmission, rebuilt rear, brakes, suspension, A/C, you name it...we did it. The body was a little haggard but that was going to be the next step. Yes, the blue book only going back to 87 scared me, because that basically puts the value of the truck at scrap metal. Not so however. The way it works for older, classic, or heavily modified vehicles is the insurance company does a market search. I mean, a 69 Camaro SS in mint condition is obviously not worth scrap metal right? They search the used market for similar vehicles in similar pre-accident condition to determine the value. I told the adjuster about all the new parts on the truck and gave him copies of receipts for everything. This played a big part in the final amount I got back When it was all said and done, they dertermined a truck like mine in perfect condition was worth about $8000-$10,000, but because of the condition of the body prior to the wreck, I got about half of that. I felt like I was owed every bit of the $10,000 for my troubles but I actually didn't expect to get as much as I did. Yes, it's going to be a pain. Yes, the insurance adjuster is going to be rude, aggressive, and try to give you as little as possible. Be every bit as agressive and don't let them intimidate you. The first thing the adjuster did when we met was offer me a $300 check to close the case and get it over with right there. My dad and I replied "nice try, but it's not being be that easy." Don't give the adjuster any credit for being a decent human being with good intention, because they are not. Now granted I gave the guy an honest chance, but with the first words from his mouth I knew it wasn't going to be easy. BTW, You don't actually have to buy back the truck either if it's totalled. It's yours through the whole process, since you are the title holder. It only gets weird when the bank owns the title...thats when you have to deal with weird buy back processes and such. The offer you two settlements, the full value of the truck and they get to keep it, or that same settlement minus $200-300 junk value. Of course I kept my truck to strip all the new parts off. |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
Thanks for the moral support. I appreciate it. I've dealt with it before--a few times in fact. Sometimes I felt like I came out ahead, sometimes I didn't. Once or twice I even felt violated, I got screwed so hard.
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
the only insuirance that has a right to salvage is your insurance company if they cover you for collision. THE OTHER PARTY CANNOT DEMAND SALVAGE TO YOUR VEHICLE.. I would get some more estimates and that back up your first one and threaten that you will sue for the full estimate they will cooperate
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
IIRC it's not settled in Tx until you sign.If you don't sign then it isn't settled.BTW ask for a rental while you fight it out.They will be paying for that until you settle.It just gives them more incentive to get it done.
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
What is IIRC. It isn't settled until I sign what? I thought it was settled when you accept the check. I refused a rental, but that is a good point. I was just trying to do the right thing, because I really don't need one.
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
I never signed anything but the check on the back when my truck was wrecked. Never heard another thing out of Farmers insurance. They may have forged my name but I didn't sign a thing.
I have posted before on what they will do and what you will have to do. Luckily i found the thread again. http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...0&postcount=11 |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
If your sign that check and cash it you same as released them from Liability. They do not tell you that. I myself have been a claims adjustor as well as been on the same end of the stick your on. Lump sum cash settlement is what you should insist on.
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
You know, you do not have to deal with a totaled truck. It IS YOUR truck and you are just filing a claim against their driver. IT is NOT THEIR place to say that you are going to total this vehicle. She is paying the insurance, she screwed up and you are the recipient of her damage, so you should not have to give up your truck to them. DO NOT DO THAT. Tell them that you want fair compensation for her damage and nothing more. They do not need your truck---you are not insured through them (I hope) and they are just trying to get out of dealing with a claim. WALK AWAY if you believe that you are loosing here.
In some states once they total it, the title is screwed for ever. |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
/rant mode off |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
Exactly. She hit YOU. Took out YOUR mode of transportation. Think of the sentimental (sp) value. Lucky for them YOUR neck doesn't start giving you trouble. Can you buy another truck (make & model) like yours locally that is equiv. to yours for the amount of money they are offering?
I agree on getting additional estimates to back up the 1st one. Then get someone else on your side (your insurance or a lawyer). I bet they assume that since it's an old truck, you can't afford representation and they can give you the shaft. Don't let them off easy. If the shoe were on the other foot, they'd try and take you to the cleaners!!!! |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
I really appreciate the support. You guys are getting me fired up.
This is what I know about how this works in Texas: A guy hit me in this very truck way back in like 03. Again not much damage. Hood, bumper, and grill--thats it. They "totalled" it that time also. They didn't pay then what it was worth, but I knew I would be able to fix the damage with what they paid, so I let it go. I do not have a salvaged title though. The title never changed hands. I carfaxed this truck about one year ago. It shows no history of this accident at all. I always thought this was due to some error by that insurance co. I have questioned many people about this and everyone is pretty much unanimous that I should have a salvaged title, but I have never been able to get any definative answers from anyone. They haven't called yet with an offer, but it is funny how I just expect to get screwed. I really hate insurance companies. Personally I pay for the cheapest insurance (they are all gonna screw you the same anyway)that I can find and move my deductable higher, and only liability (Except on my wifes new car daily driver). I just never plan to make a claim if I have an at fault accident because I can always fix my cars for less than what my rates would go anyway. Basically the only reason I carry insurance is because its the law. Heres my truck. The one with my dogs head in it is the picture of the damage from the accident. Isn't it rediculous that they want to total it because of this. And a teaser for the mustang--I know how much yall want to see that. http://s259.photobucket.com/albums/h...tachment-1.jpghttp://s259.photobucket.com/albums/h...¤t=3.jpghttp://s259.photobucket.com/albums/h...¤t=2.jpghttp://s259.photobucket.com/albums/h...t=IMG_1040.jpg |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
REMEMBER, you are the injured party here. Those morons in the other guy's insurance company are going to make you the problem, before they are done. Stick it back to them buddy and don't let them get you down. Loosing on an insurance claim is better than loosing your truck.
I call BS on the totalling of your truck, tell them to give you the $1500.00 and go forward. They don't have the right to toal your truck. Now if you were dealing with your insurance company and they held the policy that was in trouble, then they can tell you that they will either total it, or you drive with the damage that you received. Those company's are nothing but a bunch of lawyers. |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
Ok--figured it out.
[IMG]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/h...tachment-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/h...bo_Joe_D/2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/h...D/IMG_1040.jpg[/IMG] |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
Guys.. the LAW says that they are only obligated to restore you to what the truck was worth before the accident.. no more. The company they will use will show what trucks like yours are worth in your area.
YOU will have to prove why it was worth more than what they are offering. It won't be easy but try. Read my previous post of what has to happen. Even if you take them to court it probably won't make a difference because they can gather more info than you can. Take the time to research what I said above if you can do without the money for awhile. |
Re: Dealing with insurance co. help.
Oh, I have already started the search for comparable trucks. It won't be to hard to show where the real value is at. Except it is hard to find many truly comparable trucks in the area. Broaden that coast to coast and I'm good. But even though the value doesn't change much from market to market, that's what they will use to discredit my arguements.
And time is on my side. Im still driving my truck and I have two cars to fall back on. But if I don't like what they have to say when I hear from them, then, I will request a rental because my spare car is having "running issues". How do you like that? |
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