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BowTieOgre 07-28-2008 11:13 AM

Parking the truck
1 Attachment(s)
I always take care to park far enough out to avoid the crowds and far enough away from the cart corral to avoid rogue carts. Sure I walk a little further but its worth it to keep my truck free of dings from the local yahoos...usually. I went to the local home improvement store early Saturday and park WAAYYY out there and when I walk out 15 minutes later I seemed to have attracted a crowd of cars. Keep in mind there are at least a dozen spots closer to the store yet they choose to park right up by my truck AND ive got a passenger side ding from someone who wisely moved after they did it.:mad:

What is it about our trucks that attracts door slingers like flies to honey? Feel free to share your stories of the 'ding'bats that got away or ones you've caught and what happened.

Vertical Smile 07-28-2008 11:23 AM

Re: Parking the truck
Reminds me of what happend last week at our local Home Depot.
I reciently bought a new '07 Ford F-150 SuperCrew ( I know, I know) and decided to park it in the far back of the parking lot to avoid any damage, there were no cars within at least 20 spots from it.

When I returned back to it some idiot in an '08 Tacoma decided to park right next to it, so close I couldn't get into the drivers side door!!!
I had to open the passenger side and slide across.

Needless to say I got a little even with him when he returned with a Coke I was drinking. ;)

GMBowtie79 07-28-2008 12:32 PM

Re: Parking the truck
Some people these days are just ignorant. I've noticed that respect in general is a thing of the past. People try to demand it but seldom give it. He!! half of them couldn't even give you a definition for the word. I have some neighbors that like to sit in front of there place and drink and BS. I'm constantly going outside a there will be 3-4 of them just leaning, sitting, or setting there beers on my truck. I constantly find myself telling thm to get the F*** of my truck. The messed up part is they actually have to walk about 200' feet down the street to get to where my truck is. It pi$$es me off, I tell them "I don't go to your house and climb all over your cars, keep off of mine". What ever happened to respect for other peoples property. I know if I went and climbed all over there POS they would get all pi$$ed off, They get mad at the kids in the neighborhood for just riding there bikes by there POS. But it's OK for them to sit, lean, and occasionally pi$$ on other peoples vehicles. Man, I hate ignorant A$$HOLES! Ignorance and stupidity should be painful, and common sense needs to become common again! With that said, I hope everyone has a great day!!!:bann::ele::hot::two:

PHOENIX 07-28-2008 12:52 PM

Re: Parking the truck
I hate that sh*t. Not only do people not care enough to hold on to their door why the open it, but when done with their cart they'll just push it off, sometimes right into another car, WTF is wrong with people.

BTW my truck has never had good paint or been without dings, so I don't worry about them too much, but my gf's car has little dings all over from a-holes in parking lots.

Your truck looks great. Any picture of the damage?

John A Guyette 07-28-2008 01:04 PM

Re: Parking the truck
LOL I thought that only happened here in upstate New York. My wife and I always park in the furthest spots only to come back and find ourselves surrounded by half the population. I'm finding more and more dings and scratches on my Ram and when the wife comes home with that great VW Beetle oh" boy do I get an ear full. Makes you wish you drove an old Buick.

wicked_sky_gazer 07-28-2008 01:29 PM

Re: Parking the truck
In my eyes it comes down to the concept of the matter. Its quite simple, I bout and paid for the car its mine to tear up not yours. I get very aggressive towards door dingers. My first car was a 1988 ford Taurus, 6 different colors, and honestly a piece. But it was all mine bought and paid off, when one afternoon I was at the local mall I parked making sure to leave ample space for other mall goers on either side of my car, and when I came back there was a Mercedes roadster parked about 8 inches off my driver door, I was ticked cause it was obvious that the passenger tried to open the door from chipped paint on their door jam and my door, so I calmly got a piece of paper from my floor board and wrote a not to place on their windshield it read “THANKS FOR THE DOOR DING, I RETURNED YOUR FAVOR”. I crawled back in my car from the passenger side, opened the driver door, careful not to scratch their pretty black paint, let the door rest on the seal, then proceeded to giving the inside of my door the sole hardest kick that I could. Once I decided I was pleased with their returned door DENT I simply went about my way. I have calmed down a lot since then though TG.

68GMC454 07-28-2008 01:33 PM

Re: Parking the truck
parking lots are war zone... the car i just sold a ford but wastn to bad of paint job on it.. came home one night and i looks like some idoit, not sure what they used on it.. just took the paint to the bare metal im thinging a screwdriver or somethign bigger, i know it wasnt keys... as far as stupid nieghbors, we have a understanding, they dont come around my place i wont go to prison for killing thier whole family to stop the spread of stupidity... works out well for everybody...

BowTieOgre 07-28-2008 01:57 PM

Re: Parking the truck

Originally Posted by PHOENIX (Post 2825509)
Your truck looks great. Any picture of the damage?

I appreciate it. No pics but the damage wasnt all that horrible. It just chaps my hide that people dont respect the property of others and the fact that they just drove off boils my blood. Oh well, its not the end of the world. ;)

LEEVON 07-28-2008 02:15 PM

Re: Parking the truck
I returned the favor a couple times when I was younger. I remember watching a guy open the door once on my fresh $7K paint, then again to get a little more I left a size 13 present for him.

GMBowtie79 07-28-2008 02:23 PM

Re: Parking the truck
It would be alot easier if my neighbors spoke English. In my neighborhood 75% either don't speak or pretend that they don't understand basic English. Thats why ignorance and stupidity should be painful, it supercedes all language barriers!

jdurant 07-28-2008 03:30 PM

Re: Parking the truck
I hate people too.

Square84 07-28-2008 03:37 PM

Re: Parking the truck
when i was younger in a momentary lack off maturity i saw a guy ding my s10 when i said something to him he said get over it its just an old primered truck no big deal. so i grabbed the tire iron out of the bed and smacked his window and told him no big deal its just a window right? he called the cops they came out told us it was matter for our insurance company and that guy actually had the nerve to say all this was my fault that i made a big deal of nothing. but like sky gazer said ive grown up since then. after leaving my sisters wedding went out to my 08 pontiac g6 to find big scratch on back bumper and i guy standing there he said im sorry i was teaching my kid to ride a bike and he fell here is my info and ill gladly pay to fix the damage, because he was a man about it i told him dont woory about it ill fix it myself. but that was the most decent thing ive ever seen any one do must would have just left.

westie 666 07-28-2008 03:39 PM

Re: Parking the truck
Do what we do and park using two car parks, plenty of room then.

PHOENIX 07-28-2008 04:07 PM

Re: Parking the truck

Originally Posted by westie 666 (Post 2825730)
Do what we do and park using two car parks, plenty of room then.

Thats almost as bad. Watch out if you really do that. People don't like it and may do something to your car.

tobiahr 07-28-2008 04:15 PM

Re: Parking the truck

Originally Posted by PHOENIX (Post 2825758)
Thats almost as bad. Watch out if you really do that. People don't like it and may do something to your car.

Like park our motorcycles next to you :) Thanks for saving a spot for me.

I've driven pretty much everything with wheels and it doesn't matter what you drive the other person doesn't care as long as you don't touch theirs. I've given up on trying to stop it and just focus on finding cheaper ways to repair the dings.

GMBowtie79 07-28-2008 04:18 PM

Re: Parking the truck

Originally Posted by westie 666 (Post 2825730)
Do what we do and park using two car parks, plenty of room then.

I do that all the time. people get mad when you take two of the spots closest to the door of the store or restraunt. I try to park way out in the boonies and I'll park right in the middle of 4 spots and turn my alarm on( it'll page me if it's set off). I also try to locate any exterior cameras at the stores and park in there veiw and hope they are working, that way if somthing does happen it might get caught on film.

babyJay 07-28-2008 08:03 PM

Re: Parking the truck

Originally Posted by jdurant (Post 2825723)
I hate people too.

Meeeee Tooooo! :smoke:

Unfortunately my wife tore the side out of my 87. "No biggie, it's just a truck", she said.

piecesparts 07-28-2008 09:41 PM

Re: Parking the truck
What makes one madder than anything else, is when you square up and hold them accountable and they just try to walk away like you are the spoiled child. I am here to say, the training fell short when daddy left mama at home to take care of the little goober in their younger years. They apparently expect the same in return, because there is no fear in their eyes, that their precious POS is about to succumb to a Hell equal to what it gave. My latest was in the Sears parking lot and the guy was still abusing the paint with his van door, as I walked up and the Truck's alarm was chirping out loud to say "Get the F--k off of me". His wife did show fear as she cowered in the corner of the parking lot with her large tribe of gerbals (in training to be door slammers) (that guy must not do anything at home but chase the wife) but he was too ignorant to see what was going to happen next. He left knowing about hatred of door slammers and what big fat dudes, with repressed psychological/homicidal tendencies are really like. I hope that he went home and told all of his followers (Gerbals) that he was just being an ignorant that was abused in the normal goings on in life and with his new found knowledge of the possible after life he fully understands that the Dodge Caravan door does NOT touch the Chevy truck door EVER AGAIN.

old Rusty C10 07-28-2008 10:18 PM

Re: Parking the truck
i hate to sound cynical but people are morons .. in some instances its the fact that someone is jealous of your truck/ paint job so they feel the need to screw it up for you cause they either cant afford a nice older truck or they are jealous or something
then there is the ignoranus who is usually too caught up in their lives to give a hoot about anything or anyone elses stuff and they usually have cars filfthy and kinda messed up too.. they just dont care about your stuff if you happen to be in their way... usually they are in excess of 600 lbs and are having a cupcake fantasy which clouds their judgement
ive had people do it to my vehicles and unfortunately ive never been able to bust anyone doing it in person.. i did however once have someone leave their car in the spot next to me after theyve hit me.. it was not a happy day for them when they returned to their car.. these kind of things are NEVER worth arguing with the insurance over they always find a way to mess you over

spr85gmc 07-28-2008 10:29 PM

Re: Parking the truck
ppl piss me off the day after i primered my truck some numb nuts keyed it on the passenger side from the fender all the way to the tail light.

andresco50 07-28-2008 10:36 PM

Re: Parking the truck
I remember when an OLD lady was close to hit my truck with her door but I arrived just in time and put my hand in my door... that hurts but I saved my paint ;)

SkylineNXS 07-28-2008 10:48 PM

Re: Parking the truck
My story isnt really relaated as much as i should be, but in a way. I had my 66 down in champaign, IL while i was attending college and slowly getting it driveable. The first time i went out for a test drive i stopped in the extreme outskirts of the target parking lot, of course there were one or two cars there, but not too close. I got out and was checkin some stuff under the hood, making sure everything was good, cause i was about to take it out on the highway to see if it would fall apart. A car drives next to me going perpendicular to the isles, and another car is coming down the isl and the person slams right into the side of the other car. Not sayin people are idiots but really they are. Good thing they were going a reasonably slow speed because there was a little kid in a car seat sittin in the car that got hit, everybody was ok though...just venting...


chevymotocross 07-28-2008 10:50 PM

Re: Parking the truck
I know where you guys are coming from, with the lack of respect and all that seems common in society today. I've never really experienced any "parking lot battle wounds" but what really ticks me off, and happens on a daily basis usually, is TAILGATING. This is by far the biggest lack of respect there is! Especially when I'm doing a bit above the speed limits!

1971c20 07-28-2008 11:47 PM

Re: Parking the truck
The other day i was in my 74 cheyenne super with 35s and some ricers gf fluung her door hard into my driver side bottom door and so i said hey watch out, she was all ah please and walked away and her bf just walked away so i opened my door into there window and left, they wont do that again lol

kevinr1970 07-29-2008 01:01 AM

Re: Parking the truck
The other day I went to the gym after work.
Parked in the farthest row away from the doors as is my habit.
Came out and a guy had parked his new Acura right next to me. WTF; the whole parking lot is open. Rows and rows are wide open AND closer???
The only good thing was I had backed in so my driver door was away from his car and he was head in so his driver door was away from my truck.
But still.

What I always try to do besides parking in the farthest row possible, is try to get an end spot. One less car to worry about. Also, park as far to one side of the end spot as possible.

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