ofnaman |
09-04-2008 10:35 PM |
Sad and happy day for me.
I just sold the '70. Well, traded it anyway's. My boss just got a jeep and that got me wanting a 4x4 again. On top of that my wife's pregnant and I decided I cannot afford to spend anymore on the '70. I put an ad on craigslist for the rebuilt 402 out of it, and set the asking price at $1500 for it, or trade for a fullsize blazer. I was kind of wanting a K5 model, any year. Well, I got an email from a guy who wanted it. He had a '93 fullsize blazer and asked me what I'd do for a trade. He said he was selling it for $3000. I told him I was looking for more of a straight across deal, but then told him about the rest of my truck. I was asking $3000 for my '70. We decided we would take a look at each others trucks and go from there. I have been looking for a blazer for a while and have seen some real "gems" or pieces of crap. I did not have my hope's up. Well, he showed up at lunch today and I was blown away. His blazer was spotless (very dirty on the inside though). Turns out he used it to drive from carson to Reno every day (30 miles) and for nothing more. It has 200000 miles on it, but drives like new. I was having reservations today after seeing it, just because I loved my '70, and I have put about $4000 in it and countless hours. Well, I decided to do it. Now I have a very nice '93 blazer and he has a very nice running '70 longbed. I am happy, but probably wont be tommoro. Well, at least I still have the '54 to work on.