Aarons72s |
10-01-2008 07:42 AM |
Drum Brake Cylinder Link and Shoe Guide
I am about to start putting the rear brakes back together on the rear of the orange and white 72. Its getting to the point that boards are not the best brakes to hold her during rebuild. I got all the parts for the drum brakes except a couple pieces. So I need a part number or place to get new brake cylinder links and shoe guide for the rear drums. Dont know why they always feel the need to omit these parts from the usual drum brake hardware kits as most old ones are usually wasted. The parts I am talking about are the cylinder link, the T shaped pins that go from the wheel cylinders to the brake shoes. The other partis the brake shoe guide, a oblong like washer that goes inbetween the shoes and the springs just above the wheel cylinder. If I have to I will go get them at the junkyard but if anyone knows where to get new ones let me know. Thanks in advance.