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ChadBice 12-16-2008 08:42 PM

It was over before I got started!
Well, it looks like it was over before it even got started.

I took the box off from my ’71 SWB stepside last week and right away, noticed some things that didn’t look right. The rear end appears to be from something else (you can see where some brackets were cut off. The bed mounts are missing from the frame. There was 1 tow hook on the back and a hole where the other was cut from the frame. Nothing major, but just not right.

Tonight I had a friend come over and help me remove the front clip and cab. The clip came for fairly easily, but one of the mounts for the radiator support on the frame was rusted away. The clip (there were no inner fenders) was in pretty decent shape, for Michigan. There were two horizontally mounted tow hooks in the front.

Then there was the cab…

Apparently, there was nothing holding the cab in place except the bed and clip. All four mounting bolts (or should I say the floor around them) were rusted away. The cab is beyond repair. At least beyond my repair.

After looking at this disassembled pile of 37 year old rusted metal, I finally realized that I was in over my head.

I bought the truck with no engine or transmission. I figured I would put a drivetrain in it and drive it for a while, making improvements as my budget and time allowed. I figured wrong. I read the build threads on here and I think, “I can do that.” but, alas, I found I can’t. I guess the lesson learned is, “Know you abilities.”

So it looks like it’s on to the junk yard for my truck and the search is on for a nicer truck I can drive. I got clearance from the tower to head on a weekend trip to the southern states in search of a decent project to drive home as soon as I raise the needed $$$. I think the important part is that I need to find a driver to keep my morale up. I minutes of highway therapy in a running truck would help to keep me motivated. Looking at a pile of parts and not seeing an end in sight, well...doesn't.

thirdstreettito 12-16-2008 08:48 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
Dont junk it, give it away to someone who will restore it and has the "patience" to do it ALL.

smoked68 12-16-2008 09:01 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
Tough break, good luck!

blazer72 12-16-2008 09:10 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
find a body man to put a complete floor pan in it.

joekewl_chevyfreak 12-16-2008 09:22 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
Ya Lost Your Jesus Nuts! (Loose them and you'll see jesus) -cab mounts

too much stuff 12-16-2008 09:42 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
It is a tough call to make, but i can relate. The guys down south have it made and don't know it.

big_al_71 12-16-2008 09:53 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
I am far south but I dont know if I have it "made"!!!!

I build them my self :lol:

72BlckButy 12-16-2008 10:18 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
Tough break, hang in there with the project.

red69ss 12-16-2008 10:19 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
3 Attachment(s)
yeah lucky us here in the south with our rust free trucks :lol:

jerry moss 12-16-2008 10:24 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
don't let it get you down. when the weather gets better take a road trip to california or arizona and pick up something with little or no rust and drive it home (or tow it if it's a project). you'll be money ahead to do it that way. you can have one of our members keep an eye open for something within your budget,skill level.

ChadBice 12-16-2008 10:29 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
That's what I was thinking. I know that everything in the warmer climates isn't perfect, but finding a semi-rust free truck here is darn near impossible. Like you said, I would be money ahead!

Ol'Rover 12-16-2008 10:35 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
haha no cab is beyond repair, you should see mine! "what floor?" and we are repairing it.

Dont scrap it, pick it up and giver!

hchad18 12-16-2008 10:41 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
3 Attachment(s)
Good luck in AZ. Maybe a little better but still the same. I've been there. Though it was too far but ended up fixing it anyway because I've got more time that money.

Longhorn Man 12-16-2008 11:54 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!

Originally Posted by red69ss (Post 3031722)
yeah lucky us here in the south with our rust free trucks :lol:

Up here, I've seen fuel taniks FALL out through the floor... bed sides fall once the bed floor gives way all together, and as the OP mentioned, only gracity and a steering column holding the cab on.
Yeah, your rusted 'junk' is what we dream of up here.

Gray Ghost 12-17-2008 12:02 AM

Re: It was over before I got started!
There's a ton of rust free trucks in AZ and Cali and even a few in NM and Texas where I live. You'll find one, just don't give up!

67ChevyRedneck 12-17-2008 02:04 AM

Re: It was over before I got started!
That sucks that you're truck is beyond repair, but I would like to make a suggestion... Don't send your current truck to the scrapper! You wouldn't believe all the parts you may be able to use off of it once you get your "new" truck. Being a '71 your truck has the more desirable 5 lug pattern and front disc brakes!!! You may find a super nice 67 and wish you had 5 lug discs and rear end. I don't know what your 71 has, but if you end up buying a straight six manual truck and your truck has the v8 and auto crossmember and mounts, you'll be ahead of the game... I think you get the idea.

Andy4639 12-17-2008 03:44 AM

Re: It was over before I got started!
Never give up on these old gold diggers. They just need a little time and care. You can spend this winter on reading how to put the cab mounts back in it and this summer doing it, and by the fall be driving it.

cdowns 12-17-2008 08:17 AM

Re: It was over before I got started!
try and sell off what you can then start a new search and before buying next time look with a very critical eye at what you're buying

jholley 12-17-2008 08:20 AM

Re: It was over before I got started!
I can definitely relate. The first one I got was as bad as yours sounds. I look at it as a learning experience though. Now I know what to look for. Good luck.

'68 C-20 12-17-2008 09:29 AM

Re: It was over before I got started!
There are pleanty of parts in your truck that someone needs, i.e glass, doors, guages. Got a radio in it? Bumpers? Part it out if you need to. ONe mans trash is another's treasure. Save the money from the Parts towards the road trip., become a subsriber here and post WTB. Monitor the forums and your next project will materialize. Pleanty of folks here want to help you get a truck on the road.

WIDESIDE72 12-17-2008 10:02 AM

Re: It was over before I got started!
2 Attachment(s)
Everything in central Texas is rust free... yea...At least it is not rusted over the windshield. I have a couple that are rusted out there. Bad thing about that area is it does not matter what part of the country the truck is in,if it sat outside for 30 yrs, the filler between the two layers of steel cracks and lets water in and rusts out.

Jtrux 12-17-2008 10:13 AM

Re: It was over before I got started!
Body rot is one thing but frame rot is another. I love living down here, I never realized how good it was til I started looking at some of the rusted piles I see up north.

QKENUF4U 12-17-2008 11:35 AM

Re: It was over before I got started!
2 Attachment(s)
coming from rust hole pennsylvania i can relate. i moved to phoenix so i never have to deal with that crap again. heres what mine looked like,nice and solid all around......... just sell yours to someone who can fix it/wants to fix it and move on. i wont ever buy another project truck myself.......

rambler 12-17-2008 01:19 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
Did you say something about "tow hooks" in your post????

joekewl_chevyfreak 12-17-2008 04:53 PM

Re: It was over before I got started!
Dont Give It The Death Penalty! :lol: the original cab on mine is rusted out so bad that my gramps 'repaired' the holes with some shingles, duct tape, and sheet metal and cock and the sheet metal even rusted away :lol: I plan on keeping the cab for practice and also to just buy a 4X4 toy for hunting and the like

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