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blue_69 12-02-2002 11:14 PM

update on intermittent wipers
1 Attachment(s)
I did install the intermittent wiper switch in my 69 and got it working. I also checked the price on the switch at work it looks like $50 give or take some change. Heres some pics of how the install went.

I had the dash allready out so it was pretty easy to start.
the switch is pretty big as you can see.

blue_69 12-02-2002 11:18 PM

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next i marked where the little square holes on the trim ring line up with the sheetmetal underneath and drilled them. Then I used taper head sheet metal screws and kinda countersunk the holes in the trim ring.

blue_69 12-02-2002 11:21 PM

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then i mounted the trim ring and drilled the hole to 1/4 in the original knob and put it on the new switch.

blue_69 12-02-2002 11:23 PM

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now for the wiring i drew up a schematic the wire colors match the wire colors on the new switch up to the relays. All in all i think it could be acomplished for around $60 - $75 maybe cheaper if you work at a place that sells the switches like i do.:)

tkeduk8r 12-02-2002 11:36 PM

that is very sweet... i folled your other post but just as a refresher what kinda switch is it again????

blue_69 12-03-2002 12:00 AM

cole hersee makes the switch The one i have is out of a blue bird school bus. The only place that i can find that carries cole hersee switches are heavy truck and bus places. If you get a switch for something other than a blue bird the wiring may be different cole hersee has a bunch of switches that look identical but they are different. And yes i was thinking of putting together a kit of sorts but i have to see if i can get a little bit of a break on the switch prices. I will post when i know more about that.


slam33 12-07-2002 11:25 AM

The only 7 wire switch that is listed w/ the intermit is the 75600-07 and it looks like the one in the pick. I looked around the net for a price but can't seem tho find one. I'll get one from a dealer and post the price on it.:bowtie:

Church 01-09-2003 06:57 AM

It appears from the info on the coleherse site and your schematic that you are using the 75602-04 switch that does not have the self parking connection. I bought switch 75600-04 which has the self park feature. Can this switch can be used and just ignore the self park lead? I believe this is true. I need a little help with a part number on the bosh relays that you are using. It appears that 86 and 85 are the coil of the relay and 30 to 87 are normally open contacts. I dont exactly follow the connection to 87a on the center relay - does this go to a normally closed contact?

slam33 01-09-2003 10:44 PM

the 04 is a 6 wire switch, and the one in the diagram is a 7 wire. 75600-07 has off/park/inter/1/2:bowtie:

chickenwing 12-02-2004 02:36 PM

I've been keeping my fingers crossed on this one. Looks like some of the guys were getting close. Our wiper motor uses a mechanical self-park. If the 75600-04 switch
Church spoke of will work without the park lead connected we should be in business. Just to give you an idea what some people will pay check out this carcraft link. They don't list the price in the rag, on DSE's site it is $300! Can anyone figure out what off-the-shelf stuff these guys are using to see if we can adapt that?

chickenwing 12-03-2004 12:12 PM

Couldn't find em. Wife said Google it. Found 1 supplier. They only had 3 and I bought 1. $54.06 plus freight. On your marks.... Get set.... Go!

badpeanut 12-06-2004 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by chickenwing
1 left. ;)

None left. UPDATE--15 left and they can order more. Turns out they sell the 75600-04 Cole Hersee switch with their number of 75601-04.

I know Church tried the 75600-04 and it didn't work, but is there a way to make it work? According to Cole Hersee is the 75600-04 is for wiper motors with dynamic parking and the 75601-04 is for wiper motors without dynamic parking. Could somebody explain this one to me?

Anybody have a REAL 75601-04 they'd part with?

Or better yet somebody should come up with a kit that works and sell that to me.

chickenwing 12-06-2004 09:15 PM

Uh, oh. :eek: I read on their website that the dynamic parking/ non-dynamic was one actually breaks itself electricly and one just coasts to a stop. Have no idea what we have. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hoping I get the right one. They charge a 15% restock fee and you got to boot the freight too. I'll figure out what I can.

smokekiki 12-09-2004 02:41 PM

This is what i found on dynamic wipers....

Church 12-10-2004 11:06 AM

I followed the schematic at the top of this thread exactly. My electrical technician actually has contected Cole about the discontined switch and yes it is different than the 75600-04. They claim it wil work but trust me it dont.
The switch you need is the 75601-04 to make it work correctly. You will also need 3 relays. The cheapest place I was able to find them was at I used the part number RLY-421.

Church 12-10-2004 11:37 AM

I forgot to mention that you will have to modify your dash to mount the switch. So you might as well go ahead and purchase the NO LIMIT BILLET ALUMINUM INSTRUMENT PANEL AND GLOVE BOX DOOR from us since you have to cut the tabs to mount the switch anyway. :D

Putter 12-10-2004 12:19 PM

Any idea what exactly what the difference is between the 75600-04 and the 75601-04? (just for the sake of knowing)

Church 12-11-2004 09:25 AM

Cole told us that the 75601-04 was being replaced by the 75600-04 although they are different switches. I noticed that New Port Engineering is using one of the cole switches. When I first ordered, I ordered through them and somehow they are getting the 75600-04 to work. WE never could figure it out.

Putter 12-13-2004 09:40 AM

Ditto Chickenwing. I also ordered the 75601-04 and got a switch stamped 75600-04. Would have called and had it returned, but customer service was closed on Saturday. I figured I would hook it up and see what happens...... Hooked it up exactly as the schematic on the first page showed and ....

It is works GREAT. Better than I imagined. Piece of cake. And for the knob, I only had to enlarge the hole in my factory knob to 1/4 inch and reuse the existing set-screw.

Putter 12-13-2004 01:28 PM

The one I eneded up with (75600-04) according to Cole is for Dynamic Park wiper motors. But, if you look at the schematic, the wire for the park is not even used on our trucks, so....
Just in case you run into this ( I did and almost had a panic attack) wipers wouldn't run in the HI SPEED position. Turns out that I had the blue and the purple wires reversed at the existing truck plug (see schematic). After reversing them, they worked fine.

badpeanut 12-13-2004 01:44 PM

Putter, what did you do for relays?

Putter 12-13-2004 03:41 PM

Just used three bosch relays. Or you can look under the hood of most F0rdS and find the same ones. Do not use the ones at Autozone that are next to the fog lamps. For some reason, the 87 and 87a both operate together instead of switching between the two. I think they are made by Pella, or Hella, or something very close to that.

Putter 12-14-2004 09:44 AM

Holler when you get is put in. I had to remove the cluster so I could trim the lip of the dash. (see 1st pic in this post) How I did mine was to simply cut a couple of relief slits in it and fold it out flat. I guess you can also use a cut-off or die grinder and remove it all together, but I wasn't near the compressor. I used a hack-saw (took like 4 strokes) and a pair of pliers.
I swear, if the switches were not so expensive, it would be easy to set these up and sell them as a kit, pre-wired and ready to plug in.

chickenwing 12-14-2004 02:06 PM

They definately are getting top dollar for the switch. You gotta admit it is worth every penny. Still kinda cheap if you consider the extremes some other shops went to for an intermittent wiper set-up. In that link I posted earlier, those guys are fabricating adapter plates to use late model moters. Starting price is $300. You could probably still do it and sell em for $100-$125 and guys would still feel like it was a good deal. You could even go with all GM's in the 67? and up year group. Camaros come to mind...
Will be a while before I install mine. Still bird season. Will try to post some pics when I do. If someone does not beat me to it.
When I go recreational junk-yarding for the relays, I would like to find something with some good connectors. I like stock-looking mods. Wich means I hate just installing something with spade terminals. Could you steer me towards a year/model on the Ferds for the relays?

Putter 12-17-2004 10:54 AM

I think I have gotten several out of mid 90's ones. Usually under the hood. Other than being marked with the FORD logo, they look exactly like a regular Bosch relay. You can get a plug-in harness for relays at almost any audio shop that installed car security systems. If you go that route, be sure to remove any diodes that jump from one terminal to the next. Don't want to fry the new switch or wiper motor.

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