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Painter D 03-31-2009 10:27 PM

Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
Mods move if necessary.

I discovered an exhaust leak today on my 69 at the collectors. So I'm thinking no big deal I'll just get some new gaskets ,put'em in, problem fixed. It didn't go that way though ,they still leak even with new gaskets. So as I was laying under my truck in frustration it got me thinking back to other issues and situations, and I realized. My truck fights me every step of the way!

So then I really started thinking back to every single thing I've done ,and nothing ,yes nothing went as smooth and as easy as it should have. Even really simple stuff ,such as changing the oil. I've had two oil filters get stuck on my motor so bad I had to use an air hammer to get them off. When I upgraded my motor the first cam I had went flat, then on the second round with a new cam I had a major oil leak. Finally with the motor out for the third time it worked out normal. Why does this truck hate being worked on?

Then I got thinking more and realized every......single ......little.....thing...that should go smooth and be easy, didn't go that way. WTF? As easy as these trucks should be to work on for some reason mine isn't. The truck's almost finished now but it's been a hard road for some reason. This isn't the first vehicle I've gone through and built either ,and I'm an automotive tech. So experience and connections weren't an issue at all.

So as the title states: Does your truck fight you every step? Or is mine just cursed.

my67chevytruck 03-31-2009 10:33 PM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
HAHA.. Man, im glad it's not just me. But it's not just the trucks! If i didnt have BAD LUCK i wouldnt have any at all. And here i was thinkin i was Unique.........

Richard8971 03-31-2009 10:43 PM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
I don't think we need to move this, but I could be wrong.

Problem with working on anything this old is that things are bound to happen. Heck, things go wrong on newer cars and trucks as well. One thing is for certain though. Once you have worked though the problems you encounter, it makes driving your old truck that much more enjoyable, esp when people complement you on your ride!


dan42 03-31-2009 11:01 PM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
There does seem to be an element of truth to that. Last night I was changing out the latch on the driver's side door, and I had to turn the lock with the key to remove the old one. Never had a problem with it before, but last night it decided to turn and freeze, with the key stuck in it. So my latch project turned into a replace-the-doorlock project.

pmpski_1 03-31-2009 11:03 PM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
Most of the time it's me, not the truck. If I leave well enough alone everything'll be fine.

vectorit 03-31-2009 11:24 PM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
I had a 1977 K10 Silverado, and that thing just had a black cloud followin it and me since the day I purchased it. No matter how much care, and time I put into it. The dang thing would leave me hangin every step of the way.

Thinking back, here are a few things I can remember went wrong with it.

Engine #1 oil delivery somehow stopped to the cam area, and cam broke in 3 places.
Engine #2 Blown head gaskets
Engine #3 Harmonic balancer flew off, snapped off the crank snout.
Engine #4 Hydraulic snapped 2 rods. (Went through deep water, sucked in a gulp through the air cleaner) Engine only had a couple hundred miles on it.

HEI module died while I was 50 or so miles on the back roads, and while being towed back the the tailgate got caved in.

Countless alternaters, Header gaskets, batteries, oil leaks, and spark plug wires.

At least the rest of the drive train didn't give me any hassles.
The body had so much cancer, it was crazy how the fender and door skins stayed on. Maybe it was the gallon of bondo? :lol:

Sold the dang thing to a guy that just had to have it, he came to my house at night in the pouring rain. He bought it, and was thrilled. I was amazed, and happy it was gone!

adpostel 03-31-2009 11:32 PM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
Man, and I thought I was the Lone Ranger. I have been doing a SB/BB swap going to the 454 and it has been a long road. Started out not being able to find motor mounts for the BB because I was a noob. And the small block motor mounts that were on there kept making the balancer hit the front cross member, so I had a shop weld up some steel box looking mounts that would raise and push the motor back, so I would have room to be able to use any headers, brackets or fan that I wanted. Then I started messing with the old wiring, and that became a nightmare. And mind you, the truck was in pretty decent condition already. I had driven it daily for a couple of years. I ended up replacing and basically rebuilding the harness that goes through the firewall by replacing the spades and receptacles in the plug. Then I put the motor in, and found out that my Moroso oil pan was hitting the centerlink when you would turn, so I had to pull the whole thing back out and remove the oil pan and cut a back angle on the pan and re-weld a piece on there, then re-grind and re-paint the pan and then re-install. After installing the motor and trans, I had the driveshaft built, but that was all for not, because a couple months later I bought a TH400 and that was another driveshaft. Recently I went ahead and installed the shifter and cable, and that was basically smooth, except that I had to patch the floor because I had a three speed before and it had a huge hole cut in the floor for the shifter and linkages. So I patched that and then tried to get some carpet for it, and couldn't find one upholstery shop that had a 14X10 inch piece of black carpet. Finally I went to AZ and bought a piece of black carpet for 10 bucks and went with that. After all that, I tried to put the driveshaft in, and I'm done, right. WRONG, the new one piece driveshaft wouldn't fit through the crossmember with the carrier bearing brace, so that had to come out. Took the sawzall to it and voila!! The driveshaft went right into the tailshaft splines of the trans, and then, the dang U-joint was the wrong one for the rear-end, it was too small. SHOOT, I had to take it back out and take it back to the driveshaft shop for the 4th time. The guy said there are only three u-joints it could be for a chevy rear end, so go figure I had a one in three chance of getting that right, and still got it wrong. But after that, I finally got the driveshaft in and was good to go. I have actually taken it around the block now, and washed it too. But thanks for bringing it up, it actually made me feel better talking about it and knowing others have the same issues. I don't know where we'd be without this board. So A HUGE THANKS to all that offer their information and experience on here....Good Luck and Happy Cruizin........:metal:

spinning wheels 04-01-2009 02:06 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
I just look at it as a challenge to keep the old truck road worthy.

Every time I have worked on it. I give myself plenty of time and try not to get to upset when things go wrong. So the new front shock feel off after 40 miles. So the new Derale trans pan won't clear the trans cross member. So the rear brakes needed to be completely rebuilt and parts were a PIA to find. So i had to drill out the ignition key to install a new ignition. I can live with that. Having a L.A. County deputy sheriff impound it cause it looks abandoned, now that pisses me off :lol:

In order to keep my sanity, I just don't work on it too much. But if you guys think these trucks are a PIA. Try working on a late 70s GM car. My '79 Elco is a PIA and I worked on my brothers '79 Vette, another PIA. In comparison, these trucks are sweet to work on.

mr48chev 04-01-2009 02:41 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
Ah, You guys just said all that to make me feel better.

sometimes I wonder why I keep convincing myself that driving a 38 year old truck is better than driving something a lot newer.

The good parts are that It is all the Truck truck that I need. It wall haul or tow anything I want to. I have less tied up in in it than the repair bills that some of my coworkers pay on their late model trucks for somewhat simple repairs. The only work on the truck I can't do myself is due to not having the proper equipment to do the job.

The bad part, The front end needs a complete rebuild.
The front half of the driveshaft needs to be replaced. It has 54 holes drilled in the body that I don't need and need to weld up. Most of those are in the tops of the bed rails. For a while it was crapping out and quitting me on a regular basis but lately it seems to want to get the job done. It does get driven 50 miles a day minimum five days a week and has done a number of out of town three and four hundred mile trips in the past six months.

We do tend to forget the age of these trucks and the fact that if we use them they will need repairs and maintenance and if we don't use them regularly they will probably need more repairs and maintenance.

BigDaddyDave 04-01-2009 05:26 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
My truck can spit a brand new part off setting in the driveway. I have never had anything go right with it. I hate the trouble that you all have had, but i sure feel better knowing i am not alone.

Longhorn Man 04-01-2009 05:35 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
I've always loved how my trucks thrive on neglect.

Grapdawg 04-01-2009 07:02 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man (Post 3231876)
I've always loved how my trucks thrive on neglect.

HAHA, Thats my dads moto and he never seems to have problems with his cars. Heck he says if she burns oil dont change it just keep adding more. But Me im not like that and try and service my vehicles and seem to always have some sort of problem. O well

Papa Smurf 04-01-2009 07:39 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
I love it!!

We can all tell story after story of how our trucks mess with our minds - - - but don't let anyone else say something bad :box:

I ride Harleys and its the same thing. Love does strange things. :gmc2:

Papa Smurf

CrashBob 04-01-2009 08:12 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
I think I discovered your problem......................You have waaaay too nice of a shop and your truck is waaaay too fine looking. The darned things tend to get tempermental when spoiled

At least that's the way it seems to work with women....:lol:


68C10HotRod 04-01-2009 08:42 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
This was such a timely thread since I've spent over a month just getting mine to be a driver. It has constantly felt like 3 steps forward & 2 back. Yesterday was a real kicker. Noticed the heater core was leaking from the outer housing (which already needed replace cuz PO cut the entire face out to get to the core previously). Figured I was gonna replace the housing, core & might as well change the stat too. Broke one of the stat housing bolts, then broke a nice Snap-On bit trying to drill the bolt out. Decided 35* temps & 20mph wind were enough & I'd tackle it today.

Thanks for the humor & stories. I knew I wasn't alone but it helps to hear about others.

tater71c 04-01-2009 09:21 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
It makes me feel better when I hear ur guys stories about having nothing go right on ur trucks I have a 71 and I've owned it for a year and it's almost ready to be a daily driver but it has been a long and painful juorney gettng it to where it is today and it still needs a off frame resto

project69c10 04-01-2009 09:46 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
Has a mind of her own. So these days i check with her before making dig changes.having to fix or work on her ,is a daily thing.buts thats ok, could be worse could not have a 1969 chevy c10 long bed,and then what would i do with all my time, so if it breaks or falls off be glad,there are alot of people who wish they could be so lucky to own the best of the best. 67-73 chevy trucks.thanks

Jtrux 04-01-2009 10:00 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
I am a firm believer that every vehicle has a "personality". My 71 blazer is fine, enjoys being worked on and even ran good before I tore it apart. Nothing is too dificult on her. My other truck isn't so nice but eventually works out for me just makes me work a little harder for it.

tekno62 04-01-2009 10:10 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
That why men refer to anything - cars, trucks, boat as female.. there's always a fight. even when your giving them an upgrade.

72chevyk10 04-01-2009 10:13 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
my truck fights me ALL the time. simple stuff is such a pita. when this truck is "done" im never getin rid of cause of all the blood sweat and tears. changin the fron drive shaft was the worst so far after the bbc swap:lol:. one day i had to fire it up and i noticed a rather large coolant leak, so i figured ill just stop every mile or so till i get home for some water, never got the darn thing outa the parking lot! i got it fired once then the power steering decided to stop working:banghead: so i turn it off and try to fire it again nothing:banghead:so i was sitin there with a large coolant leak the thing wouldnt start and wouldnt turn even if it did start. all at the same time. before and after that my truck has never broke down:lol:.

monte0185 04-01-2009 11:33 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?

Originally Posted by Grapdawg (Post 3231919)
HAHA, Thats my dads moto and he never seems to have problems with his cars. Heck he says if she burns oil dont change it just keep adding more. But Me im not like that and try and service my vehicles and seem to always have some sort of problem. O well

This is called Self Changing oil!! I have had a couple cars with this feature. Comes in handy!!

Sorry bout all the trouble folks but im right there with ya. But in the end youll have a truck your proud of and can say yeah I did that!!

90\87Formula 04-01-2009 11:41 AM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
Your truck is just lonely out there in that big fenced-in garage. It just wants some company. Buy a parts truck and park it out there. Everything will be good.

MonteSS454 04-01-2009 01:05 PM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
Yes my truck fights me. Fix one thing then something else doesn't work and or breaks. Never ending battle.

Green Machine 04-01-2009 04:10 PM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
They will fight you, no doubt, Alot of things need to be done 2 or 3 times before it works as it should. Have have to return a lot of parts too because of various problems, It's just part of the fun ! We enjoyed the fight so much that we have 3 67-72 trucks now, plus a bunch of other vehicles. Why waste all that experience gained ? Restore another one or two and things will go better as you go !!!

Boog 04-01-2009 06:45 PM

Re: Does your truck fight you every step of the way?
LOL. Well, as someone said, "if it ain't broke, fix it until it is". :lol: If a repair job goes too easy you need to tear it apart and do it again cause you surely did something wrong...
I have less patience now than I used to.

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