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rodstored-72 05-20-2009 03:38 PM

radio install ??
i am in the process of wiring a new radio in the truck & have a few questions. first, how do you connect the radio power wires to the fuse block (stock) of the truck?
second, does anyone know what wires are used for the factory radio power wires?
the harness is new & is a stock replacement.

thanks for the help & replies!!;)

red71c10 05-20-2009 03:47 PM

Re: radio install ??
It's just a big long heavy gauge red wire with a black plug on each end. Originally, one end plugged into the back of the radio along with the speaker wires, and the other end plugged into the fuse panel. The panel is labeled with the word radio and a tiny arrow pointing to the correct connection. I can post pictures if you need more info.

john 05-20-2009 04:18 PM

Re: radio install ??
1 Attachment(s)
fuse box

rodstored-72 05-20-2009 05:07 PM

Re: radio install ??
thanks for the reply. i noticed that on my panel too & so do i understand right that i just run a red "power" wire from the new radio to the "blade" connection onto that connection at the fuse panel?


john 05-20-2009 05:28 PM

Re: radio install ??

Originally Posted by rodstored-72 (Post 3319506)
thanks for the reply. i noticed that on my panel too & so do i understand right that i just run a red "power" wire from the new radio to the "blade" connection onto that connection at the fuse panel?



rodstored-72 05-20-2009 06:03 PM

Re: radio install ??
when doing that will that mean that the radio will be on "all" the time or is that "key-on" connection?

thanks again!!

JimKshortstep4x4 05-20-2009 07:38 PM

Re: radio install ??
The radio will work with the ignition
switch either "on" or accessory.


rodstored-72 05-21-2009 09:51 AM

Re: radio install ??
thanks for the insight & answers! i am going to try & hook it up this weekend. i will let you all find out if i blow the truck up or not!!!(lol!)

thanks again for the replies!!

p.s. just out of curiosity is there a separate radio harness for these trucks since the radio was a option? and also is what is described in the previous posts the "factory" way the radios were connected??

thanks again!!

red71c10 05-21-2009 08:48 PM

Re: radio install ??
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by rodstored-72 (Post 3320480)
thanks for the insight & answers! i am going to try & hook it up this weekend. i will let you all find out if i blow the truck up or not!!!(lol!)

thanks again for the replies!!

p.s. just out of curiosity is there a separate radio harness for these trucks since the radio was a option? and also is what is described in the previous posts the "factory" way the radios were connected??

thanks again!!

Here's a factory speaker with the attached wiring harness. This one is missing a plug on one end of the power wire. The big black plug goes into the back of the radio, the power wire goes from the fuse panel into the big black plug. When you get the radio/speaker all in place and attached with the brackets, that grounds it. Plug in the antenna and you're ready to go!

lolife99 05-21-2009 10:10 PM

Re: radio install ??
Good info here.

rodstored-72 05-21-2009 11:59 PM

Re: radio install ??
thanks guys for all the effort & time!! i agree it is good info on here (as always) i know that when a question is asked on here there will always be a answer & added info as well.....

thanks again guys!!

72BlckButy 05-22-2009 08:25 AM

Re: radio install ??
This is an information thread, great post guys!


maddog1331 05-22-2009 09:25 AM

Re: radio install ??
1 Attachment(s)
I don't know what radio you are putting in, but it would be a good idea to make sure a fuse holder is on the power wire. Just in case something isn't hooked up right, it will keep you from frying the radio. If it is a used radio it might not have one. You can pick one up at radio shack and probably Wal Mart.

rodstored-72 05-22-2009 10:02 AM

Re: radio install ??
Thanks for the info. i will probably do that although the radio has a fuse in the back of it. i also wonder since it will be connected to the actual fuse block (plugged in) wont it have a "regulated" or pre-set amount of current flowing?? you can tell i know very little about

thanks for the input....

maddog1331 05-22-2009 10:25 AM

Re: radio install ??
1 Attachment(s)
Hey glad to help :)

I always put a fuse holder on the power wire even if there is a fuse in the back of the radio. Just a little extra insurance :)

As for the amount of current, I am not 100% sure of your question, but this may help:

If the place you hook up the line to on the fuse box has current only when the ignition is on, you'll only have power when the ignition is on.

If the hookup always has power, you'll be getting power all the time no matter if the ignition is on or not. I ran many batteries down by doing that and forgetting to turn off the radio when I left the vehicle ;)

If you mean like amount of electricity, you don't have to worry about it being regulated. I expect that this might fluctuate on a vehicle's electrical system, but not much. I have never had any problems with surging or anything.

Question...does this new radio have multiple power wires? One might be yellow. If it does, you probably have a radio that saves your preset stations, has a clock, etc. If it does, you'll want to run that yellow wire (could be orange also, I think...) to part of the fusebox that always has power (and use a fuse holder on this also).

One thing that has been VERY handy for me is an automotive circuit tester. You hook up the alligator clip to a grounded surface (some place on the body generally...may have to try different areas to get a good ground), and put the point on the place you want power from. It seems like every fuse box I have ever dealt with had the letters telling you what that fuse did worn off. It really helped me.

If you are unsure if something has power all the time, or only with the igniation, use one of these testers and switch the ignition on and off. It will light up when power goes through it. A picture of one is below :)

Sorry for being so long winded, or if I have went over stuff you already know. I just know how it was when I first started hooking up stuff, any information was helpful!

rodstored-72 05-23-2009 10:47 AM

Re: radio install ??
maddog1331, not winded at all i appreciate the time. here is the wiring per directions. ohh you did answer my question(s)!...

blk = ground
blu = antenna
red = 12v pwr (acc)
yllw = 12v pwr (all times)

sooo if i understand right...:
red = to fuse "blade" on panel (like in picture)

yellow = to a wire that is only "live" when the acc. is turned on (??) (does anyone know where or what wire might work????

black = to cab ground

a new question for you guys..... i have a blue (w/ white stripe) wire that is labeled ""amp rem"" i assume that it goes to the amplifier, but i wonder what it is for???

thanks again!!!

moon 05-23-2009 01:09 PM

Re: radio install ??

Originally Posted by rodstored-72 (Post 3323486)
i have a blue (w/ white stripe) wire that is labeled ""amp rem"" i assume that it goes to the amplifier, but i wonder what it is for???

thanks again!!!

Thats a 12 volt line that when connected to your amp., turns it on & off from the head unit. The amp will also need a hot line connected direct to the battery, using a larger gauge wire ... (4-10 depending on your amp).

red71c10 05-23-2009 01:22 PM

Re: radio install ??

Originally Posted by rodstored-72 (Post 3323486)
maddog1331, not winded at all i appreciate the time. here is the wiring per directions. ohh you did answer my question(s)!...

blk = ground
blu = antenna
red = 12v pwr (acc)
yllw = 12v pwr (all times)

sooo if i understand right...:
red = to fuse "blade" on panel (like in picture)

yellow = to a wire that is only "live" when the acc. is turned on (??) (does anyone know where or what wire might work????

black = to cab ground

a new question for you guys..... i have a blue (w/ white stripe) wire that is labeled ""amp rem"" i assume that it goes to the amplifier, but i wonder what it is for???

thanks again!!!

Red would go to the fuse panel "Radio" connection. Yellow should be full time power since it's there to power the memory for the clock and station presets. I'm thinking the lighter ("CIG") connection is your best bet for full time power. The black ground wire can be redundant depending on how you install the stereo, but it never hurts.

mvfd70 05-23-2009 09:04 PM

Re: radio install ??

Originally Posted by rodstored-72 (Post 3323486)
blk = ground
blu = antenna
red = 12v pwr (acc)
yllw = 12v pwr (all times)

sooo if i understand right...:
red = to fuse "blade" on panel (like in picture)

yellow = to a wire that is only "live" when the acc. is turned on (??) (does anyone know where or what wire might work????

black = to cab ground

Close. red to switched power. "Live" when key is on. yellow to "live" all the time.

rodstored-72 05-24-2009 10:22 AM

Re: radio install ??
thanks for the replies!!! it is sooo cool to have people to "go to" & get real answers.... unlike the "local" auto parts store (lol!). i had noticed that i kinda cross the red wire & the yellow wire after i posted. thanks for the clarification.
moon,thanks for the answer i will hook it up accordingly.
red71c10, thanks as well for the clarification i will do as suggested & hook up the yellow wire to cig. connection.

i am not running a wiper motor & the factory cig. lighter is not connected either. are there any suggestions on what of those wires can be used for in relation to the radio power wires???. & a amplifier connection??


maddog1331 05-25-2009 09:16 AM

Re: radio install ??

Originally Posted by rodstored-72 (Post 3324609)
thanks for the replies!!! it is sooo cool to have people to "go to" & get real answers.... unlike the "local" auto parts store (lol!). i had noticed that i kinda cross the red wire & the yellow wire after i posted. thanks for the clarification.
moon,thanks for the answer i will hook it up accordingly.
red71c10, thanks as well for the clarification i will do as suggested & hook up the yellow wire to cig. connection.

i am not running a wiper motor & the factory cig. lighter is not connected either. are there any suggestions on what of those wires can be used for in relation to the radio power wires???. & a amplifier connection??


Hey man, hope it is coming along well :). And hey it is good to hear you asking so many questions, it is much better to be safe than sorry. I think this install will go well for you!

Here are a few things:

Amp Rem wire - you don't need to hook that up. It stands for Amplifier Remote or some such. It is used when someone has an external amplifier along with the stereo. All that wire does is send a signal to the amplifier to tell it to turn on, and you have only mentioned the radio, not an external amp so don't do anything with it.

As for the 'always on' power, I think the lighter one would be fine. If you have a circuit tester you can just test different things on the fuse box and see what is always on and tap into it. The Yellow wire draws very little current, so I think no matter what wire you end up hooking up to it shouldn't hurt anything.

If you get frustrated and can't find a wire that has constant power, you can hook both the red and yellow wires together and run them from the same power source. Of course, you won't have the memory functions and clock working right on the radio, but it should work ok otherwise.

Keep us posted on how it is going man!

rodstored-72 05-26-2009 10:10 AM

Re: radio install ??
well guys i thought that i would have it all connected by now (being a holiday weekend), but as we all know life gets in the way!! anyways i plan on hooking things up this week if not on friday. thank you all for the great responses. i am excited about doing this, it is my first attempt at wiring a radio or anything like this. i feel very confident about though thanks to all the great help from here.... i will try to post pics so you guys can see that your efforts weren't in!!

thanks again for all the responses & help!!

maddog1331 05-26-2009 02:43 PM

Re: radio install ??
Glad to help man, good luck with it!

red71c10 05-26-2009 07:06 PM

Re: radio install ??

Originally Posted by rodstored-72 (Post 3327758)
well guys i thought that i would have it all connected by now (being a holiday weekend), but as we all know life gets in the way!! anyways i plan on hooking things up this week if not on friday. thank you all for the great responses. i am excited about doing this, it is my first attempt at wiring a radio or anything like this. i feel very confident about though thanks to all the great help from here.... i will try to post pics so you guys can see that your efforts weren't in!!

thanks again for all the responses & help!!

Easy Peasie Lemon Squeezie!!! You'll do fine!

72BlckButy 06-07-2009 01:44 AM

Re: radio install ??
1 Attachment(s)
Okay guys.... I need to bring this back to the top. :D

This morning I installed a new radio in my truck, but for some reason my radio terminal is dead. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this might be? This will be a dumb question, but is there a fuse to this terminal? Still learning guys.. :rolleyes:

What other terminals can I tap into to be able to use the accessory switch on the ignition?

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