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bigblock73 05-31-2009 08:36 PM

What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
4 Attachment(s)
Lets get this started without the usual suspects....hope you don't mind.

I had a productive weekend. Started my paver patio project for the fron of our shed, 10x10 size. Hauled home a yard and a half of class 5...shoveled all 4000 pounds out of the trailer and spread it...barely made a dent, I need more. Had some trees trimmed and spent a good deal of time on cleanup duty. I also went to an Estate sale and purchased a router, stand, tons of bits and attachments for $30. Then the real highlight of my weekend was a parts score. I responded to a CL for a a NICE 73-80 front bumper for my 77, got there, BS'd with the guy (he had a nice 85 swb C10), and ended up coming home with not only the bumper, but also near mint 73-76 complete door panels, dash bezel, dash trim, NICE 73-74 GMC grill...and driver quality 73-78 HL bezels and an 81+ cluster. I also spent time with my daughter and wife, the weather was soo nice, we all had a blast.

bigblock73 05-31-2009 08:40 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
4 Attachment(s)
Here are the rest of the pics. The tree trimmer had a nice truck and got bonus points in my book (cool factory speakers too!), you can see the 77 in the background with it's new(er) wheels, and a pic of my daughter being the ham that she is.

pokethesmot 05-31-2009 09:00 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
worked on the new lights on the fornt of my truck tuned the carb and hung out with my gf and her kid

07SSSC 05-31-2009 09:12 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
Started to mount my new (to me) seats, didn't work.
Then pulled the carpet and, well- -found rust.

silvereagle07 05-31-2009 09:13 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
I went to the Carolina Collector Autofest on Saturday. I saw some cool vehicles and got to speak with a forum member while I was there. I also finished the lower portion of my deck 8x6. It will hold my new grille.

dammitmitchell 05-31-2009 09:47 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
i scrubbed HALF an x-fercase clean and then got pulled awa from all of it by my wife.. and i cant do anything until tuesday..
but before this weekend i painted my motor and engine accesories...

flamingbig10 05-31-2009 09:55 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
did some yard work for my aunt, cleaned my grandma's pool and added some spot lights out front. me and my dad went to go visit a good friend at the hospital but he died a few minutes before we got there, and my dad called his wife before we went to hospital and said he was doing real good, and after the sadness went to car show at bass pro shop

smashingchuck 05-31-2009 10:08 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
Got a whole lot of nothing done on Saturday (had to go into work after one of my fork truck drivers destroyed a fire door with his mast).

Today I got the bumper mounted to the front of the 78. I also wiped down the whole chassis with soap and water to get all the shop dust off of it, and put the good wheels on it for the heck of it. I plan on buttoning up the front steering and rear four link later this week, as both of those items are put together , but I never did final adjustment on any of it.

SCOTI 05-31-2009 11:11 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
I helped a buddy lift & set a 55 Chevy body back on it's chassis (after paint). In turn, he came out to the shop & looked over my 'tweaked' frame that I thought was straight. It appears the problem starts from the front bed panel reward which is why we didn't notice when I got the frame (we only had a 12ft tape measure & quickly verified the front half of the frame. It was square so I figured we were good :rolleyes: ).

Then I drove out to my buddies new shop (he was the manager @ Stoked Out Specialties before it closed). He's making progress....not as fast as desired, but progress none-the-less.

After that, I had an appointment to look @ the 'stash' of truck stuff a guy advertises on Craigslist (their ad's have been linked here before). They must of had 30-40 6X-66 trucks. They even had a crewcab, extended cab, & several suburbans in various states of condition. The only thing was they didn't have one 'nice' truck (nice meaning even a beater/driver) to help advertise. Super nice guys though & they liked my 74.

Today was yard clean-up & then a little stuff @ work. I also loaded up the tweaked frame for a trip to the frame/alignment shop in the am.

ShowSS12 06-01-2009 12:27 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
Began working on the nursery for my new baby boy..

D13 06-01-2009 05:49 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
Tried to buy a 6.2 lift pump at NAPA, they couldn't even find the part number LOL! Mowed the lawn (4+ acres), hauled cleaned and laid down 300 bricks on my new shed floor (gotta get more bricks!), cut down a rotting monkey bar set, dug out a dying cherry bush, trimmed up around the house, watche dthe Red Wings, watched NASCAR, and anticipated this morning's GM filing. Only truck thing I did was moving my 99 off the grass and back into the driveway after the ROundup treatment (why must weeds grow in gravel?).

BigAl 06-01-2009 06:12 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
Finally got my truck running after three months of frustration!!!!!!

After installing a new computer and finding the idle speed doubled, I Swapped an Ignition control module, rebuilt the Throttle body and it purrs like a kitten!

TexasJeff 06-01-2009 07:25 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
2 Attachment(s)
Nothing truck related, but like Ken I responded to a Craigslist add and bought a set of Pony wheels for my Mustang. Ken that was one fine score, those interior panels look brand new.

JohnC 06-01-2009 08:59 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
We had our first Oklahoma Truck meet Saturday. We had about 20 trucks show up. Not bad for our first outing. Here is the link to it.

bad_burb 06-01-2009 10:18 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
When to the Goodguys show this weekend. It was the first time the had the Autocross event in Pleasanton. Had a great time, got a lot of sun and now I'm hooked on the Autocross. I didn't accually run but I plan on it next time it comes around. Lots of fun.

69BBsuburban 06-01-2009 10:33 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
Finished up some details on the Impala....mostly the paint.:metal:

Sunday washed my truck and took some stuff to a local R/C car swap. Brought more stuff home than I sold...haha!

boatpuller 06-01-2009 10:48 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
wash and waxed my new truck.chased oil leaks on the 79.weed eated,sprayed round up.mowed.purty busy.

N2TRUX 06-01-2009 02:04 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
Jeff- Thanks for starting the WDYGD post this week. I'll report later.

tgh117 06-01-2009 02:58 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
1 Attachment(s)
I finally got the truck out and into the yard for some outside shots. It has been semi operational for about a month and a half, but the new baby has prevented any forward progress at the moment. I have some misc electrical stuff to take care of, hook up the AC, and do the interior. Should be done soon I hope.

EJC78 06-01-2009 07:59 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
Worked on the Riviera a little. Bought a 76 with factory buckets, yep I finally closed the deal $500 so it wasn't a bad buy. pics to come

Captkaos 06-01-2009 09:07 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
Dang Jeff, you weren't kidding!! NICE Score!

I spent Saturday cutting rust out of the Jimmy floor and Sunday I pulled a head off my Grand Prix. super fun!

cochino12 06-01-2009 10:49 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?

Originally Posted by tgh117 (Post 3337755)
I finally got the truck out and into the yard for some outside shots. It has been semi operational for about a month and a half, but the new baby has prevented any forward progress at the moment. I have some misc electrical stuff to take care of, hook up the AC, and do the interior. Should be done soon I hope.

Nice truck!!! more pics more pics

N2TRUX 06-01-2009 11:23 PM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
1 Attachment(s)
Jeff- Your are the winner for best "steal of a deal" I don't know what looks better, the smoking deal you got on those parts, or the smile on that babies face.

You may as well give her the keys to the house now. With an irresistible look like that she already owns you.

Saturday I got up early and worked on several small projects. Had a funeral to attend and wanted to get things done before the heat set in.

After the funeral I spent the evening in the yard reworking one of my beds. Dark came and I called it quits.

Sunday I got an early start again, but didn't beat the heat. Worked on the other half of the bed, got the french drain cleaned out, and called it a day.

In the afternoon, I took my daughter to dinner for he 17th birthday. Dang she and her Mom are getting old.

Sunday evening I headed for the garage. I cleaned up the area under my 77, and got it up in the air. I spent a bit of time under it and got a "little" progress. Not enough. but some is better than none.

AceX 06-02-2009 02:01 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
I was at Good Guys in Pleasanton this weekend.

TwinTurbo 06-02-2009 06:41 AM

Re: What did ya get done this weekend...last one of May?
I had a faulty brake booster so I ordered one from A1 Cardone, however they don't ship international so I had it sent to a buddy in FL and he sent it to me. From the pics I was under the suspicion it would be a neatly gold cad plated booster, I was wrong it was a silver spraybombed old core with clearly visible rust pits. I cleaned it up and smoothed the rust pits and painted it so that it would not look like crap.

When I went to install it I noticed it had a black rubber boot on the end instead of the purple plastic extension tube. No fear, I had a couple of old ones left over. Went to swap it in and put the booster over the firewall studs...$%$#^%^%# it doesn't fit!! WTF? I take it off again and notice the 2 brackets are bent making the booster stick off sideways and twisted too (MC doesn't sit w/ level reservoir) and the tube doesn't engage the hole in the firewall. Some careful bending and cursing later, and starting with the purple tube engaged in the firewall and then slipping the booster on I got installed. Pfew!!! So, I tighten all the nuts, hook up the vac hose & MC, put the rod back on the pedal...start the car.. YES! power brakes. A couple more pumps...and suddenly.... "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Oh no! a vac leak and no power brakes. The thing went dead after 4 taps on the pedal. So, After the 80$ it cost, the 150$ to ship and taxes I'm now stuck with a painted rust pitted, bent & crooked, non working POS booster!! NICE!!!!!!!

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