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Sillyoldman 06-11-2009 05:06 PM

Customer service rant
Well since the weather is getting nice again I have re kindled my interest in fixing up Ugly Betsy my 63 fleet side. Even though I have a Autozone just minutes from the house and a Schucks a little further away I've decided to go to Napa. The closest Napa is about ten miles, but I figured the service would be worth the trip. On may 20th I went there to get some parts. While I was in line a I caught the tail end of a confrontation between the counter guy and a customer. The customer stormed out and then came back yelling. I stood up for the employee as it seemed the other guy was out of line. When My turn came up I explained that I was uncertain of the fan belt size that I needed so the guy suggested that I buy two and toss them on and return the one that didn't work. I did just that. Now keep in mind this motor is new has new pulleys as well. Today I go back there with my receipt planning on returning it and getting some other things. I see the very same guy that sold me the parts. I explained to him that he'd suggested that I buy both belts and return one after I figured out what fit best. He grabbed the belt and twisted in back wards and said "I can't return this, you ran it". I asked what he meant. He said theres residue in the grooves, you ran it. I started to tell him that it was never ran and then the phone rang. Even though the other two people were not busy the dude helping me decided it would be beneficial to grab the phone while I was talking. I removed myself and found the manager. I told him that I understand their standpoint. Just the same time I'd be wasting my time to try to work them out of twelve bucks. Mostly I did not appreciate their unsubstantiated accusations that were very short of calling me a liar. I also told him that if they are assuming that I'm returning a used belt then its safe for me to assume they sold me a used belt. The belt was not even dirty. I wiped out a couple grooves with my finger and yes I got some black rubber on my finger. It was a powdery rubber which I assumed was from the manufacturing process.The guy was such a jerk with me I feel bad for standing up to the other customer in his defense because based on the guys attitude I'm pretty sure he instigated the whole thing. The more I looked at the guy the more I wanted to wring his neck. I really wanted to challenge the guy to go out back and randomly select another new belt and check it too. Needless to say I will no longer shop there. If I have to be subjected to poor I can do it closer to home and not be insulted during the process.

old Rusty C10 06-11-2009 05:15 PM

Re: Customer service rant
unfortunately any chain auto parts store is bad and alot of the newer ones are chain stores now... I much prefer the mom and pop stores

Sillyoldman 06-11-2009 05:18 PM

Re: Customer service rant

Originally Posted by old Rusty C10 (Post 3355054)
unfortunately any chain auto parts store is bad and alot of the newer ones are chain stores now... I much prefer the mom and pop stores

Thats the problem. No more M&P's left. Autozone killed the last one around here. I also used to go to one in south Seattle, but schucks killed that one too (right Ellen ;) )

robin58 06-11-2009 05:33 PM

Re: Customer service rant
Don't know how it is everywhere else but some of the NAPA stores here are more like franchises. There's one NAPA a few miles down the road and there's one about 20 miles away. I drive the extra miles and get firstclass service. In fact every time I've bought a battery from him he's always told me to make sure I come back a month before the full warranty expires and he swaps it out for a new one.

My local autozone on the other hand is a place that won't see $ out of my wallet.

At the end of the day if I'm in no rush to get the part I'd much rather deal with Rockauto and wait the 2-3 days to get it shipped knowing that returns have never been an issue.

ETsC10 06-12-2009 12:46 AM

Re: Customer service rant

Originally Posted by Sillyoldman (Post 3355059)
Thats the problem. No more M&P's left. Autozone killed the last one around here. I also used to go to one in south Seattle, but schucks killed that one too (right Ellen ;) )

Yup. Boulevard Auto Parts...Shucks squashed them flat. :(

and Rockauto rocks! :metal:

El Jay 06-12-2009 01:56 AM

Re: Customer service rant

Originally Posted by old Rusty C10 (Post 3355054)
unfortunately any chain auto parts store is bad and alot of the newer ones are chain stores now... I much prefer the mom and pop stores

I'm witchoo on the M & P stores.
Although NAPA is my 2nd choice & both are near by.

As for Kragen (now O'reilly's), they're a way distant 3rd, even though there is 1 store about 1/2 mile from me & another actually across the street from the M & P.

Local business folks are the best.

dammitmitchell 06-12-2009 02:13 AM

Re: Customer service rant
crap.. here locally i'll only use napa...
unless it's for cheap crap i dotn care about..
but my napa guy was here toningt helping me sand my firewall and ibe me painting tips..
he's a good dude..
the other guys though.. i need antifreee because my head get hot dealing with them.. these boys needed the BELT growin up..

fine69 06-12-2009 09:00 AM

Re: Customer service rant
I don't go to my local Napa at all. And its only 2 minutes away. Price kills them.

And they always seemed to have to order everything. Got old, i just quit going.

Havn't been there in years.

Autozone same way.

I use Advance Auto for everything. Best auto parts store we have ever had here.

1956cameo 06-12-2009 10:07 AM

Re: Customer service rant
In my town we have 3 autozones, 3 O' Rielly's, 1 Advance, 1 Standard, and 1 NAPA. I have had good luck with all of the stores, as far as customer service. Suprisingly though the Autozones here have more in stock for my old trucks than anyone else, and they are way cheaper than NAPA and Standard auto. Normally I dont like shopping Autozone but the one that I go to has very good people that know there stuff and aerent just teenagers working after school. On more than one occassion they have spent 15-20 minutes trying to look up specialty parts for me or trying to find what other parts stores in the area might have it. Also on more than one occassion they have taken merchandise back that propably shouldnt have been taken back.

JON67 06-12-2009 10:09 AM

Re: Customer service rant
maybe it's a Warshington thing, but I have always had better luck at my local Schucks then I ever did with my local NAPA.

Sillyoldman 06-12-2009 10:30 AM

Re: Customer service rant

Originally Posted by JON67 (Post 3356141)
maybe it's a Warshington thing, but I have always had better luck at my local Schucks then I ever did with my local NAPA.

Well Schmucks is another story. Years ago I went there for some new spark plugs. They pulled them for me, I paid then left. I replaced 5 plugs went to pull out the 6th and the box was empty. I searched until the only conclusion I could come to is that they tossed an empty box to me. I went back and told them I was shorted a plug. They told be their inventory showed six in stock, they sold me six and they don't have another one. They pretty much called me a liar as well. My problem with this? I have integrity and honesty is something I'm good at. It's pretty stupid to lose a customer over a $3.00 spark plug or a $12.00 fan belt.

NONHOG 06-12-2009 10:58 AM

Re: Customer service rant
Enquiring minds want to know, did you get your money back ?
Was this the Auburn store ?

Sillyoldman 06-12-2009 11:22 AM

Re: Customer service rant

Originally Posted by NONHOG (Post 3356192)
Enquiring minds want to know, did you get your money back ?
Was this the Auburn store ?

Yes I got my money back and also purchased a gasket set. I was mad enough that I forgot another item I needed though. When the manager brought out the gasket set he tore the box open to show the seals to me. I so badlly wanted to suggest to him that I wanted a sealed box but refrained. It's funny because when we were working on UB we had the conversation about my switching to Napa & driving the extra distance for the value of good service. It was the one off so 208th & Pac Hwy. Like i said I wanted to wring his neck. The guy looked too much like Andy, but w/o a goatee. I just couldn't do it. You know him?

maddog1331 06-12-2009 11:33 AM

Re: Customer service rant
I have had very good luck at O'Rileys. That is about all I use anymore. I have used the one herein town in Somerset Kentucky and one in Russellville Alabama (when I go back to visit relatives) and have have awesome service and such every time.

Don't get me wrong, I would prefer the mom and pop stores, but they are mostly gone these days. Or, for the ones I have tried that still exist, they are woefully understocked and have to order everything.

big_al_71 06-12-2009 11:42 AM

Re: Customer service rant
I used Advance auto stores alot during the build of my bucket they were really good about helping and getting things for me that they did not have in stock. I also used autozone and no complaints either, however napa I have only been in maybe three times and every time they did not have what I needed however the guys were ok.

NONHOG 06-12-2009 12:55 PM

Re: Customer service rant
Dont know anybody there. It looks like by my map its a little closer than Auburn. (near Main st.) I've had a few "issues" with Auburn but they always
come thru, mistakes yes, rude no.
Most the time we look up our own parts and call in the # which wont work matching stuff up.

Dont ya just hate parts guys :lol:

MacAttack 06-12-2009 02:04 PM

Re: Customer service rant
I used to go to NAPA religiously. Two stores within 10 miles of me went out of business, so I was stuck with on over 15 miles from my house.

Sawdust on the floor, hoses hanging from the ceiling, free hand-fulls of peanuts while you waited, machine shop in the back, and the owner was the Hose Master of all time (bending hard lines to suit and everything).

Since he retired a while back - this operation’s gone down hill steadily. I was used to the "we’ll have to order it for you and it’ll be here tomorrow" syndrome, but the attitude has changed in the last six months or so - they’re getting to be just like Manny, Moe and Jack.

I can’t help but feel there’s a huge resto market these places are mission out on, but honestly, I don’t think they give a damn. The on-line places are okay, but the major problem I run into there is stupidly high prices or parts lists with huge year-to-year gaps.

leddzepp 06-12-2009 02:21 PM

Re: Customer service rant
Autozone, Kragen suck as far as quality and knowledgeable staff...but the dudes their have always been nice. Star auto (I think thats Advance out here) has the best quality, availability, and knowledge.
The Napa here plain sucks as far as price, availability AND attitude. I have not gone in there in years, we used to have several here, but now down to only one. Napa is crappa when it comes to customer service.

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