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72cheyenneman 11-23-2009 08:47 AM

Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
I have a question for you truck guys. She left it to me after she died over 25 years ago. It was in Kansas for 10 years before I brought it here to New Orleans. When my grandmother passed, the truck had 48,000 miles, and since I've had, I've put 5,000 miles on it. One of the trips I took in the truck was to south Texas to haul my boat back to New Orleans. This truck has been in my family since new, and my grandmother used it only carried her trash to the dump, since there was no trash pickup in the country. This truck is original, down to the bolts and the spiral shocks. I can get in this truck today and drive it to California without a problem. There's work to be done on it, but I'm confused on selling the truck or restoring it. The only way that I would sell is if someone would restore it and not try to make a quick buck or sell it off for parts.

Here's the good and the bad on it:
1. Small pin holes in truck bed
2. Right door bottom has some rot
3. Passenger side quarter needs patch
4. Tailgate bottom has some rot
5. Both rockers replaced (in my opinion)
6. Right fender needs patch, which can be done
7. Needs a fuel tank
8. Needs carpet and bench seat bottom needs reupholstered
9. Transmission leaks, but will drive as long as there's plenty of fluid
10. Air condition needs to be fixed
11. Needs a radiator core support
12. Needs right interior fender well

Here's some photos:

For someone who has rebuilt and restored trucks, this would be a darling. I have an idea what the truck would be worth but am confused on whether to sell the truck or restore it myself. I have two '69 Camaros and one '72 Chevelle that takes all my space up. I'd sell the truck if I knew it was going to a truck enthusiast who would restore it to original.

What would you do?

72freak 11-23-2009 09:34 AM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
I would keep it unless you just have no sentimental attachment to the truck. I think its worth way more as a family piece than the amount you could get for it.

no moa 11-23-2009 09:38 AM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton

Originally Posted by 72freak (Post 3634483)
I would keep it unless you just have no sentimental attachment to the truck. I think its worth way more as a family piece than the amount you could get for it.

+ 1 ^

Its been in the family since new, definatly a keeper IMHO. You will regret selling it later, trust me i know. I gave up my grandmothers caprice, and i regret it still to this day, that was 20 years ago.

dfwright 11-23-2009 10:43 AM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
Keep it. It's your grandmother's truck. Even if you're not ready to restore it yourself now, you might later, and you could never get it back.

BarryB 11-23-2009 11:01 AM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
x4^ Keep it.
You could sell it. You regret it later. You try to find one to replace it, but the new truck will not have the stories like this one does. The problems you stated are not that bad to repair. I would on the other hand put some kind of rust killer on the spots so they don't get any worse.

dan42 11-23-2009 11:14 AM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
I would agree with the above, and I also know what's it's like to have too many vehicles, like I do right now. But if it were my grandmother's truck, and I had memories of the truck that were good, then find somewhere for it and let yourself thinks about it for a while. What you would get for it isn't much.

cedorris 11-23-2009 11:20 AM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
I would definitely keep it. There are too many stories of regret. If it is mechanically sound then there is no reason to get rid of it. You always need a truck around and the problems you listed aren't that hard to fix.

LockDoc 11-23-2009 11:45 AM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
The thing is once you sell it you have no control over it. The person you sell it to may say they will restore it and in fact use it as a parts truck. If you can't keep it I would see if I could find someone in the family that might want it. My '36 Ford Coupe will go to my son when I'm gone. If for some reason my son would go before I do it will go to my wife's brothers son. Check on both sides of the family. It would be a shame to see it leave the family after this many years...

Just my 2¢ worth.


68lwb292 11-23-2009 12:07 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
This always cracks me up when guys do this because they already know the answer they want to hear. Otherwise you wouldn't come to to ask the question. After all you know what everyone is gonna say especially after that story.

Tynee 11-23-2009 12:52 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
Yep, keep the truck, sell a camaro to fund the restore and create space...

rwolf9653 11-23-2009 12:58 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
Keep it, and keep driving it. It doesn't sound too bad off so just use it until your mind is made up one way or another.

ges55 11-23-2009 02:48 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
I think you should keep it. I have my father-in-law's old truck & I wouldn't give it up for anything.

cedorris 11-23-2009 03:20 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton

Originally Posted by 68lwb292 (Post 3634702)
This always cracks me up when guys do this because they already know the answer they want to hear. Otherwise you wouldn't come to to ask the question. After all you know what everyone is gonna say especially after that story.

True, but some people just like to be re-assured and validated.

hotrod 80 11-23-2009 03:35 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
First let me say welcome to the forum .

Second sounds like your a Chevy guy already . Fix the tranny leak and the gas tank . Drive it every now and then to keep it functional . If you get around to it replace the carpet and recover the seat . See if it hasn't grown on you by then . These trucks have the distinct Chevy lines of your Camaros and Chevelle and are quickly becoming the last vehicles of that era that are still somewhat affordable . If you took a poll here everyone on here would also love to have a Chevelle or Camaro in there garage . These trucks give you the same styling and still maintain the function of a truck if need be . I am with the others , look to sell in the family if possible to give someone else a chance at a family owned classic .

CUSTOM_1O 11-23-2009 03:47 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
you would regret handing it over trust me...
the truck i have now i have inherited from my grandfather
i have ideas to sell it as well when i wasnt handy enough to do work myself
or when i came apon bumps in the road but now that i have kept it and ive seen it progress little by little im glad i never sold her

dieselarmy13 11-23-2009 03:52 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
If I were you, I'd sell it to me. I'd take care of it.;)

420am 11-23-2009 04:13 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
It's my truck's twin. Even from the same momma (Kansas).

Keep it and make it something you're proud to cruise around in. Your grandma would enjoy knowing she left you something that you enjoy I'm sure. Plus.. right now you won't get a good price for it. Either way, I'd say hold on to it and start updating it tastefully.

cerjio 11-23-2009 04:18 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
Keep it an slowly fix the rust , I think it would be cool to show up at a car show pulling a trailor with the camero on it with an old pickup. I have a 70 an cant wait to get it done so i can go to car show with it along with my father in laws 63 imp. SS

tcb-1 11-23-2009 05:43 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton

Originally Posted by dieselarmy13 (Post 3635041)
If I were you, I'd sell it to me. I'd take care of it.;)

I knew you'd say that:lol::lol::lol:

mclairmo 11-23-2009 05:51 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
Keep it and use it until you decide to restore it. We all need a truck around for hauling.

weasel29gm 11-23-2009 07:03 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
Since your truck has a history, hang on to it. As far '' restorin'' goes who cares fix the rust and paint. It don't have to be a frame off build. I'd like to have one like it for a work truck.

69GMCLonghorn 11-23-2009 07:13 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton

Originally Posted by 68lwb292 (Post 3634702)
This always cracks me up when guys do this because they already know the answer they want to hear. Otherwise you wouldn't come to to ask the question. After all you know what everyone is gonna say especially after that story.

That's what you think... SELL IT! HAHA

Man, you have to decide what you want. If you like the truck, make it yours. In that condition, being original isn't making or breaking it. Being in good shape and doing a good quality resto on it will make a difference.

And one comment, which is a tough pill to swallow: If you sell it, don't worry yourself with what someone else is going to do with it. If someone wants to make ashtrays out of it, that is their business. It's hard to see, but if it isn't yours anymore, just let them do as they please and be at peace with it...

mikey531 11-23-2009 07:15 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
KEEP IT !!! I have my Grandmother's 1963 Buick Special. I don't us it but it is full of memories!

Andy4639 11-23-2009 08:06 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
Keep it as it is and drive it like you should. Then just tinker with it as the truck ages with you.:chevy:

72 Super 11-23-2009 08:33 PM

Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton
Keep it, I am sure your Grandmother would like for you too. If you are not really into it,as others have said offer it to someone in your family. Once its gone you never know what could happen with it. I sold a truck my dad had although he didn't buy it new, I really regret it now.


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