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68shortstep 12-08-2009 07:08 PM

Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
2 Attachment(s)
Today I was in a part of the County I hadn't been in for years (since I started keeping an eye-out for our stuff) & look at what I found. Nobody seemed to be home, and the big dog was absolutely sure that I had a coupla tasty rump-roasts on me, so I didn't get too close.

Best I can tell: (5) '70-ish Blazers & at least 3 were 4x4's, (3) '67-72 short beds, and (1) '64-66 shortbed. Maybe more "back in the weeds." Another short '64-66 about a country block away, at another house.

Gotta go back on the weekend sometime. And me with no fun-money $$$$.

Real estate is a tough business right now. :waah::waah::waah:

Hottrucks 12-08-2009 07:13 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
you find me a DEAL on one of those in decent shape body wise and I'll help your real estate woas!!well at least you be able to take the other half out to dinner....

68shortstep 12-08-2009 07:19 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
Don't know if any of them can be bought at all, or what kind of maybe stupid-high $$$$$$ they might want, but I'll find out when I can.

Hottrucks 12-08-2009 07:23 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
thanx Kool
the one with the slots looks pretty complete??? I'm just looking for a clean body I hate live in the NE because I suck at body work!! but I can make the run and drive NP

68shortstep 12-08-2009 07:29 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
Yeah, the grey / green one with the slots looks to be the best, the gold one seems pretty complete except for a few odds & ends, there's a tub up on a tall stand of some kind, and two parts strippers there. Same for the pickups, one good, one partial, one stripped. The '64-66 looked good.

Who knows what else ?

DMARCUM123 12-08-2009 07:36 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
Let me know about one of them thats in good shape

DMARCUM123 12-08-2009 07:39 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
Mt home I've been there once bought a 57 chevy truck about 5 yrs ago there

68shortstep 12-08-2009 07:52 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
Yep. Lotsa old vehicles here (lotsa old retirees own them, living here at the big lakes) & a bunch of daily-driver 60's, 70's & 80's stuff still on the road that I see all the time.

This find sort of surprised me, because finding one or two old rigs off in the brush is not too unusual, but all the blazers clustered together really shocked me. Most of the Blazers around have been beat all to Hell, or wrecked, or stripped.

I missed getting a 2-WD '69 - 70 a couple years ago, that I'd been pursuing for a while. A granny-widow gave to her teenage grandson, and he promptly wrecked it (bad).

Glad I happened to have the camera with me to snag a coupla pix of these.

sdailey 12-08-2009 07:58 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
I'm not surprised about your find. I was in Salesville/Mtn Home this summer on a fishing trip (Gene's Trout Fishing Resort) and saw more 67-72 Chevy's running around than I've ever seen anywhere. It seemed like everybody up there had one or two in their barn or field and a bunch of them were for sale.

1sik52 12-08-2009 08:11 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
I will be heading that way here in 2 weeks. See if any of the blazers are rust free. If so find out if they are for sale and I will be up!

teeitup 12-08-2009 08:30 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
WOW nice find, gotta love stumbling onto stuff like that

big_al_71 12-08-2009 08:40 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
cool finds...keep us posted of moneys and conditions, at least for me out of curiosity..

Dieselwrencher 12-08-2009 09:09 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
Sweet find!

bsm78 12-08-2009 10:54 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
I cant drive long periods of time without getting dizzy and head aches from panning back and forth looking for trucks.

Longhorn Man 12-08-2009 10:55 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
sweet.... an OMNI!!!!

jeffspower 12-08-2009 11:10 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man (Post 3663820)
sweet.... an OMNI!!!!

Nerd :lol:

Longhorn Man 12-08-2009 11:33 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
I had one in highschool... was an awesome beater and only cost me 50 bones... fresh paint too!

jeffspower 12-08-2009 11:43 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
Yeah, several of my friends had them... but they were the friggn' mean 024 hotrods :metal:

But, before the Omni, was the 4spd/ 2spd imported??? Dodge Colt. Much funner car IMO. My 430 Electra would smoke it in the straightaways, but I didn't stand a chance in the latenight neighborhood chases :eek:

Dean 12-09-2009 10:05 AM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
I hate to admit but I had an Omni once for a very short period of time................I think my only Dodge

mrein3 12-09-2009 10:18 AM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????

Originally Posted by Dean (Post 3664491)
I hate to admit but I had an Omni once for a very short period of time................I think my only Dodge

Remember: Your first Dodge is nobody's fault, your second Dodge is your own darn fault.

Back in my service station days those things were still in service. Remember the bushings they sold for the distributor hole? The distributor (hard) would hammer around in the hole in the block (softer) causing the thing to run crappy because it was always out of time.

I'm pretty sure that on my tombstone I'll be able to put on there:
"Never owned a Chrysler product"

One of the many benefits of working on hundreds of cars. You get to see who makes/sells crap and who makes good vehicles.

Remember the AMC plastic valve covers? They always leaked but were installed under the firewall so you couldn't remove them to replace the gasket - unless you pulled the engine or caved in the firewall. I wonder why they are no longer in business?!? :lol:

68shortstep 12-09-2009 11:36 AM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man (Post 3663820)
sweet.... an OMNI!!!!

So ---------- can I assume that LHM wants to carry an OMNI home behind the 'burb?

Another road trip maybe ?

68shortstep 12-09-2009 11:48 AM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by sdailey (Post 3663078)
I was in Salesville/Mtn Home this summer on a fishing trip (Gene's Trout Fishing Resort)

To everybody interested: I'll run back down there this weekend & see if I can catch somebody at home for more info on the old iron, & will post it as soon as I can find something out, & more photos (if Fang has been fed).

Since this thread has seemed to want to run off topic, I thought I'd jump back in & take it a bit further off.

You CAN find old '67 - 72 stuff in lotsa places around the country, but ONLY in North Arkansas can you find fish like this. This is my son, & a nice rainbow he caught about a quarter mile upriver toward the dam from Gene's Trout dock. Catch & Release area, so the fish is still in the North Fork River today:

dan42 12-09-2009 11:57 AM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
Nice lookin' fish. I wish we lived a little closer to some good fishing.

hotrod 80 12-09-2009 12:01 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
My dad had a place off the river in a catch and release area . I always wanted to build a cabin out there . Just found out yesterday he sold it . I remeber going out there as a kid . I guess i better get out to my uncles and get that 56' GMC before you find that one too.

68shortstep 12-09-2009 12:30 PM

Re: Did I find the Elephant Graveyard ????
I have seen multiple "singles" scattered around, hiding, & haven't bothered to photograph them, or even try to remember where they're all located at. This is the Ozarks, where keeping your old junk out back (or often, sitting on the front porch) has been a way of life.

Between being a Realtor and a licensed real estate appraiser, I do manage to get around a lot. All over the countryside, & into some pretty wild & wooly areas sometimes.

I only posted these up because it was a cluster.

In the good sense of "a cluster" that is. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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