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jeffspower 01-01-2010 07:40 PM

Truck did a little work today
2 Attachment(s)
It hasn't been used for much work lately, or driven at all for that matter. But it did a little today. I waited till the roads were clear & picked a route were there isn't any road salt layin to get some firewood. I put my 1/2 truck to work too :lol:

Oak sure is going to heat better than the sugar maple I took down in my yard!

big mike71 01-01-2010 09:17 PM

Re: Truck did a little work today
Nice truck and good load of wood, I drive thru Easton every Wed. in my Sysco truck if you see me wave or flip me the bird.

koolky 01-01-2010 09:22 PM

Re: Truck did a little work today
That is a very nice truck guy. It’s nice to them used productively once and a while.

jeffspower 01-01-2010 09:40 PM

Re: Truck did a little work today

Originally Posted by big mike71 (Post 3704626)
Nice truck and good load of wood, I drive thru Easton every Wed. in my Sysco truck if you see me wave or flip me the bird.

I think I have seen you roll thru before! I'll choose to wave :metal:

You'll catch a glimpse of my truck as you head North, just look to the left when you cross the intersection "downtown" :lol:

LockDoc 01-01-2010 09:49 PM

Re: Truck did a little work today
That's a pretty good load Jeff. Should be a couple of BTU's there..:)


chipflyer 01-01-2010 10:43 PM

Re: Truck did a little work today
The truck is not all that did some work today.


special-K 01-01-2010 10:51 PM

Re: Truck did a little work today
Hey Aachie,I was just wonderin,you know,if that was as hawd for you as fo-wah the truck.

Well Edith,it woulda been alot easyah if we coulda got Meathead away from whatevah he does while he ain`t woikin`a job to take care of my daughta wit.

jeffspower 01-02-2010 12:10 AM

Re: Truck did a little work today
Well, to be honest... I didn't do but 15 minutes work loading up. I just backed into a machine shed and 4 guys started loading, I handed them some cash and was on my way :lol:

I'm not from here and haven't had any luck finding a place to cut. Trees everywhere, but I'm not crazy about pulling on somebody's place and asking to pay or barter for access. The guys I met today were a great family though and not looking to retire from selling 2 loads of wood either, so it worked out good.

All 4 of them were reluctant to throw wood in my truck for fear of banging it up. I told them not to worry, it's not made out of foil! They like it so well, if I decide to do it... I might end up with a new roof on my house, some cash in my pocket and a new owner for my truck this spring ;)

Dieselwrencher 01-09-2010 12:43 AM

Re: Truck did a little work today
Nice Jeff! Man that truck sure looks nice! I'm also at the point to just going and buying wood. We have been burning a lot due to the cold and can't keep up. We just got the shop up and haven't burnt wood for over 15 years. now ofcourse we are and had no wood drying. Last weekend my buddy pulled off the side on a county road and cut up a dead tree that has been laying there for over 2yrs. It burnt nice. May have to do that some more, and save the county the hassle. LOL

yellow70GMC 01-09-2010 10:22 PM

Re: Truck did a little work today
Don't trade that beautiful truck for a new roof! If your roof starts leaking too bad, sleep in the truck!

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