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68gmsee 01-02-2010 01:55 PM

Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
I got my latest complete tool catalog from Sears and noticed that there are literally hundreds of new tools and new designs out there. Some look like they are great and some maybe just nice to have.

The only new tools I have bought recently was a new style timing lite that lets you check the total timing and a pressure cleaner that works great for cleaning the engine and under carriage to blowing leaves off sidewalks.

Any others out there that are worth buying or some that are "don't waste your money" tools?

68C15 01-02-2010 10:10 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
for my profession most anything from Sears falls into the second category.

Stitch 01-02-2010 10:29 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
+1...I only have Snap-on in my Snap-on box, but relating to your question, no I don't know of anything new to get or stay away from...

Lugnut64052 01-02-2010 11:27 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?

Originally Posted by 68C15 (Post 3706714)
for my profession most anything from Sears falls into the second category.

Just buy what you need as you go along and preferrably make it professional quality stuff like Snap-On.

Shane 01-03-2010 12:35 AM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
buy your Snap On stuff off ebay and pawn shops ... don't go near the rape wagons ... unless you have a warranty exchange.

Bus Ted Knuckle 01-03-2010 12:37 AM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
I have a crap load of craftsman tools. In fact, I'm a third generation mechanic, and I have about three generations worth of craftsman tools in my boxes. Now I have plenty of snap-on, mac, proto, etc. as well and they are darn fine tools too. Honestly, my craftsman hand tools have always served me just as well aw the more expensive brands.

And with my craftsman hand tools, if they break I drive across town to the sears and swap for a new one.

If one of my "truck" tools breaks it goes into a broken tool bucket and I wait till the tool guys bounces up the driveway, and that could be weeks.

I just laugh when I hear folks bashing craftsman hand tools...laugh all the way to the bank with the money I save over buying the truck brands.

Sillyoldman 01-03-2010 01:33 AM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
As a hobbiest I'd say you can't go wrong with Craftsman tools. I still have my first set from 1980 or so. I've traded in a few items, but not many over the years. To answer your question I'd say stay away from buying Sears brands that do not carry the craftsman name.

Shane 01-03-2010 01:47 AM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
Remember too that a lot, but not all, of the new Craftsman stuff is not of the same quality as it was just 5-6 years ago. Currently when I buy Craftsman tools it is their Professional line. My opinion is its of comparable quality to the older craftsman stuff.

Sears in general has gone way way down hill in the past few years.

cableguy0 01-03-2010 02:14 AM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?

Originally Posted by Shane (Post 3707175)
Sears in general has gone way way down hill in the past few years.

Might have something to do with them being bought by kmart. I dont trust there standard wrenches or sockets. As soon as they are stressed they break. The professional stuff seems ok but i would buy harbor freight before buying the regular craftsman line.

cdowns 01-03-2010 06:23 AM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
tools? it cracks me up when i ssee young guys with plasma cutters and impact wrenches and all sorts of high priced noisey tools// and they dont have the most basic of tools to do a job. they cant measure what size bolt they need to go thru a hole and bolt 2pieces of metal together.

buy measuring devices and better yet learn how ro use them

buy basc tools first and learn how to use them properly

i like sears professional quality stuff// snap on is a ripoff for a hobbiest

special-K 01-03-2010 07:37 AM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
As far as the whole Sears tool line-up,which goes far beyond mechanic tools,has become a line-up of gimmicks,starting when Bob Villa started pitching for them.Now,they have all these infomercial quality tools.You know,something to buy out of curiousity only to find there`s a reason that tool hasn`t changed in 100 years.It`s Home Depot as as well.I`ve swung a hammer for over 35 years and never felt it was lacking in design.So,why try to reinvent perfection?I see these dang hammers with stubby noses,crooked handles all bent up,and slanted butt ends of the handle.How do you use the butt end to bump something?It needs to be squared with the handle.But,this stuff is made to grab a hold of Harry Homeowners who fill their garages with tools they never or hardly use.Like so many product these days,it`s about them getting your money in their pocket than about you getting a good product.Whenyou find a good value,stick with it.

I can`t tell how many weekends I`ve worked on my stuff and realized I needed a socket,wrench,extension,or whatever and run a 40 mile round trip to Sears for a single piece that let me get a job done that day.I wouldn`t give that up for the world.I drive right past all the hardware stores and Home Depot to go to Sears.Their tools have always done what I`ve asked of them.What more is to want other than bragging rights to a more expensive tool collection?I figure a 1/2" breaker bar and socket that can take a 5' pipe for leverage are good enough tools for me.

cdowns 01-03-2010 08:33 AM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
the older you get the longer them pipe extensions get, i'm up to a 6footer:uhmk:

retodd7711 01-03-2010 10:50 AM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
I'm really liking my x-beam ratcheting wrenches.
I have beat the crap out of my Gearwrench brand(sold by sears) and had no problems.
Now I also have a set of the flex heads I'm not too fond of.
They just don't stay locked when using any force.

special-K 01-03-2010 12:32 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?

Originally Posted by cdowns (Post 3707381)
the older you get the longer them pipe extensions get, i'm up to a 6footer:uhmk:

:lol: I better start looking or a longer pipe.That was a few years ago.Does Sears sell thick wall pipe?:lol:

68gmsee 01-03-2010 12:58 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?

Originally Posted by cdowns (Post 3707381)
the older you get the longer them pipe extensions get, i'm up to a 6footer:uhmk:

:haha: Man, I hear you... I have noticed the same thing. I have a few cheater pipes I use on occasion to help my shoulder problem.

I agree with the buy the best you can afford argument. But, I buy Craftsman tools because I don't do mechanical work for a living and Sears is 10 minutes away. There are occasions when I've bought made in China stuff when I'm in a bind.

Since I'm a gadget tool person, I've bought an assortment of some useful and some not so useful tools in the past. I had forgotten that recently I fell for the Klenk Select-a-Bit screwdriver advertised in Popular Mechanics. Didn't turn out to be as good as I expected.

dammitmitchell 01-03-2010 05:22 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
buy harbor freight for you "disposable" tools..

buy craftsman from craigslist and pawn shops like said..
i love my snapons.. but my accountant wife dosent...
i love my blue point box.. it was rammed in the shop by a steel bumper and still works flawlessley

BUT the craftsman tool boxes (the black plastic ones) with 200 plus tools in it..
when they are on sale they are definatley worth the 100-200 dollars..

68C15 01-03-2010 06:18 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?

Originally Posted by dammitmitchell (Post 3708232)
BUT the craftsman tool boxes (the black plastic ones) with 200 plus tools in it..
when they are on sale they are definatley worth the 100-200 dollars..

these are good for taking to the junk yard.

El Jay 01-03-2010 06:32 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
I've got a complete set of No Special Tools that works very well for me.

I seem to run into a lot of projects that specify "No Special Tools Required".

Lugnut64052 01-03-2010 06:47 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 3707361)
As far as the whole Sears tool line-up,which goes far beyond mechanic tools,has become a line-up of gimmicks,starting when Bob Villa started pitching for them.Now,they have all these infomercial quality tools.You know,something to buy out of curiousity only to find there`s a reason that tool hasn`t changed in 100 years.It`s Home Depot as as well.I`ve swung a hammer for over 35 years and never felt it was lacking in design.So,why try to reinvent perfection?I see these dang hammers with stubby noses,crooked handles all bent up,and slanted butt ends of the handle.How do you use the butt end to bump something?It needs to be squared with the handle.But,this stuff is made to grab a hold of Harry Homeowners who fill their garages with tools they never or hardly use.Like so many product these days,it`s about them getting your money in their pocket than about you getting a good product.When you find a good value,stick with it.

That be the truth.
I bought a 40's vintage Disston thumbhole rip saw off Ebay a while back. Man! What a pleasure to use. I already had a couple of crosscuts and needed a rip to add to my working collection. This past summer I rebuilt all the rakes and soffits on my house. So fast and easy to cut all that up on scaffolding with a sharp hand saw and framing square, rather than drag a circular saw up there, with it's attendant cords, and weight, or holler down to somebody to cut it all for you.

You just can't beat or improve on a mature tool design. Stuff like that still has a rightful place if more guys knew how to use them.

N2TRUX 01-03-2010 07:29 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?

Originally Posted by retodd7711 (Post 3707481)
I'm really liking my x-beam ratcheting wrenches.
I have beat the crap out of my Gearwrench brand(sold by sears) and had no problems..

If you don't have a set of these get some. DO NOT buy the Sears brand as the heads are too thick. Buy Gearwrench brand and enjoy. You will find that they will be used more and your socket/ratchets much less than before.

C'mon guys lets not turn this in to a Snap-on debate. There is no doubt that Snap-On makes a premium quality tool. They are great for the professional that makes a living with them. On the other hand they are way to expensive for the average back yard mechanic.

68gmsee 01-04-2010 12:41 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?

Originally Posted by N2TRUX (Post 3708553)
....C'mon guys lets not turn this in to a Snap-on debate....

Probably my fault. The intended purpose of the post was for any tool that anyone has bought that turned out to be a must have, nice to have or don't buy item. Like the Klenk Select a bit I mentioned. Nice to have but not worth the $20+ I paid for it.

The Sears catalog showed a lot of tool designs that I'm not familiar with. I'd like to have a set of Ratchet Wrenches but too expensive at this time. Anyone think they're worth the money?

Shane 01-04-2010 12:47 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
Worth every penny.

vectorit 01-04-2010 01:17 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
One of my favorite cheap tool purchases I made, was the 148 piece Crescent tool kit from Costco.

For years I worked on my stuff in car ports of apartments, storage units, and going to salvage yards. Kits like these are nice, since just about every size and measurement is in there.

The tool kit has a sturdy snap in organization method, and lets you know at a glance if you missed a socket or something from the case. Plus it's shape is perfect for hiding behind a PU bench seat out of site.

The tools feel good in the hand, and the ratchets have a smooth feel to them while using them.

For under a hundred bucks, it's a good deal for a portable tool kit.

justagoodolboy 01-04-2010 02:34 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
Interesting thread for a young guy like me cuz I'm wanting to start buying more of my own tools so I don't have to use my Dad's. He often works out of town so when he's gone a lot of his tools are too.

And no offence special-K, but I love the way my 19 ounce Vaughn with the crooked wooden handle feels in my hand.:-)

60ratrod 01-04-2010 06:05 PM

Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
well i agree with the guys that use craftsman. my dad has been a mechanic since way before i was born and he has been using mostly craftsman for the majority of his career and they work just fine. he has a few of the other high dollar name tools and i've seen more of the high dollar tools break with him than the craftsman. 90% of my tools are craftsman and i wouldn't trade any of them for a brand new box full of brand new snap-ons, and i like the fact that if i break one then all i gotta do is go to sears and get the exchange right there on the spot rather than having to mail the tool in or chase down the snap-on truck

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