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Huck 01-26-2003 04:22 PM

Cure for Gasoline smell on clothes???
Well, screwed up again and while cleaning up the barn, attempted to move a weed wacker and the gas tank splashed gas/oil mix all over me---hat, jacket, shirt, face, eye, etc. after several attempts of washing stuff in the washing machine, it still stinks!! Any old mother hubbard remidies for getting the smell of gasoline out of clothes???? AND DON'T GIVE ME THE MUSLUM FIX OF RUBBING THEM IN CAMEL DUNG AS THAT JUST CHANGES THE STINK!
Lesson learned---a messy barn is a good thing!

Longhorn Man 01-26-2003 04:38 PM

Hmmm, Tide usually seems to work for me, maybe I'm just used to the smell now.
Wife is sittin here reminding me of getting fuel all over a leather coat. We placed it in a trash bag for a while untill we could get it dry cleaned. Long story short, we forgot about it untill the move about a year later and there was no smell on it anymore.
Still haven't gotten it cleaned.
The tag says dry clean only...that means one thing, it's dirty.

Gordo 01-26-2003 04:58 PM

Maybe the clothes smell clean, and it's you that stinks? Drag the wash tub out into the kitchen, heat some water up on the wood stove and take a bath, with soap. Works for me, once a month if I need one or not!

Huck 01-26-2003 05:03 PM

Andy and Gordo---obviously I am asking the wrong people about stink!! Normally my wife isn't too picky considering the first 3 years we dated, the most she usually saw of me was my ankles and size 13 feet sticking out from under a car or truck!!
Hopefully there is someone else on this board who might actually have a solution~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Raiders by 10!

Liz 01-26-2003 05:08 PM

Huck try using oxiclean when you wash it , just add the powder to the washload. If that doesn't work ( it should) spray the clothes with febreeze and let em hang outside to air out.

lux hauler 01-26-2003 05:13 PM

Lestoil works pretty well but it leaves a smell too. I usually use it in the washer and then follow that with a couple washes with regular detergent (Tide).
That works for me but there's no one here but me and the dog and she don't care if I stink or not.:)

Fred T 01-26-2003 07:06 PM

MHC has the right idea. Hang them out in the sun and let them air out. If that doesn't work, put them on, pour on a little more gas and take up smoking! :D

mtdave2 01-26-2003 09:13 PM

i tell ya, the absoluty best stuff in the world is castrole super clean. just put a cup into the laundry with the soap.. will degreese and clean... best stuff anyplace

ChevLoRay 01-26-2003 09:25 PM

Let's see, you said weedeater fuel, right? It has gasoline AND 2-cycle oil combined. You're right about it smelling, especially if it is old fuel.

Like already suggested, something like Castrol Super Clean (purple bottle) should go a long way toward getting the odor out. After that, (as already suggested) hang them out in the sun to dry. If that doesn't do it, you won't get it out.

Oh, tomato juice works to get the scent of a skunk out of your clothes and off of your body, maybe it would work on your problem....although I don't know why it would.

O'l Buck 01-26-2003 09:32 PM

When my old boat sank, I had a spare can of gas in the boat with us......needless to say, it spilled and we had gas and 2 stoke oil all over us. I just hung my clothes on the line for about a week and washed them in tide....gas smell gone.

oldcarbuff 01-27-2003 11:56 AM

I have had good luck using vinegar to get diesel fuel smell out, but don't know how it would do with gas. Just let it soak in some vinegar, then wash normally.


rangernsk 01-27-2003 12:32 PM

A product called Odor Ban works well for most any smells, ya might give it a try, it goes in the wash like detergent. You should be able to get it at wal-mart. just my$.02!

mtdave2 01-27-2003 03:05 PM

really go try the super clean.. im dieing to see you coming in here saying WOW that stuff kicks ass!

jamie72 01-27-2003 07:53 PM

well i got some leftover deer pee,i could just spray you down with it.or some skunk pee..and then the tomato juice might help...
hey anything for a buddy:D

crazy longhorn 01-27-2003 08:13 PM

Well, the Deer pee might cover the smell.....& if that dont, the snunk pee will! but will the mater juice fix that?:eek: All jokes aside, I didnt see any problems with getting the gasoline smell out of the work clothes......but I could shower when I got home, then the next morn........& my hands still smelled like an exhaust pipe with fresh gasoline dumped on them! There has to be a better way..........crazyL:p

sakohntr 01-27-2003 08:30 PM

deer pee
Do you have to use NOS deer pee or will the reproduction stuff work??

jamie72 01-27-2003 08:37 PM

not sure sakohntr, i heard freshly squeezed is the best:D

orange72350 01-27-2003 09:35 PM

I gots a solution. I work in the oilpatch in alberta, and i have dealt with every stink in the book. fill yer washing machine up, and dump a can of cocacola into the water. Let it sit fer half an hour, and then let it go through the cycle. i know it sounds stupid, but it will take silicone, pipe dope, oil, grease, gas smell, anything out of clothes.


jku72 01-27-2003 09:56 PM

Outside of just burning them, the most effective method for me is to just use the "gojo" type handcleaner on the clothes, first rub it in dry, then toss the clothes in a washing machine, a little heavy on the tide. So far, seems to work.

casey 02-02-2003 06:38 PM

Let us know if the wife busted you yet.

Huck 02-02-2003 08:23 PM

WELL GUYS--I'm working my way thru the suggestions----couldn't find the castrol puple stuff----did put the jacket and hat into a garbage bag with baking soda which seemed to help some. Tried hanging them in the sun for a few days which also helped. Something called fabreeze seemed to really change the smell from gas stink to French Whore smell which ---well---that's story for another day.
Man them Indiana truck guys are different!!!:rolleyes:

jamie72 02-02-2003 09:35 PM

lol huck,i learned it from a guy in kentucky...
i think the guys name was huck..finn???;)

mtdave2 02-02-2003 10:08 PM

wallmart has castrol super clean, buy the gallon. its in the auto section.

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