Free88 |
03-22-2010 11:30 PM |
1997 S10 Blazer Front End Noise.
Just picked up a 97 S10 blazer 4x4. While cruising about 60 mph there was a loud whine that was in tune with the speed. Slowing down and pulling off the road the noise decreased and stopped when the truck stopped. Started up again and it went about 3 miles and then started again. I slowed down and agaiin it was in tune with the speed. This time I put it in 4H and drove about 4 miles at 45mph and then shifted it back into 2 wheel drive and that ended the problem that day. By the way the cruise was being used also. On the second highway trip with cruise the noise happened once again. we shut the cruise off and never had the noise the rest of the trip. Kind of sounded like the air coming out of a big balloon when you hold the air. Any help would be great. Was wondering if it could be air leaking out of the cruise control servo. :chevy: