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Gary 04-26-2010 10:03 PM

This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
It's ok to discuss something not mechanical right?

So back in like 2002 or 2003 I bought a couple snakes. An albino female and a het for albino male boa for the cool sum of $1000 delivered from a breeder in Chicago.

They ate and grew:

Sometime last year, late summer I think (I'm a terrible herpetologist) I put them together while I cleaned cages and as I often did, left them for a day or so "just in case they feel frisky". Well they felt frisky! I saw much coupling.

While she skipped 1 feeding the female never stopped eating her normal meals so I figured "oh well maybe next year.

Today I come home and her cage is all condensed over for the 2nd day (it does this for a few hours after she poops but never for a full day). Then I see a little head crawling up the cage door, HOLY ****, WE HAVE BABY SNAKES:

I saw at least 8 of them! and 4 albinos! Sweet those are worth like $400 and the normals a good $125!

Here's one hiding in the corner being well protected by over 7 feet of momma snake:

So I quickly call Terry, an old herp buddy who also runs a nice local reptile show (shameless plug: and ask him what I should do, he said seperate them asap, and to be ready for an aggressive mother (oh great I hate being bitten). So I don my welding gloves and leather jacket and move my male to the holding cage so I can move her to his cage while I remove the babies.

Here's the mother saying bring it on fatboy:

I can just imagine her saying to the little ones "HANG ON CHILDREN IF I CAN PULL THIS OFF YOU'LL EAT LIKE KINGS" (yes I read Far side).

So I get the male into my holding cage, while the red foot tortoise looks oh angrily, no doubt screaming in his grumpy turtle mind "YOU KIDS GET OFFEN MY LAWN":

And I bravely get mother out and eventually into his cage:

Grab a 5 gallon bucket, throw some clean white towels in it, and begin depositing baby snakes:

Whoa wait a second there's a WHOLE lot more than 8 here I think:

Only 2 slugs, here's one, it felt kinda like a heavy overripe peach, I fought the urge to squish it:

So I currently have 20 baby boas in a 5 gallon bucket with some towels:

I didn't take a ratio of albino to normal, pretty sure it's more normal than albino maybe 7:13 I think.

Just had to share my project, and it only took like 7 or 8 years to complete!

OARNGESI 04-27-2010 03:00 AM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
I thought boas strangled instead of biting just curious how well the gloves worked

wancosc356 04-27-2010 03:23 AM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
Sweet! Talk about a long wait on a return on an investment!

Gary 04-27-2010 07:09 AM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.

Originally Posted by OARNGESI (Post 3943133)
I thought boas strangled instead of biting just curious how well the gloves worked

They strangle food but they'll bite to protect themselves, but the gloves were unnecessary, she never even tried to bite me.

cdowns 04-27-2010 08:05 AM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
they have a hunting season for those type of snakes in the everglades now because of all the people that let thier"pets" go wild

Gary 04-27-2010 08:29 AM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.

Originally Posted by cdowns (Post 3943238)
they have a hunting season for those type of snakes in the everglades now because of all the people that let thier"pets" go wild

Yep irresponsible pet owners suck, people who breed dogs as often as the mother comes in heat, not caring for the welfare of the dog, just wanting to sell those puppies, people who let exotics loose in places they don't belong, malnourished horses, the list of irresponsible crap we humans do to our "pets" is long and sad. The message is don't buy it, breed it, or adopt it if you can't truly care for it.

longhorn396 04-27-2010 09:15 AM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
Cool snakes man.

Original67 04-27-2010 04:22 PM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
Man thats like a truck repair. buy a $1000 dollar fixer and 7 yrs later we have something we can sale. at least you will make profit. Most of us get our butts handed to us after the sale.

tcb-1 04-27-2010 08:58 PM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
I'm scared sh!tless of snakes, but I have to admit those are so beautiful!!

I'm kind of like a guy who collects beer can, but hates beer!

congrats to the new mom and dad!!

Gary 04-28-2010 08:58 PM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
Just got back from selling the 14 regular looking babies, only got $50 each but now I'm only dealing with 8 babies not 22 (yes 22 I miscounted the first night).

sparkydog 04-29-2010 01:01 AM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
Go easy the first time you try to breast feed them!

Gary 04-29-2010 01:22 AM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.

Originally Posted by sparkydog (Post 3947389)
Go easy the first time you try to breast feed them!

My nipples are already sore.... and bloody :(

Pics from today:

Mom had a small rat last night and is still ravenously hungry but small meals for now, more often, instead of large meals spread out further apart, don't want any regurgitation!:

The male, he had a LARGE rat last night but still acts hungry, this is why it's so easy to "power feed" boas, they will overeat without any real effort:

I knew I smelled something, it was tortoise poo:


Gary 05-13-2010 11:11 PM

Re: This project took almost 8 years, and it has some real teeth.
So shedding has begun! 2 of the 7 remaining albinos have shed, here are the two holdouts:

And the 5 shed and ready to eat soon (I hope):

And mother after a shed and now, 3 rats (one just before this picture as you can tell by the chin flap):

And 3 fuzzies hopefully all to be eaten tonight:

Of the 14 normals (I stopped by today and asked about them) 6 have shed, 3 have eaten and none have perished.

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