smallblockchev |
07-21-2010 07:41 PM |
70 tie rods in 71?
So there I was changing the tie rods on my 71 c10. Pulled the old ones off, grabbed the new ones, screwed the inner and outer together for each side, and when I went to install back on the truck the outers went right in but no luck with the inners. I took everything off even the centerlink but it just didn't seem right. The taper looked the same but was slightly to large on my new inner tie rods. They just refused to go in. So anyways long story short I went back to carquest and verified that the part numbers were right for a 71. We decided since the part number were differen't for 70 maybe we would order that and guess what..,The inner tie rod for a 70 popped right in. Do you guys think they just carried over a few parts from the 70 into my 71? The outer was a 71 part and it worked just fine. I don't know but am happy to finally get the right part.