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72_chevy 03-15-2003 10:32 PM

cd player installation
i bouht a new blahpunk c d player for my truck i dont liek to cut but i figured they wont make anythign that will fit in it that will play a cd so i guess im gonan cut it i was wondering if there was any sites or advice soem oen could give me
thanks nick

pissonNOS 03-15-2003 10:45 PM

You didnt try too hard theres lots of options under dash kits changer in glove box u can buy changer that look like stock radios. I would save the cutting as a very last resort option

72_chevy 03-15-2003 11:59 PM

im on a super low budget i cant afford a 500 dollar changer

Phillip Johnson 03-16-2003 12:03 AM

Kenwood makes a unit with 'shafts' that will work with their 6 or 10 disc changers and i think the model number is kx3006 or something close to that. check the Crutchfield catalogue.
take the dash cutting unit back! I know there is one available in the corvette catalogues like mid amarica and eklers.. Once you cut your dash you will hate yourself

gman 03-16-2003 12:16 AM


LudwigTheMad 03-16-2003 12:19 AM

hey!!! I personally don't care if you cut the dash or not, it's your truck...

but they do make a under dash mount housing....actually it's fairly generic, so you could use that bracket and mount it anywhere the bracket will fit.........any of the larger stereo stores should have one........

about 15.00.....
:D :D

72_chevy 03-16-2003 12:21 AM

thats right well i have been looking for other options like in the glove box but i should probally get a job huh well has anyone put on the the glove box?

DanoDMano 03-16-2003 12:33 AM

I did, but it was a pain in the A%% to change channels, and cd selections. I bought a deck with a remote which made it a little easier, but ended up hacking the dash anyway.

You got to do what you like!!

I have no regrets doing it either. If I were to keep it stock and not really drive it, I would have left my stock AM and bought an underdash kit.

I am wanting all the creature comforts of the new trucks, but love
the classic look of our trucks, so I am customizing...

I have equal respect for the restorers and the customizers. we are all cool if you ask me... Just look at our trucks!!

My .02:bowtie:

LudwigTheMad 03-16-2003 12:34 AM

I put a eq in the glove box, but not a whole radio....

I bought a knob job radio, added a eq so it would sound decent and ran my cd's off a portable velcro-ed to the dash with one of those tape addapter thingy's.....worked great....

pissonNOS 03-16-2003 12:37 AM

correct me if im wrong is it not spelled BLAUPUNKT?

LudwigTheMad 03-16-2003 12:43 AM

no I believe it's spelled "BLAUJUNK" or is it "BLOWCHUNKS"

pissonNOS 03-16-2003 12:46 AM

haha isnt it canadian tire or walmarts house brand?

but hey least u got a deck

Longhorn Man 03-16-2003 02:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
That is actually a decent brand...or at least, it was a decent brand 10 yrs ago.
I'll have to be in the minority here and say cut the dash up.

I cut mine and I love it. I never plan on re-installing a crappy AM radio, I don't listen to AM radio and would rather gouge out my eyes than listen to staticy talk.
There are ways around it yes...glove box...way to dangerouse. If you don't believe me, go 60 MPH on the free way and try to just open the box. It can be done....but it is a life threatining decision.
There is the under dash deal like mentioned...but IMO (and that's all it is is MY opinion) that looks kinda crappy. kinda liek the wall mart tripple guage set with the two sided tape. A stereo should not be an after thought.
CD chaingers are great, but $500 (or what ever they cost) is a pretty good chunk of chainge.
So with all that said...I say cut the dash up already.
It's real simple....take the 'cage' and trace it out on the dash. You'll wanna line the top of the caige with the top opening. You'll see why once you draw it all up. Make sure you center it good too. The indentations for the 2 knobs will show just a little, but if you have it to one side more than the other, either you'll remember about it every time you turn on the tunes, or every single passenger will say something about it.
I found the best way to cut it up without even a scratch on teh surrounding area is to get a sharp hack saw blade, and hold it with some good vise grips.
Take your time, and check your work. Way WAY better to cut it too small and have to trim it some more.

casey 03-16-2003 03:48 AM

cut or don't cut really depends on you, can you live with cutting the dash then cut it, and as far as spelling goes on this site who cares this isn't a spelling class site blawplank blueblunk we knew what you meant

greasemonkey 03-16-2003 10:37 AM

Another hacker here, it's not that hard and looks good if you do it right. It's your decision.

Mike C 03-16-2003 10:40 AM

I debated cutting my Jimmy's dash for years. I had several different shaft mount stereos and finally had an AudioSafe which has a cast aluminum faceplate that mounts around the knobs, then a cover that actually locks with a barrel lock to the faceplate. (This is before removeable face stereos OR CD changers.) I finally cut it for my Alpine CD player. It is a pullout. As soon as I got the pickup, got the jig saw out! Having great tunes in an easy to access location is well worth it IMO. Unless you have a really high option Cheyenne Super or 2 wheel drive Blazer that will really be worth something restored, I'd just do what YOU want to do. I don't regret it on either of mine!

Just take your time and cut the hole too small rather than too big! It may be painstaking work with a file to get it in there, but better than the alternative!

Desert Rat 03-16-2003 11:51 AM

Well depends is your cabs super nice and rust free?If so buy a $10 underdash case(i got mine from Walmart)Ive found selling a cab or truck,nobody yet has refused because of the whole in the dash,they just say "good,now i wont feel guilty for cutting it."If you do cut it -measure a few times first,cut the hole smaller than your radio,and use a fine file to get to size,nothing worse than a crappy looking installation that youll be sure to regret.but if you do you can always cut a section out of another truck and weld it in,alot of work but can be done.I think tunes in the glove box,under the seat,or in a difficult location would be a pain the the a$$,unles you get a remote deck.Im just going to pop a radio delete in and put deck under the dash,simpler save myself work in the long run.amps under the seats,couple 10s in the back(or maybe something different),then mids(yep in the door)easier to change a door! and small tweets in the top of the door.Im not looking for a booming little punks honda bass in this town people have decent stereos and play that Spanish cha-cha stuff,even the kids.I push that little volume knob see if they can handle some Severe Torture.and people are disgusted at rap-LOL

krazy_texan 03-16-2003 12:47 PM

dont cut it do what i am doing go to a swap meet, find an am/fm radio out of a later model truck and then buy an fm modulated cd changer off of ebay ( fm modulated you tune it to a certain station for it to play plugs to antenna )

lukecp 03-16-2003 12:53 PM

I'd cut the dash if it was my truck, unless you have something like a SWB, big-block, Cheyenne Super, with no rust. Mine was already cut when i bought the truck, so i just slid an Sony CD player into the hole. I love it there, it is the best place IMO. Plus, the hi-tech CD player helps to spruce up the old truck's interior.

lotik 03-16-2003 03:12 PM

where can i get one of those "don't be a sissy" shirts?

MandarinSixSeven 03-16-2003 03:45 PM

In my case it was already cut when I got it, so that made it easier. But, I would have cut it anyways, there is no way I would be able to handle driving around with just a radio. Also though, I knew I wasnt building a stock restored beauty, just a driver.

casey 03-16-2003 03:51 PM

lotik so what your saying is, your mocho if your a hacker and if your not your a fudge packer lol

Dads72 03-16-2003 04:05 PM

I cut mine. The knob holes showed just a little bit. Went to the install desk at best Buy and they sold me a rubber trim piece that goes around the opening. No more knob holes.

1-PU70 03-16-2003 04:10 PM

People do mall kind of things to there trucks. Drop and C notch for one, but noone evere says a thing. But try and cut the dash and all hell breaks loose. I dont see what the differance is.

Desert Rat 03-16-2003 04:43 PM

If your gonna keep it,just cut it.Not a big deal its not a Yenko or anything.Its a pick up truck,one of the best pickups ever made but none the less its a truck.Just do a nice job and im sure you wont kick the way theres nothing wrong with Blaupunkt they use to be one of the better decks out there,its not all about the name,i think they are better than Pioneer,JVC etc.get a Kraco and theres a problem-LOL some people think Realistic home stereos suck,but in reality they are one of the best on the market as far as quality and true power and clarity,but no im not smart my home system JVC.truck CD player i bought is a Alpine and Orion amps,Altec Lansing Mids and Tweets,i havent bought the Subs yet.was thinking Kickers,but not sure need to go check some out im not looking for deep bass like the Fosgates ive had,im more a Metal,Thrash,Hatecore,Punk,Death listener but i listen to Floyd,Doors and crap alot,as well as i need good range.Take pictures when you cut it!!!!!

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