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CrazyJesster 03-23-2011 11:39 PM

84 craigslist score
so i found a 1984 chevy shortwide on craigslist. i called the guy and asked for pics. he sent them an i liked what i seen. so i drove to wichita falls which is 125miles from where im at. and i looked at the truck fired it up drove it around a few. seem to run ok an sounds great brand new flowmaster 40 series. its got a newer style 350 i have not ran the numbers it could even be a 305. but its got the center bolts through the valve covers. he said it has a 200r4 transmission which it is an over drive transmission. but there is a couple of issues when i go to mash the gas pedal down. the tranny feels like it hesitates an takes a while to build up. itsn ot at all fast or quick by any means. it takes a while to build up speed then it will move a little faster. could this be a vacum line issues maybe???
could it be a stall convertor

i will get more pics tomorrow of the wiring issue. they kind of did what i would call a fly by night splice an dice job. on the harness from the motor to the wires comming out of the dash. ill post pics of that tomorrow

so i get it home an it did very good on the highway speed o is off told me 45mph gps said 71mph. took 31$ in gas to get it home that filled the tank

there is some rust ill get a pic of that tomorrow also it got dark on me

now another issue is im having i got the truck hone fine no issues. i went to get init to go to the store and no start the guy told me he put a new lock out cylinders in the doors an ignition switch in the colum

maybe a loose wire or something all an all i htink ill be happy with it when i get the bugs worked out

here are the pics the guy sent me on the phone. ill get more tomorrow in daylight

CrazyJesster 03-24-2011 06:39 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
70 views and no replys well i found some of my issues out its not a 350 its a 305 thats why its sluggish and no backbone. ive got a short in the steering colum

the tach was wired into the stero and wires running everywhere. so im sorting all the wiring issues out.

texasfunk 03-24-2011 07:08 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
Truck looks good! Love the interior! I had a truck I drove home after buying it and wouldn't start the next day..had to play with it to get it to start..turns out just the ignition switch was too low..adjusted it and never had a prob again
Posted via Mobile Device

CrazyJesster 03-24-2011 07:14 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
yeah the interior is kinda rough in spots it needs attention. ive got all kinds of issues in the sterring colum someone did some rigging an hot shot work put like a 93 colum in it. i found stero speaker wire wired into the wirning harness

87 chevy silverado 03-24-2011 07:21 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score

Originally Posted by CrazyJesster (Post 4575190)
70 views and no replys well i found some of my issues out its not a 350 its a 305 thats why its sluggish and no backbone. ive got a short in the steering colum

the tach was wired into the stero and wires running everywhere. so im sorting all the wiring issues out.

like the truck..btw how do you find out how many views you got?

CrazyJesster 03-24-2011 07:31 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
when you go to clock on my post look to the left of the screen you will see replys and views

thanks for the complement if i get all the problems fixed it will be good ive had an offer on the tranny and 305 i mgiht take cause ive got a 400 and turbo 350

87 chevy silverado 03-24-2011 07:34 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
i would deff put a 400 in that beauty

85chevy4x4 03-24-2011 07:46 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
hahaha man i got gray ghost for christmas when i was 15 and it wouldnt start christmas morning!!!! But anyways thats a sweet lookin truck, i usually like the stock steerin wheel but whatever that one is it looks pretty cool.

CrazyJesster 03-24-2011 08:46 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
dud that steering wheel is so small it isnt funy. i dont like it i will be replacing it. thats a whole different colum. ill get more pics of the good and the bad tomorrow or so. its parked in the parkinglot of the apartments i work at now. with no steering wheel

i think i can sell the 305 dude told me it was a 350 and i kinda hoping it was i wanted to cam it out

but anyway 305 with a quadrajet carb 3 inch exhaust im guessing thats another reason its sluggish

philthethrillohio 03-24-2011 08:49 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score

Originally Posted by CrazyJesster (Post 4575190)
70 views and no replys well i found some of my issues out its not a 350 its a 305 thats why its sluggish and no backbone. ive got a short in the steering colum

the tach was wired into the stero and wires running everywhere. so im sorting all the wiring issues out.

my 305 isnt to bad, could be some other issues. i was having the hesitation and i replaced iac and set timing , tps, think thats it. and it was done . not sure about your motor, its carbed right? mine is a tbi. love the interior by the way.

CrazyJesster 03-24-2011 08:52 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
yes it is carbed that is correct

Rollinsqrbdy 03-24-2011 09:14 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
Crazy jester- Sweet truck. The last 84 I bought supposebly had a 350 also. Thats what the P.O. told me. Got it home, got her running then found out it was a 305. She ran awesome though. Put and edelbrock intake and carb setup and she was MOVINGGGG. Good luck with your truck and keep us posted with updates bud.

philthethrillohio 03-24-2011 09:22 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
yeah id go threw it real good, thedevil is in the details. prob something small affecting performance.i mean it wont be a hot rod but should run strong. goodluck

CrazyJesster 03-24-2011 09:33 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
well a 400 swap will soon be here i think then body work fixing the cancer then paint. two colors in mind candy apple green or jet black not sure which

also can someone idnetify or help identify my rims please im missing hte lug covers on all 4

motornut 03-24-2011 10:34 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
nice score,check the ez stuff may find a reason the 305 is sluggish

CrazyJesster 03-24-2011 11:30 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
well would 3 inch exhaust be one reason its sluggish??

lilpoindexter 03-24-2011 11:53 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
I had a helluva time selling a 305 out of an '89 camaro.

CrazyJesster 03-24-2011 11:58 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
i see afew around here on craigslist alot and they seem to sell. hopefully i can sell it if not then i got an xtra motor lol. i just spent 250$ at summit site on stall convertor and valve covers for my 400 sb.

the 400 thats going in it is 60 over sonic checked and all some minor head work 480 lift lunati cam and performer rpm intake. so i think it will do ok

motornut 03-25-2011 06:32 AM

Re: 84 craigslist score

Originally Posted by CrazyJesster (Post 4575972)
well would 3 inch exhaust be one reason its sluggish??

i have read where the bigger exhaust will scavenge too much from the engine,(true or not i duno) not sure in your case but i helped a buddy put a 3" on his 72 skylark this past summer,and an H pipe.
after some tweeking it sounds great and runs better.but thats a Buick BB.

I've had 305's run crappy and some run great and 78 burb had one
i found the advance weights were rusted almost seized.....freed up made a big diff

makes me think it had a bigger engine in it before
any sign of recent replacement?

Tx Firefighter 03-25-2011 07:17 AM

Re: 84 craigslist score
It very likely had 2.73 gears making it sluggish.
Posted via Mobile Device

CrazyJesster 03-25-2011 08:26 AM

Re: 84 craigslist score

Originally Posted by motornut (Post 4576359)
i have read where the bigger exhaust will scavenge too much from the engine,(true or not i duno) not sure in your case but i helped a buddy put a 3" on his 72 skylark this past summer,and an H pipe.
after some tweeking it sounds great and runs better.but thats a Buick BB.

I've had 305's run crappy and some run great and 78 burb had one
i found the advance weights were rusted almost seized.....freed up made a big diff

makes me think it had a bigger engine in it before
any sign of recent replacement?

yes sir the motor that is in it now is a newer model 305 its got center valv cover bolts. im thinking early 90s model 305 prob was once TBI. maybe out of a car or something. the steering colum is newer maybe 93 so im thinking they came out of the same vehicle. today i will check rpo code in glove box for gear ratio if the tag is there. and hoping its still the same rearend it is a 10 bolt. so that i guess maybe an 8.5 inch ring gear ???

also you mentiond spark advance the dude said he rebuilt the distributor. im wondering if the advance could be all screwed up

jitteryguy 03-25-2011 12:03 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score

Originally Posted by CrazyJesster (Post 4575190)
70 views and no replys well i found some of my issues out its not a 350 its a 305 thats why its sluggish and no backbone. ive got a short in the steering colum

the tach was wired into the stero and wires running everywhere. so im sorting all the wiring issues out.

I know what ya mean, I had recently had a simular post, 247 veiw's and 2 replies ?
sounds over all you got did alright, I have a carb'd 305 in an S10, I've been happy with it.
good luck with the wire'n .

philthethrillohio 03-25-2011 09:12 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
i supposedly have a goodwrench motor , i had a crackedhead after driving it one day, yeah i got ripped off. anyway i put some old 307 heads that were not very performance orientated. they have been milled a lot and have roller rockers newer valves seats all that good stuff 2 and half piping all the way back,with flow masters. i believe that the exhaust ports are only 2 and half anyway so no need for such big exhasut. i did the cold air intake mod almost all new sensors 456 gears 10 in wide tires and running a little advac=nce timing. i tell ya this thing moves ! very impressed. seems like something else has to be done that i dont know about ,to be makin it so quick

CrazyJesster 03-25-2011 09:53 PM

Re: 84 craigslist score
well the exhaust sounds damn good on this thing. but it runs like an old worn out dog.

ive got a fresh 400 with work done to it

but i just wish it was a 350 in there cause i had a mild cam picked out for it i was gonna run a while

motornut 03-26-2011 08:29 AM

Re: 84 craigslist score

Originally Posted by jitteryguy (Post 4576787)
I know what ya mean, I had recently had a simular post, 247 veiw's and 2 replies ?
sounds over all you got did alright, I have a carb'd 305 in an S10, I've been happy with it.
good luck with the wire'n .

they are just window shopping
drive bys
prob guests viewing,they get quite a few some times

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