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bikerbuck 04-28-2011 02:20 PM

Parts not received from 454stepside
I ordered a vacuum pod and brackets from 454stepside last mo. paid 45.00 via money order which he said he got on 4-1-2011. and would be sending the package on 4-4-2011. After not receiving it in a timely manor i sent 454stepside a pm. on 4-17-2011 he writes back blames the us mail and said he had another set and would be sending it the next day but needed my address again cause he threw it out when he sent it the first time. Its 4-28-2011 guess what NO PARTS. After reviewing parts board i found out that 68iron is having the same issue from 454stepside and getting the same excuses. Ive recently sent yet another pm to 454stepside no response as of yet.

leddzepp 04-28-2011 02:48 PM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside
He was on here this morning just 2 hours ago.

68 IRON 04-28-2011 10:36 PM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside
Hey everyone, yes its true! I ordered a pair of tail light lenses and sent the money (personal check) which was cashed. Was told parts were going out as soon as check problem. 10 days or so no part. Said he threw my address out (well that would have been the check, I couldn't find where I gave my address). He said he would send another set. Still no parts. I've tried and Bickerbuck has also. 454stepside if you are out there, let us know whats up. Money back, parts or move on....I'll try Pm again.

68 IRON 05-02-2011 11:33 PM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside
Here it is, May 2nd, and the parts arrived. Parts are not a matching set (I didnt specify they had to be) even though they were arranged and photo'd to give the impression you would get a matched set when purchased. I havent recieved word as to why, but.... Anyway.

bikerbuck 05-03-2011 11:58 AM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside
Got mine today(Finally.) Was shipped express mail. Should not of taken a month though. I just need to be happy i got it.

Liz 05-03-2011 03:18 PM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside
Glad you guys got it worked out.

68 IRON 05-09-2011 12:58 PM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside
454stepside is gonna go a step further and send an original tail lens to give me a match set. He notified me of this 3 days ago. I really appreciate the gesture.

68 IRON 05-18-2011 02:16 PM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside
I know, I know,....."fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!"
10 days I've given for two lenses of the same type. He said it would'nt be a problem. Well, I guess if you don't ship it, nothing can problem!
Where ever he lives I guess is a black hole for lost parts....or he'll tell me something to that effect. I can't and won't recommend buying parts from him....plain and simple. Thumbs down.

bikerbuck 05-18-2011 03:04 PM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside

Liz 05-18-2011 03:19 PM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside
I will message him.

454stepside 05-19-2011 02:47 PM

Re: Parts not received from 459stepside
parts have been sent and remember i didnt have to send another one out you got the pair you paid for i was just trying to be a nice guy but whatever dont buy from me i dont care

Seamus 06-09-2011 06:15 PM

Re: Parts not received from 454stepside
I sent 454stepside a Postal Money Order for $96.00 for big block frame mounts. He acknowledged getting it on Saturday, 21 May, said he would go to PO on following Monday to ship. Have yet to receive. Called several times, got him once and he blamed it on the PO, said he shipped - same song and dance as above. Sent PMs - no response - still waiting. This guy is obviously unreliable.

gonnuts 04-16-2012 12:13 AM

454stepside never shipped my seat belts
OK I think I've waited long enough that I can say I got screwed. 454stepside(Randy Dassero) received my money order on March 10, said he would ship my 67 seat belts on the 12th. I've had things get lost for a while coming over the border, but never close to this long. On top of that he disappeared off the forum on the 17th and hasn't returned pm's. I know I'm not the only one from that thread that didn't receive parts that were paid for. I don't like to drag someone's name through the dirt BUT come on, man up and send the parts you were paid for.

Liz 04-19-2012 07:47 AM

Re: 454stepside never shipped my seat belts
Do you have an address, phone number or other means of contact? Have you attempted to contact him off the site to find out whats going on?

highrpm 04-19-2012 08:29 AM

454stepside Owes me refund!!
A refund was agreed on 2-23-2012 after speaking with moderators about delays in getting a part. Last message I recieved from him was on 3-10 saying he had sent it the week before.

gonnuts 04-19-2012 07:51 PM

Re: 454stepside never shipped my seat belts

Originally Posted by Liz (Post 5323552)
Do you have an address, phone number or other means of contact? Have you attempted to contact him off the site to find out whats going on?

I have an address, guess I could send him a letter??

gonnuts 04-19-2012 07:56 PM

Re: 454stepside Owes me refund!!
He sure seems to have a lot of trouble with the mail.;)

Josh 04-19-2012 08:38 PM

Re: 454stepside Owes me refund!!
He hasn't been active in over a month on the site. I would try emailing or sending him something through the mail to get in touch. I will contact him through the site but he seems to be ignoring everything.

gonnuts 04-19-2012 08:57 PM

Re: 454stepside Owes me refund!!
highrpm check out this thread thread, there is a email address for anyone that needs to get a hold of him.

highrpm 04-20-2012 08:15 AM

Re: 454stepside Owes me refund!!
I have his address I sent the MO to. I have some friends in Co Springs I might be able to get them to pay him a visit!!

Liz 04-28-2012 09:00 AM

Re: Parts not received from 454stepside
User has been suspended due to nonshipment of parts and repeated bad deals

1963c-10 05-10-2012 04:43 PM

Re: 454stepside Owes me refund!!

Originally Posted by highrpm (Post 5325505)
I have his address I sent the MO to. I have some friends in Co Springs I might be able to get them to pay him a visit!!

Thats the route to go.

Seamus 05-10-2012 09:05 PM

Re: Parts not received from 454stepside
He's a crook - at best an unreliable scoundrel!!

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