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Tim R 05-26-2011 02:04 PM

Grandpa's Truck Reborn
5 Attachment(s)
Well I have been reading this site for a while and could not have gotten as far on this project with out the knowledge here on this site . So First I would like to say THANKS TO ALL OF YOU !!!!!

My grandpa bought this truck new in 1970 and didnt drive it very much stayed in the garage . Flash forward 1995 88000 miles on truck my uncle came into town to borrow it and got into a bad wreck on the way home . Granny was really upset so I fought with insurance and finally got the truck back and 3000 dollars to fix it . Started working on it and Granny pasted away. So we stopped the project . Years later the shop it was in was distroyed by Hurricane Ike and the only spot almost left standing was where the truck was. WOW So I figured that was a sign lol to get in gear .

So anyway its almost done and I am going to give it back to my 80 Year old father for his 81st birthday coming up soon HOTROD STYLE lol

Heres it present day condition I think he is gonna like it !!!!

Thanks for listening


Tim R 05-26-2011 02:05 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
4 Attachment(s)
few more

will get some more when I pull it out of the shop


cwgreen1971 05-26-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
You are wrong, he is going to love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DREW67 05-26-2011 02:36 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Very Nice!!!!

original-71 05-26-2011 02:40 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
very nice birthday gift!

Beat68CST 05-26-2011 03:00 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
I think he might like it :P

Definitely sweet!

ricks71pu 05-26-2011 03:01 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
ya turned it into a chevy!!! very nice truck.

Stocker 05-26-2011 03:36 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
What a beauty... you do great work!!!

Tim R 05-26-2011 05:58 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Thanks ,Yea I looked for a GMC grill and core support but never had any luck finding a nice one and found a nice original 67 front end so it a hybrid now


Dads69C10 05-26-2011 06:45 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Wow !

72 Super 05-26-2011 09:09 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Very nice! I am sure your dad will love it too.


CHICKENTRUCK 05-26-2011 09:17 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
That man is going to S---.

Old Yeller 1970 05-26-2011 09:53 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
When I saw that first photo I audibly said, "WOW", knowing that you brought a truck all the way back from that condition is incredible. Thanks for sharing.

C20-67_N_MO 05-26-2011 09:59 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Yeah keep us updated!

Truck looks great!!

waynep 05-26-2011 10:54 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
your dad will love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

70cst 05-26-2011 10:57 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Special just special. Great job! :cong:

ges55 05-27-2011 10:07 AM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Great job! You are a very special son.

RagingAsian 05-27-2011 01:30 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
my jaw dropped when I saw the first two pictures. but I am very impressed with the progress.

Bennett68C10 05-27-2011 02:22 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Very Very nice truck, your dad will love it

68 IRON 05-29-2011 04:31 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
When you give it to him, get a pic and post it! I wanna see the look on his face!!! He's going to love it! Nice job:metal:

68 SHORT-STEP'N 05-29-2011 05:02 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Great job on bringing it back to life ! Hopefully Uncle was O K , that was hard hit .

weircc 05-29-2011 05:29 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Im sure he will enjoy it slick looking truck for sure

Tim R 05-29-2011 11:54 PM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Yea My Uncle was ok thank goodness . I am going to take pictures when I give it to him and Thanks for all the complements


RCbowtie69 05-30-2011 09:43 AM

Re: Grandpa's Truck Reborn
Very nice!!!!! :metal: :cool:

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