1FaastC10 |
03-31-2003 01:05 PM |
I Got A New Ride!!!
after the recent problems with my '93 C1500 i had been considering getting something different. with my love for the 73-87 bodystyle i was leaning towards one of those, but finding one in good enough condition to be a daily driver, and still in my price range is a bit hard around here. i went to pick up my C1500 on Thursday, and jokingly mentioned selling the C1500 and getting an older truck. turns out they had a decent truck sitting behind the building that was for sale. i went out and looked it over, fairly solid '86 SCLB, cab corner and rear quarter rust, and a few other small spots here and there, but noothing major. i asked the price, and was told $500, but it needs a transmision. just so happens i have an extra 700R4 laying around. :D
went and picked it up this morning, and it runs great! AC and cruise work too! too bad my digital camera is broken, or i'd post some pics. i've got some pics from the car show this weekend that i wanna get developed soon, so maybe i'll have some in the next couple of days.