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thirdstreettito 06-22-2011 12:18 AM

Power Window Relay Mod?
Anybody have a write up for it? The write up on CK5 isn't helpful to me, I dont have a paid account so I cant see the pics. Anyone have parts #'s? What exactly is the mod? Thanks, Bradley

b454rat 06-22-2011 07:29 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
I'm gonna do this on my crew if I ever get around to it.

It uses 2 relays per window, one for up one for down. Just regular relays, 30 amps I think. Instead of the voltage going thru all the wiring and loosing some by the time it gets to the motor, going thru the relay sends a full 12 volts to the motor. I guess it turns slow ass windows into an upside down guillotine.

thirdstreettito 06-22-2011 08:47 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
Where do you mount them? Etc etc!!?

baclay9 06-22-2011 08:51 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
Keeping my eye on this

b454rat 06-22-2011 09:07 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
The two relays per door fit behind the door panel. I can't remember where, I'll have to look at the thread on CK5...

I've done the headlight mod before, so wiring up relays isn't too hard. At almost $5 a pop, could get expensive with 4 doors!!! Wouldn't need much wiring, so find a place to mount the relays, run some wires, do some splicing and done....

thirdstreettito 06-22-2011 09:10 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?

Originally Posted by b454rat (Post 4749160)
The two relays per door fit behind the door panel. I can't remember where, I'll have to look at the thread on CK5...

I've done the headlight mod before, so wiring up relays isn't too hard. At almost $5 a pop, could get expensive with 4 doors!!! Wouldn't need much wiring, so find a place to mount the relays, run some wires, do some splicing and done....

I'll have my electrical take a look at the diagrams. I'll also see if I can do it for the tailgate window! What kind of electrical fitting d you use on the relay? The slip-on type? (Dont know the technical name)

b454rat 06-22-2011 09:21 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
1 Attachment(s)
This is right from CK5

I have been thinking about my slow power windows. It seems it isn't just mine, but everyone's. SO I have been seeing alot of topics about adding relays to headlights to make them brighter by adding full battery voltage. And I already added a relay to my starter for the same reason.

So, I am thinking about adding some relay's to my power windows, I looked at a diagram today at work and it didn't show any. I have no problem wiring it up, but has anybody tried this yet? If not, I think I will give it a whirl and maybe do a write up on it.

Let me know what ya'll think.

EDIT, I just got one side done, The drivers, and it is almost twice as fast as the passenger side now. It used to be slower. I used 2 standard bosch relays.
Terminal 85- power from the window switch.
Terminal 30- To window motor
Terminal 87A & 86- to Ground
Terminal 87- Goes to power, I used the junction block on the firewall, so I get as much voltage as possible.

I am going to do the other side, it is just too hot right now. It was pretty simple, and they work soo much faster. It's amazing how much voltage drop there is on 25 year old wires and connectors.
here's a pic of where I put the relays. I took the pic before I ran the power wire to them.

wyattglock 06-22-2011 09:26 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
That's some good info! I might have to try this on my truck.

N2TRUX 06-22-2011 10:38 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
b454rat can you put up a link to the thread? This would make a great FAQ here, but I want to ensure that the OP gets proper credit.

Low87 06-22-2011 11:12 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
I like it. Gotta try this on the K5.

48cj2a 06-22-2011 06:12 PM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
Awsome mod - I'm about ready to add PW/PL to the CUCV and this would be perfect to use since I'm starting from scratch.

Wonder if it might help the wipers and blower as well?

JMac11 06-22-2011 06:22 PM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
Do you really need help down??? My Down is good

TheApocalyptican 06-22-2011 06:37 PM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?

Originally Posted by 48cj2a (Post 4749924)
Awsome mod - I'm about ready to add PW/PL to the CUCV and this would be perfect to use since I'm starting from scratch.

Wonder if it might help the wipers and blower as well?

Not sure about the wipers.....but in my experience with our age vehicles, the blower is getting almost full battery power. Like a drop of less the .5 volts.

Also like to add that if you can find 'em, get the relays that have the bracket part made out of metal. The plastic bracketed ones like in the picture above always break off after not too long, and in this case will create a rattle within the door.

bigwheel15 06-22-2011 07:05 PM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
I have a few relays laying around and some spare time, I wonder how much of a difference this mod makes?

TheApocalyptican 06-22-2011 07:09 PM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?

Originally Posted by bigwheel15 (Post 4750006)
I have a few relays laying around and some spare time, I wonder how much of a difference this mod makes?

Same thing I was wondering. Might be best to quick try it on your slowest window. I wouldn't even bother running the wire thru the door, just quick wire it up, and see if it really makes a difference before you go thru all the trouble of making it nice.

b454rat 06-22-2011 07:50 PM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?

There are a couple of diagrams in there, not sure if needed or not. If so lemme know what ones and I can get them....

rayfinseats 06-22-2011 11:19 PM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
I just rewired my 83 using 5 relays. Some guy on e bay sells 5 (5 wire) relays WITH pigtails and FREE SHIPPING for $18. Here is a wiring diagram.

67_SS396 06-23-2011 12:25 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
I have thought about this and now that I've seen feedback, I'll be doing it to mine and my neighbor's trucks. Thanks!:thumbs:
Posted via Mobile Device

qu1cks1lver56 06-23-2011 01:19 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
doing this soon. I hate waiting on my windows to roll up lol

thirdstreettito 06-23-2011 01:34 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
Thanks b454rat! Big help! Now to buy some wire, relays, and learn how to remove/install the door panels.


Originally Posted by qu1cks1lver56 (Post 4750767)
doing this soon. I hate waiting on my windows to roll up lol


mikep87swb 07-06-2011 09:22 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
I am definately going to do this mod also..... I just have one question.... Do you need to wire up something additional for the driver to put down the passenger window... Or is that covered in the directions and I just missed it..... I would assume you have to run a wire from the switch on the drivers side to the relays on the passengers side to activate the passenger window from the drivers side???

If I am wrong I apologize..... but I am just wondering what has to be connected in that scenario...


homemade87 07-06-2011 08:46 PM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
This is a great mod. It was a simple mod and well worth doing. I did mine when I had the truck apart. I put my relays just above where the wires go out threw the fire wall to the doors. I felt they would be better protected from the weather. I also cut my wires to the motor about 2" from the motor and added a much larger wire all the way down to the motor .I pulled the original wire back up threw the door jamb to the inside of the fire wall to run the relays. 2 wires up to the relays from the motor, and 2 large wires down from the relays to the motor. It works great. The first thing my friends show off about my truck is the windows in action.

juiceman650 07-07-2011 02:07 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
Nice, I was thinking of replacing my motors because of how slow they are, but I guess I'll just do this mod and see how it works.
Posted via Mobile Device

dmartin1 07-07-2011 04:32 AM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?

Originally Posted by b454rat (Post 4749060)
I'm gonna do this on my crew if I ever get around to it.

It uses 2 relays per window, one for up one for down. Just regular relays, 30 amps I think. Instead of the voltage going thru all the wiring and loosing some by the time it gets to the motor, going thru the relay sends a full 12 volts to the motor. I guess it turns slow ass windows into an upside down guillotine.

LOL i literally laughed out loud and spit a piece of meat outta my mouth when i read "I guess it turns slow ass windows into an upside down guillotine" haha

TheApocalyptican 07-08-2011 11:06 PM

Re: Power Window Relay Mod?
Just did this on the front drivers side window. Up or down now takes 3 seconds flat, vs 4 going down before, and 4.5 going up.

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