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losthope 07-08-2011 04:14 PM

Death and Birth of A C10
Hey everyone i havent been on the site in awhile due to some life incidents..i moved and gave away the 63 i was working on due to not having space at new house..well after the move in april i was in a accident in my 65.....wont go into all the details,but at 2 summtin in the morning i was driving home and passed out behind the wheel shattered my heel,fractured my pelvis in 5 places and my face once....i hit three just glad to be alive and didnt hit anybody else....heres the pics..
the only thing i could save was the motor out of the 65 now in a cast waiting for my heel to heal enough to have surgery and fuse my ankle joint together and another 6 months to walk on it ,im using crutches now and moving around alot...went and picked this 1966 truck up today for $400 it has a few dents in the bed but not bad ,has all new front rubbers replaced on front suspension, new power steering conversion bolted in,new radiator in box,new heater blower motor,black and yellow plates,registered, basically just missing the motor and trans, ill be putting the motor from the 65 in the 66 and hope it fires ok.....heres the pics
due to being in a cast and also trying to work on my 54 ford 2dr this will be a slow build...more pics to come later.....

61_FL_Apache 07-08-2011 04:35 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Chevy Tough!! It saved your life!!

jocko 07-08-2011 04:40 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Wow. Glad to see you're able to at least(!) post again - that was a close call. Hang in there, crutches just about drove me crazy and I was only on them for about 2 and1/2 months. I found that my garage mech roller seat worked very well for getting around once my armpits were trashed... But not on carpet. And somehow in all this you managed to buy another truck! Good on you and a nice find I might add, for a great price. Congrats - and glad you are on the mend.

steverino66 07-08-2011 04:51 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
glad you're around to tell the story - looks like a freight train sideswiped that truck

yote1234 07-08-2011 04:52 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
good to see you survived!... good luck on the new one! looks good...

markeb01 07-08-2011 04:52 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Holy crap, looking at the damage you’re very fortunate to still be around. It’s good to see you’re “getting back on the horse”. The replacement truck looks great, and a real bargain for the price. Good luck on a speedy recovery.

steve'62 07-08-2011 04:55 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Good to see your ok, way to get back up and dust yourself off to jump back on that c10 horse!

steve'62 07-08-2011 04:57 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
LOL, mark, didnt even read your post but i basically wrote the same thing.....great minds think alike!

FRENCHBLUE72 07-08-2011 05:50 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Wow glad to see you lived through that...

Clyde65 07-08-2011 05:55 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Man! I am so glad your OK, well as ok as you are, could have been much worse as you know. It's unfortunate for the 65 but it did its job and then some by protecting you. Your new, old one will be the testament to the time you had your 65.

On a much lighter side, dont you think most of that would buff out?

jonathan-m 07-08-2011 06:01 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Jesus...glad you made it through that. That trucks looks like a nightmare.

Woogeroo 07-08-2011 07:10 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
... and look, the fuel tank didn't explode into a firebomb!

Glad you didn't kill anyone else.


Rich 5150 69 07-08-2011 07:55 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Holy crap Batman....glad you`re back in the bat cave, that would of made me taken up basket weaving......naaa.....glad your going back to it bro, we`ll see you at the next swap meet.....

padresag 07-08-2011 08:13 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10

Originally Posted by Woogeroo (Post 4778982)
... and look, the fuel tank didn't explode into a firebomb!

Glad you didn't kill anyone else.


how many do you know of that turned into a fireball in these trucks?

Woogeroo 07-08-2011 08:48 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10

Originally Posted by padresag (Post 4779078)
how many do you know of that turned into a fireball in these trucks?

I don't know of any... that's my point.

Everyone is so scared of the tank in the truck... but everyone I've talked to who has been in a bad wreck in one of these trucks... hasn't had an issue with the tank losing integrity.


TR65 07-08-2011 09:53 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10

Originally Posted by Woogeroo (Post 4779135)
I don't know of any... that's my point.

Everyone is so scared of the tank in the truck... but everyone I've talked to who has been in a bad wreck in one of these trucks... hasn't had an issue with the tank losing integrity.


I was thinking the same thing. I moved my tank to under the bed but there doesn't seem to be a safety issue with them. That tank will be about the last thing smashed in a wreck.


padresag 07-08-2011 10:20 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10

Originally Posted by Woogeroo (Post 4779135)
I don't know of any... that's my point.

Everyone is so scared of the tank in the truck... but everyone I've talked to who has been in a bad wreck in one of these trucks... hasn't had an issue with the tank losing integrity.


I thought that you might have been bordering on paranoia and in hindsight, it could go either way(the statement that is)
it is quite ironical about most peoples concerns for those tanks that there have been so few incidents. Just try and imagine how many lit cigs have been so close to those fuming gas caps over the years

joedoh 07-08-2011 11:16 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
good googly moogly! That has to be the most thoroughly crashed truck I think I have ever seen. Glad you are recovering.

AZ66GMC 07-08-2011 11:42 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Wow, so sad to see the truck like that, but glad you made it out okay. That looks like one hell of a violent crash.

Get well and hope to see pics of the new project when you get rolling again

Posted via Mobile Device

losthope 07-08-2011 11:45 PM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
thank you guys for the replys ,and i filled the gas tank the day before..... the tank did rupture and i was pinned in between the dash and tranny hump by my foot thats how my heel shattered! I was covered in gas from head to toe i was just lucky nothind sparked ..and do smoke cigs riding next to those gas tanks which i thought about while smoking and put them out ..on the better side in the deal with the new truck i also got a pair of headman headers ,edelbrock carb of a running truck, a rebuilt holley double pumper......i didnt take up basket weaving but my buddys in my car club did get me a 65 chevy stepside model,and a 54 ford model cars to do while i was bed ridden:metal:

losthope 07-09-2011 12:19 AM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
you can see the gas and cat litter in pic#1 and #3 after it got towed to tow truck yard.

Captainfab 07-09-2011 12:35 AM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Wow! I would agree that you are lucky to still be above ground. I'm also glad to hear that you are on the mend and already starting on another truck. It looks like you found a good one to work with. Keep us posted on your progress both on healing and the truck build.

onequickchevy 07-09-2011 01:17 AM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Wow, that's all I can say. It is a miracle to have survived that one for sure! I hope you have a speedy recovery, and the new truck looks like quite a find.

LostMy65 07-09-2011 02:44 AM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
You are very fortunate you survived.
No trees are going to keep you down. :)
Glad you're posting in the forums.

LT1 Burb 07-09-2011 09:29 AM

Re: Death and Birth of A C10
Man, I can't believe you lived through that,that truck is wasted. Good score on the new one and take time to heal properly.

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