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1969chevy 10-06-2011 05:53 PM

What transmission to change to???
First post on here. I am starting to work on my project (69 chevy C10 lwb truck) after it has set for about 6 years now while I was in college and starting to work. The engine blew a rod and didn't have the money or resources to fix it then. I am rebuilding the engine now and am thinking about changing the transmission that is in it. It now has a powerglide transmission and am thinking about putting a 700r4 in. The problem I have with the powerglide is the high gear. When I was running 65 down the road the engine was running a high RPM's. Do any of you guys on this board have any suggestions/advice? I will be posting some pics and starting a build thread when I'm done with the engine. Thanks.

01spirit750 10-07-2011 12:23 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
My opinion (you know about opinions right?) is that the 700r4 is too weak for a truck. I am running a turbo 400 and I will be upgrading it to a 4l80E.

The 4l80E is a update of the turbo 400 and they added over drive.

The problem with a 4l80e is that it is a computer control transmission so you have to get a standalone computer. Some guys use a computer out of an early desiel or you can get the TCU control from FAST (Fuel Air Spark). They run about $600. Also the 4l80E has no mechanical speedometer connection. The 4l80E also requires a throttle position sensor.

OJ1988 10-07-2011 12:36 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
What are your engine specs?

What do you plan on doing with the truck?

Ackattack 10-07-2011 01:02 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
A 700R4 can be built plenty strong to handle truck duties.

The 700R4 lockup converter and OD will help bring the RPMs down.

What gear ratio and tire size are you running? In my 72 in installed a 700r4 with 3.08 gears and it was a dog. I swapped to 3.73s and it was perfect.

OJ1988 10-07-2011 01:34 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
[QUOTE=Ackattack;4940433]A 700R4 can be built plenty strong to handle truck duties.


chopnchaneled 10-07-2011 02:10 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
X's two on being strong enough for a truck.
I pull my boat a light duty trailer with mine, no problems.
also have a 3:73 diff and it works great.

fastwillie 696969 10-07-2011 02:13 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
i would build the powerglide myself ,but a turbo 400 be the next thing i would go for even a cave man can work on them

treveiger 10-07-2011 02:13 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
I hear 700 is a good tranny but make sure you don't have a low gear rear end or it'll be slow an waste more gas. The turbo 400 seems to be good also an depending on what rear end you have that might be your better bet. You need to get the specs on your rear end, motor, an tire size before making a choice.
Posted via Mobile Device

406 Q-ship 10-07-2011 02:46 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
If your unhappy with the engine RPM when the powerglide in high gear, then any of the 3 speeds will be the same. High gear in a PG, Th350, and Th400 are all 1 to 1. The 700R4 can work fine in the average 1/2 ton truck duty, if you race or haul alot of extra heavy loads in the truck a 700R4 may not be the best. Here is another choice, change the rear axle ratio to a more highway friendly one, 3.42 and put a gear vendors OD on a TH350 or TH400.

Another OD trans to investigate is the 200 4R, never came in trucks but full size GM, Buick Grand Nationals, Monte Carlo and the SS, and the pedestrian G-bodies (regal, cutlass, grand prix). It is an easier install than even the 700 R4 because the length of the trans is almost the same as a short shaft TH400. and trans mount is in the same location as a PG/TH350.

Indyuke 10-07-2011 03:47 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
I've got the 700-r4 with 3.73 rear. It's a pretty good setup. One thing most people don't like about the 700 is the really low first gear, or rather the big step from 1st to 2nd. Bounce your head off the back window.

I think probably the best setup for our trucks would be a 350 motor, 200-4r trans and 3.73 rear gearing with posi. Best for power, fuel economy and overall driveability right there.

MARKDTN 10-07-2011 03:59 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
My '83 K20 went 75,000 miles on the first 700R4 and that is with the first-year-besides-Corvette transmission pulling trailers much of it's life. I have had it built with later case and guts and expect it to last a while. The "modern" 4L60E is basically a 700R4 with electronic control. My '01 Tahoe has that one with 225K miles and never been apart. So a 700R4 is definitely the direction I would go. Just be sure to use an '88 up core. If the engine is bad, you can buy mid 90s trucks/vans/Suburbans with 350/4L60E pretty cheap now and transplant the whole engine/trans. Just bite the bullet and modernize. Before the Tahoe I had a '95 Suburban with over 200K on it, never had a transmission and the engine was still strong. At around 100k (a week after we bought it) my wife had a water pump go and it got so hot it melted the plastic on the temp sender. Went over 100k miles after that with ZERO issues.

sean1969c10 10-07-2011 08:40 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
I like the 700r4, I built the one in my 88 GMC and I built one for a 84 GMC Cabellaro I had. For my 69 LWB C10 I am going with a 200r4. Uses the same trans yolk, you do have to slide the trans mount back and drill new holes, but the overall length is the same as the Powergilde/ TH350. I will beef up the 200r4 when I put my 383 in front of it, I don't think the 267 that is in it now will hurt anything but a little of the trucks pride!!!!

Daves70 10-09-2011 07:11 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
I have a built 700R4 behind a pretty healthy 400 small block with 3.42 gears in my 67.I love the combination,but my 400 makes good torque.If I used a smaller small block I would use 3.73 gears.As for durability I had this setup for about 5 years now and I am fairly hard on it but no towing. First gear is pretty low on a 700R4 but it makes for easy burnouts.

1969chevy 10-09-2011 08:54 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
I hadn't really thought of a 200r4, but that might work. I'll give a little more on how I intend to use the truck. I'm pretty sure the truck has 3.73 gears, but not 100% sure on that. I plan on rebuilding the engine not too crazy just good parts and a should be a good solid engine. Plan on using the truck sparingly, mostly just driving around town maybe a few longer drives, but nothing to crazy. Pulling a boat and maybe a small trailer nothing too big or too often.

1969chevy 10-15-2011 01:40 AM

Re: What transmission to change to???
So do you guys think a 200r4 will be enough transmission for the truck?

OJ1988 10-15-2011 08:41 AM

Re: What transmission to change to???
Yes, if rebuilt properly.

cdowns 10-15-2011 10:31 AM

Re: What transmission to change to???
there is no such thing as a 200R4 tranny

Dunenutt 10-15-2011 10:49 AM

Re: What transmission to change to???

Originally Posted by cdowns (Post 4954604)
there is no such thing as a 200R4 tranny

There is if you are dyslexic:lol:

dsy1 10-15-2011 11:34 AM

Re: What transmission to change to???
I have a well-built 2004R behind my 350 with 4.11 gears in my '71 C20. I replaced the original TH350. Easier fit than the 700R4 and a big difference on the highway.

The Youngen 10-15-2011 02:38 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
If you are just cruising and do not have a built engine like a 454, you could easily work with a 700r4 or 2004r. Since you are going to be using it like a truck lightly with towing, the turbo 400 is a tank. 4l80e is an electronic turbo 400 with an overdrive. My 95 tahoe 6.5td has the 4l80e and has 170k miles. It tows and plows and has never been opened. Only problem is you will need the electronic controller. my $.02.

OJ1988 10-15-2011 02:41 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???

Originally Posted by The Youngen (Post 4954894)
Since i notice no one asked nor did i see the poster write it, what engine are we talking about? and what do you want to use it for? just cruising or working? If he is just cruising and does not have a built engine, he could easily work with a 700r4 or 2004r. If he is going to be building the engine and using it like a truck with towing and everything, the turbo 400 is a tank. 4l60e is just a 700r4 but electronic. 4l80e is an electronic turbo 400 with an overdrive. My 95 tahoe 6.5td has the 4l80e and has 170k miles. It tows and plows and has never been opened. Only problem is you will need the electronic controller. my $.02.

Actually, it has been asked and he has replied.

Engine is a 350 he plans to rebuold, and keep mild. He mostly plans to cruise the truck.

72peace 10-15-2011 03:25 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
After looking at what was involved with the swap I went with the 200-4r for a couple of reasons: I can do it myself, I don't have to cut the driveshaft, just move the mount back to the 400 holes that are already there, i can do it myself, the trans fluid filler from the 350 will work, did I mention I could do it myself.

I found a 200-4R that i'm having rebuilt with the Art Carr rebuild kit and trans-go shift kit. It cost me 125 for the trans, 290 for the rebuild kit, 140 for the shift kit, and 250 for the rebuild from a friend but i've heard the rebuilds cost as much as 500, so i'm up to about 800 for the trans. If you have the cash i probably would buy the setup from art carr for 1500, here's the link. It would save a lot of work. You will also need the EZ-TV kit from bowtie overdrive, I think it runs around 145.

Best of Luck with your decision,

I forgot the lockup kit from B&M for 115 on amazon.


Harley1650 06-10-2012 05:29 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
Hey what do you guys think about a basically stock 454, 4 barrel in a 63 long bed with a 700R4?

treveiger 06-11-2012 02:08 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
^^^ what's your rear end gear ratio?
Posted via Mobile Device

Harley1650 06-11-2012 04:01 PM

Re: What transmission to change to???
3.54 rear end

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