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nacho55 11-28-2011 05:22 PM

New to Me Lift
1 Attachment(s)
Christmas came early for me here is a pic my newest toy After sitting in my parents storage for the last 10 years my step dad gave me his lift that he only used a few times before he put it in storage, and all his tools, now I dont have much of an excuse for not finishing this truck.

sgtusmc 11-28-2011 06:42 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
Show off!!! You just made all the guy's here jealous... haha

Kabwe 11-28-2011 06:44 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
The space alone makes me jealous the lift is just adding to my


Helilog56 11-28-2011 06:55 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
Sweet !!

parkwood 11-28-2011 09:27 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
1 Attachment(s)
Nacho55 you got yourself a nice lift to put in your nice garage.. love my Eagle lift it sure helps the back..
I think you own your father big time..

solidaxel 11-28-2011 10:06 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
2 Attachment(s)
............... O K, Nacho,I'm in !!!!

mr48chev 11-28-2011 10:46 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
Well, if you live close by there may be a method to his madness. Now you just may get to work on his rigs when they need worked on.

I'm getting a bad case of work space envy hoist or not though. Wish I had enough room to get a rig inside and actually work on it.

nacho55 11-29-2011 10:55 AM

Re: New to Me Lift
2 Attachment(s)
There is no doubt I owe my folks big time, but they know I would do just about anything for them, including working on their rigs, my stepdad is a very Knowledgeable guy when it comes to working on just about anything and they live only a couple of miles away from me so he comes over to hangout in the garage and drink and watch me work now, heres a shot of how big my garage is just to show off a little more LOL, i built it this big with plans to start my own business a few years ago (but things changed and never got around to starting the business now its just my mancave). I brought in some help when i poured the slab and hanging the trusses, and paid for it to be stucco-ed, did all of the framing, roofing and wiring of it on my vaccation time and during the evenings after work, some day if i quit draging projects into it i will finish the drywall,

solidaxel 11-29-2011 12:21 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
1 Attachment(s)
I'm right behind you, still waiting on permits!

Maricopa County must be easier for permits!
How high are your 3 doors?
In Pima County you can only have 70% of the existing roof size for a garage.
How high is the peak of the roof, is there a scratch coat of stucco on the garage?
I have been working under a shade tree for 50+ years, and now the stars all lined up ,and this one I have been waiting a long time for.

57ExtCab 11-29-2011 12:51 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
what is the working hieght under these lifts , being 6ft 4" I'm afraid to buy 1 just to find out I'd be tweaking my neck to work beneath, also what do you think is about the best hieght fo ceiling to work with these lift.. DEFINENTLY SWEEEET WORK PLACE

nacho55 11-29-2011 01:20 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
Those are actually pics from 2006, I've been done for awhile other than final drywalling of the inside. I am in elmirage and the city is not fit to issue outhouse permits let alone real construction, you don't want to hear about the hoops I jumped through to get this built, it was probably a year of my time and 1200bucks in permits. But the doors are 10x10 and they did a scratch coat/brown coat and then the texture, the walls are 12' high and the peak is over 16'.
And 57extcab, I'm only 5-9 on a good day so I can almost tap dance under the lift in the middle without any problems for head room for me , still have to duck around under the ramps, I ordered the trusses to be vaulted so I still have 15 clear in the middle of my garage , but with the truck all the way up is only above 12' at the cab.
Posted via Mobile Device

Speedbumpauto 11-29-2011 01:29 PM

Re: New to Me Lift
IMO, the wall ht. is most important. I have a 2 post but was able to offset it to one side of the shop because of the 10' wall ht. Also, in Pima county, it's not the peak roof ht. on a pitched roof, it's the average ht. They have a formula based on truss slope. Also, if your shop is not attached to the house, I believe your shop footprint size is based on lot size, and it's relatively easy to get a variance for that, if your neighbors like you and you're not in an HOA. I've been there and done that with the county.

1959 Apache 3600 12-01-2011 09:52 AM

Re: New to Me Lift
OK, you guys totally SUCK!!!

Kidding of course... those are some pretty wicked shops. Mr Jealous here!

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