smashingchuck |
01-05-2012 01:30 PM |
TBI cold start/intermitent start
Having some issues with my suburban. 1991 350 TBI 150,000 miles. Turns over, wont fire at all. wont run on eather either. I have *some* spark. I have singled out the coil, cap, rotor, control module, and I have fuel at the throttle body when I turn the key on. Seems to only happen when it gets cold(er). First time was one week two weekends ago, first time it got below freezing to speak of. It wouldn't start, I leave it for 24 hours, it warms up, and it starts and runs for a week. Then it gets cold. wont start. I throw parts at it, still wont start. Warms up for a few days, and its starts cold, right off the bat in the morning. It stuttered pretty hard when it did, but it straigtened out and now its fine... ideas? I know it could be water in the gas, but why wouldnt it run on eather?