robert shaver |
03-22-2012 10:01 PM |
need help w/ daily driver 72
my 72 c/10 is having a problem, about a week ago it started. When i turn on headlights both turn signal green lights in insturment cluster light up. also when i turn on turn signal both lights blink in the cluster. both rear taillights work just as they are supposed to they dont blink togeather. I have unhooked turn signal harness plug to see is it had something to do with it, but did not change that both turn signal inst. light come on. Also I unplugged headlight switch plug to see if it had a prob. still had problem with both inst. lights blinking with turn signal switch. The other thing that is not right is that when i put headlight switch to the park light position, my front side marker lights and front bumper lights do not come on. all the lightbulbs are tested and good. Hopefully someone has some kind of advice, or knows whats going on. thanks Robert