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hotrod 80 06-19-2012 10:15 PM

Enclosed trailer
Looking at enclosed trailers for obvious reasons . Probably be buying a used one in 24' .

How many use them and what size and brand do you have .

fastwillie 696969 06-20-2012 12:24 AM

Re: Enclosed trailer
im looking for 20 footer hopefully my tundra will be able to tow it ,most used one i see price range is 4 to 5 k .24 ft up 9k

hotrod 80 06-20-2012 06:58 AM

Re: Enclosed trailer
I looked at a 20 footer that had a 48" side door and i could have gotten the truck and golf cart in it with the golf cart going in the side door , but the 3500# axles are what kept me from buying it . 7000# capacity minus the trailer and accessaries = 3000-3300# . Trailer had refrig , A/C , cabinets in front , microwave . My truck weighs 2800ish and the cart is probably another 600 or so . Im over loaded and haven't even added spare slicks or nitrous bottles , cooler , canopy , BBQ pit etc .

Im looking at a 24 footer with 7000# axles . Maybe over kill , but the bearings and brakes are bigger and the tires are rated higher 14000# rating mins 4000 for the trailer gives you plenty of room for equipment . The 6 lug or 5200# axles would probably be ok also .

vin63 06-20-2012 11:59 AM

Re: Enclosed trailer
I've had my Haulmark Elite II 24' Race Trailer for 14 years. I've relied on it big time, running Div 7 and 6 Super Gas/Street for 12 of those years - averaging 15K+ miles per season. If I were to buy a new trailer, it would be the Haulmark Edge Pro Series in a 28' length.

hotrod 80 06-20-2012 12:34 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
Very nice . Heard the Haulmarks are nice trailers .

vin63 06-20-2012 12:45 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
Thanks. I had a Pace Shadow before the Haulmark, but the Pace developed cracks at the upper rear corners above the rear drop down door - they were less than sympathetic and didn't do anything to resolve the issue. I think they have since corrected that design fault, but at the time, Haulmark had already engineered their trailer for that issue with the billet aluminum corner pieces.

hotrod 80 06-20-2012 01:16 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
Do you "camp out" in the trailer and stay at the track ?

I am looking at a Horton .

vin63 06-20-2012 01:25 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer

Originally Posted by hotrod 80 (Post 5445291)
Do you "camp out" in the trailer and stay at the track ?

Sometimes I did. I usually had my cot, sleeping bag, etc. with me just in case.

Marv D 06-20-2012 03:25 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
If you don't want to winch the car (truck) in and out.. look into ones with a full side door. The JimGlo I bought is ausome,,but all steel frame / aluminum skin, floor inner skin, insulated,, nice but JimGlo is pretty proud of them. The 24' "HotRod suite" is just under $20k but with 4wheel electric brakes, electric door, hydraulic toung jack, winch on rear ramp/door, electric remote release for side doors ,, it's a nice piece and airflow through it with side and doors open makes it 'tolerable shade' in the summer day races.

hotrod 80 06-20-2012 08:36 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
Im planning on the side doors . Im also wanting the tolerable shade . Plus i have a 6700 watt gen so a 15K a/c will also go on the roof .

GMR-PERFORMANCE 06-21-2012 09:57 AM

Re: Enclosed trailer
I have no idea what your tow rig is , but you may want to also look into either a stacker or a toy hauler.. You get the live in features and large amount of work space.. Toy haulers can be bought cheap these days.. used that is ..

My old trailer was a haulmark and loved it.. I just wanted to not have a RV and a trailer. Bought a sand piper ( made by forest river) had no issues with that either.. But the weight is an issue and a larger tow rig is needed.

I had a 40 foot toy hauler and it had 18 feet to front cabinet or work area.

hotrod 80 06-21-2012 12:08 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
I have the brand F 7.3 powerstroke . My storage space is limited to 26' so i need to stay under that . The living quarters would be nice , but i have a nice cot i use for hunting .

GMR-PERFORMANCE 06-21-2012 02:14 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
well was worth a shot.. If you are traveling this may come as a shock but I looked real hard at a over the road tractor and trailer.. Easy to get plated for non com use and the price of some of the as a done set is not as much as I had in my dodge and toy hauler.. Again intended use is the key word here..

Storage space is the norm find a friend that has the room HA HA

for just a trailer I have had nothing but the best luck with the haulmark units.. Cannot say that about the others.. Price tag drew me to them but the cost of ownership , made me sell them.. I went through two sets of wheel bearings on one road trip.. Always fun in 110 temps installing new bearings on the side of the road..

hotrod 80 06-25-2012 06:28 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
Put a deposit down on a 2002 Horton hauler 24 foot 4 foot side doors on both sides 7K axles and 16 " wheels .

BigDan3131 06-27-2012 11:25 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
I would look around at: they have both trailers and toterhomes. The great thing about the toter homes are, even though they look like big rigs, its because of all the false windows allow you to drive them without a change of license and they are registered as motorhomes.

djracer 06-28-2012 09:43 AM

Re: Enclosed trailer
I have owned several enclosed trailers and used to sell them. I wouldn't buy one with 3500 lb axles either. The 5200 and 6k axles are six lug and the 3500's are 5. I prefer a 28 or larger but my truck is longer also.

djracer 06-28-2012 09:48 AM

Re: Enclosed trailer
I just read where you put a deposit on the trailer with the 7k axles. The sixteens are a definate plus. You can get a much better tire in a 16 than a fifteen.

hotrod 80 06-28-2012 04:15 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
Yes it is 7K 8-lug with BFG commercial grade tires on it . I would have bought a 28 footer or more except i only have storage space for a 24 . 28 would have ment removal of a tree my wife would not allow . My lot layout is sort of odd and storage payment is not an option . I would stay open trailer vs storage fees .

Marv D 06-28-2012 08:30 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer

Originally Posted by hotrod 80 (Post 5459406)
............ 28 would have ment removal of a tree my wife would not allow .... .

GOOD move!!!! A 24' and a happy wife is WAY better than a 38' stacker and having to LIVE in it when she kicks your butt to the curb!! A happy wife is...... well,, the only way most of us ever get to go racing!!!!!

Be cautious in how you store / lock it down. Your part of the world is just as bad as mine for trailers full of tools and race cars disappearing across the border before you ever know it's gone. I core-holed the concrete drive and put a recessed lug to chain the trailer tounge DOWN to. then added a wireless motion sensor inside the trailer tht is part of the home security. It trips and me and Mr Colt are out the side door before they could ever set it down on the ball hitch!

BTW,, CONGRATS on the purchase. It's so nice to pull in after a nite race and just lock things down. Worry about unloading after a good nights sleep!!

fastwillie 696969 06-28-2012 09:43 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
i just want one that my truck will fit in and i can use my toyota tundra to haul it to shows ,i think the 20 ft is 3500 ax .

hotrod 80 06-29-2012 11:17 AM

Re: Enclosed trailer

Originally Posted by Marv D (Post 5459744)
GOOD move!!!! A 24' and a happy wife is WAY better than a 38' stacker and having to LIVE in it when she kicks your butt to the curb!! A happy wife is...... well,, the only way most of us ever get to go racing!!!!!

Be cautious in how you store / lock it down. Your part of the world is just as bad as mine for trailers full of tools and race cars disappearing across the border before you ever know it's gone. I core-holed the concrete drive and put a recessed lug to chain the trailer tounge DOWN to. then added a wireless motion sensor inside the trailer tht is part of the home security. It trips and me and Mr Colt are out the side door before they could ever set it down on the ball hitch!

BTW,, CONGRATS on the purchase. It's so nice to pull in after a nite race and just lock things down. Worry about unloading after a good nights sleep!!

I said she wouldnt allow it ,, but she would let me remove it if it came down to it . My truck is short and if needed i can put the cart into the 4 foot side door if i need to fit a full size in . So a 24 will work good for me , plus its a nice tree.

I intend to tie a "lojack" type tracker to the truck and trailer , of coarse the nessesary locks and of coarse Mr.colt . Most of my neighbors are home or retired and home during the day also . Looking into insurance for truck , cart and trailer

hotrod 80 07-07-2012 02:25 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer
Finally got it home and began to do some work on it . Ordering new aluminum cabinets for the front and did some trading for an A roof top a/c unit . Even the wife is pretty happy with it .

hotrod 80 07-08-2012 08:52 AM

Re: Enclosed trailer
Funny , you can see my whole race operation in the back ground is crammed into one side of my two car garage :lol:

Ron 586 07-08-2012 11:13 AM

Re: Enclosed trailer
Nice set up. I love my 24' but health issues forced me to get rid of my Nova and some of my race only things. But I'm making a comeback of sorts and still have my 78 Camero and a 355 roller motor so I may not be down for the count. Stay tuned........... :exit:

Super73 07-08-2012 01:06 PM

Re: Enclosed trailer

Originally Posted by Ron 586 (Post 5474727)
Nice set up. I love my 24' but health issues forced me to get rid of my Nova and some of my race only things. But I'm making a comeback of sorts and still have my 78 Camero and a 355 roller motor so I may not be down for the count. Stay tuned........... :exit:

Ron, sorry about the health and here is to a speedy recovery :barn: But please, for the love of all us Camaro owners, please spell Camaro right :mmmk:

PS.. Just giving you a bad time..

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