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slugo10 07-05-2012 07:03 PM

Thinking about selling the '59..
Well I bought the '59 as a father daughter project with the intent for it to be her first car. We have sent alot of time together on it so I feel that part was good. My dilemma is I don't want to put the extra money into completing it when she will only be driving it for 2-3 years in highschool then need and more dependable car to move off the collage. I will have a good bit of money tied up in the truck and then need to buy her another car for collage. I know once I finish it I will not get the money back out so I think I need to sell it and maybe later down the road have her buy something else to help her with fixing up. It's been a hard decision for sure!

Amorget 07-05-2012 07:16 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
How does your daughter feel about it?

STOCKISH 07-05-2012 10:10 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
Keep it, it will serve as a reminder of the great times together. Plus, she can come home to visit it, er you!

OrrieG 07-05-2012 10:33 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
My daughter and I restored a 67 Mustang Coupe for her high school car. She drove a mercury station wagon for a year while we did it to get all the learning dents, etc. out of her system. She drove it for about 2 years, got married and drove it another couple until her first child. Got strapped for cash, tired of dragging the kid in and out of the back seat and I bought it back from her. Her sister drove it for a while than with older daughters permission she traded it for something else.

Fast forward 19 years. Daughter has always lamented getting rid of the Mustang, would have "done anything" in hindsight to keep it. She is now saving to get another one to replace it.

Unless you absolutely need the money I'd finish it, let her drive it while she can, then keep it warm and safe until she settle down and wants it back. Most of us recognize we will probably never get the dollars, let alone the time back, we put into these. Think of how cool it will be in a few years (well maybe 20) to be talking to her kid and helping him get it back in shape while you and her talk about the good time you had doing it the first time.

slugo10 07-05-2012 10:43 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
Ya that is my main dilemma to keep it. Haven't made up my mind for sure yet. She says she is ok with selling it.
Posted via Mobile Device

Stephanie 07-06-2012 12:03 AM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
I agree with OrrieG, definitely keep it! It is worth so much more that way than what a bit of cash now can bring you.

Johnny49 07-06-2012 07:16 AM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
Keep that truck! You've created irreplaceable family history with this project, the value of which will be that much greater years from now when the two of you can hop in and go for a ride, perhaps with a third generation riding along.

Several people have stopped to inquire about my '49 since we've had it sitting outside the house, and I could REALLY use the money (times have been very tough). But it means too much. A friend recently asked me how much it would take for me to let it go. There is no price. Someone could offer me ten million bucks and I would tell them to keep their money. Sounds crazy, I know. But I'm good with that.

Keep that truck!

LDO 07-06-2012 07:41 AM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
I went thru something similar not long ago. PM sent...
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n_elsod 07-06-2012 08:08 AM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
My 2 daughters helped build mine and now the youngest (22) wants it. She told me when I die she gets it. Nice lol I would hold onto it because she will want it later. It's sentimental

shadow1967 07-07-2012 12:50 AM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
There is no price, worth more then the time they spent with you. the bonus was you had a truck at the end to remember. Don't forget about all the remember when stories...when she see the truck again.

1project2many 07-07-2012 12:43 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
I think you could find out how much she really wants the truck by asking her what else she'd like to drive. She really might be ok with selling it, or she just might be saying that to make you happy. But even if she loses interest in it now there's a good chance she'll become interested again when she gets older so keep that in mind.

A beater car while she learns to drive might be a good idea. Something expendable made in Japan.

Stephanie 07-07-2012 02:23 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
You can come and buy my 2002 Honda Civic LX if you want a beater car for her to learn in! ;P Gets great gas mileage! 40ish mpg!

Russell Ashley 07-07-2012 03:08 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
If you have room for it and don't need the money I'd say keep it. When my oldest son was 15 I bought him a 69 Road Runner that was a theft recovery. We put it back together and finished it just before he got his license. He's 45 now and still talks about it and wishes he had kept it.

meter swinger 07-08-2012 01:50 AM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
IMHO if youre asking the question, you need to sell it.
As much as i would hate it to do it myself. if you dont want to spend $$$ move on. There are other projects out there. I have three right now im messing around with and in the last three years ive sold a 63 f-100 unibody, a 59 suburban, and a 63 country squire. Two of them were in awesome shape and i hated to do it but reality is those projects were going nowhere at the time. I hated to sell the country squire, but i now have a 55 wagon thats really nice.
Things will work out down the road and when the time is right youll find the right project. Or if you have my disease they find you...;-)
Posted via Mobile Device

Hubscrub 07-08-2012 10:19 AM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
Only you know your mind,if you can't stand the thought of more money in it then get rid of it, if you still like it keep it. If it was me and i liked the truck myself i would keep it and build it myself. She could buy her a car that she wants/needs and when school is over she and you could still enjoy it together. I could only dream right now that my 59 was that nice i hope to start mine this winter been a dream of mine to have a four eye 50's pickup and if finally found one.

slugo10 10-30-2012 03:53 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
Well it's gone! I sold it during Cruisin the Coast to a guy not far away. I have to say I was sad to see it go but it's more money i can put back into my 69 Camaro! Thanks for all the help from you guys on this forum!

_Ogre 10-30-2012 06:08 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..

Hubscrub 10-31-2012 10:16 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..

flashed 10-31-2012 10:58 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
Its a shame you sold it as she would probably have been the cool chick on the college campus with a classic truck. I work at a private university and some of our kids have some very nice classic rides ,there are 2 70 Camaro's ,several 66 and 67 Mustangs ,a 70 Nova ,a 76 El Camino ,a 70 Bronco and several others .Its good to see the younger generation into our older rides .

OrrieG 11-01-2012 12:19 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..

Originally Posted by Hubscrub (Post 5678846)

Hubscrub, is that a Maine Coon in your avatar, I have two.

Hubscrub 11-01-2012 08:25 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by OrrieG (Post 5679493)
Hubscrub, is that a Maine Coon in your avatar, I have two.

we think she has some in her she has alot of the signs of one. here's a car related cat pic:lol:

donthekawguy 11-04-2012 08:14 AM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
You dont lose a penny if you keep it.

Daze57 11-04-2012 01:18 PM

Re: Thinking about selling the '59..
interesting catbox

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