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RANDY COX 01-04-2013 09:36 PM

Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Well might as well start one too,The truck is a 1964 chevy 4x4 3/4 ton soon to be 1/2 ton,I know everyone on here is up grading to 3/4,but I'll be happy with 1/2,as this will give me better gear ratio also.Going to my dad's tomorrow to pick up 1/2 axles,will post pics,Here's how she sits now. :chevy:

Captainfab 01-05-2013 02:30 AM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Looks like a fairly solid truck to work with :thumbs:

Is it sitting on a square body frame and running gear?

If you plan on running tires similar to what is currently on it, you don't want too high of differential gears.

RANDY COX 01-05-2013 09:02 AM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build

Originally Posted by Captainfab (Post 5796828)
Looks like a fairly solid truck to work with :thumbs:

Is it sitting on a square body frame and running gear?

If you plan on running tires similar to what is currently on it, you don't want too high of differential gears.

Hey,the Diff's I'm gettin from my dad are 3:73's so that will be just fine,as for the front end.someone for some reason cut into the front frame horns,not sure why,so I'll have to measure squeeze back and weld,the left horn looks like it's twisted to me.
Actually the PO gave me the right frame horns for 66 chevy truck so I can cut those off the truck and put the right ones on for my original bumper...
Remember :chevy: ROCK......

RANDY COX 01-05-2013 06:00 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Ok Me and Jake went on a road trip to my dad's he's only bout 45 mins.away not too far.A While back he did some work for someone and took a frame with diff's and a cab for the work,He said he wasn't going to do anything with them and said if I want to come and get em,Don't you just love your DAD's,He even helped take em out,they are matching 3:73's,still not sure if my old 16" wheels from my ole fleetling will work we tried one of them on the front and might have to do alittle grinding on the caliper maybe,anywho I know how everyone likes pixs so here they are.... Dad's ole GMC,he wants to redo it someday...that's my dad and Jake..

RANDY COX 01-12-2013 10:21 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
well Iv'e got my axles unloaded and settin up on jack stands,gotta take the hubs apart to clean them as they didn't have the gears and lockouts.luckily for me the front on the truck now will work in the 1/2 ton axles,gotta check the bearings and repack them,get them all cleaned up and painted and be ready to change over..still debating on wheels thinkin I might go with the rally's that's on my car....I had a tooth pulled on friday so didn't get much done on saturday,as my wife wanted to go see her dad in the nursing home...will post more pics soon...

ChevyFreak60 01-15-2013 06:15 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
What size of tires do you have on your truck and is it the stock height?

RANDY COX 01-15-2013 07:42 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
I believe there 32x11.50's on 10" wheels,Umm it does have extra leafs in the rear I think about 3,so I'm gonna pull those leafs out which will lower it but prolly have a better ride I won't be hauling anything heavy.As for the front,It has extra also not sure if I'm gonna take any out yet,Iv'e always liked the front to sit a little higher than rear...Do you have any pics of your 4x4...Thanks,Randy....

Raider Rudy 01-16-2013 01:45 AM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
I've been waiting for you to start this build thread! Keep the pics coming:ito:

RANDY COX 01-16-2013 05:43 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
yea it's been raining here like cats & dogs the last 3 days.I don't have a garage so weather has me stopped...for now but I think it's suppose to get cold again,this past weekend we had 60-70 degree weather,was really nice..

RANDY COX 01-18-2013 05:47 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Well after 3 days of solid rain now we got this 8",of white stuff

McMurphy 01-19-2013 12:36 AM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
ahhhh but you have sunshine too .... I remember sunshine ..... :waah:

RANDY COX 02-05-2013 08:22 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
hoping to get to do some work on the truck this weekend,weather is suppose to be in the 50' Iv'e been couped up inside for a while due to weather,going stir crazy...

RANDY COX 02-09-2013 08:39 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
well I got to change the rearend out today son decided to bail on me.[IMG]
Looks Pimp HuH???

RANDY COX 02-15-2013 08:23 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Well I got my drive shaft ready,took the crazy joint out and installed one I got for extra for my jeep(free)...put some full time gears in front so I can atleast move it with front wheel drive,until I can get a rear to bleed the rear brakes and install the cover and add gear-oil..and the back will be done except for painting...then I'll be ready for the front one,but the weather is suppose to be cold this week-end so prolly won't get to do much..RATS,RATS,RATS......

RANDY COX 02-16-2013 06:20 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
well even though it was cold I went out and installed a oil pressure guage.'s only holding about 30lbs cold and 22-25 warm,I think that's kinda low but guess it'll be ok....

RANDY COX 03-02-2013 08:18 AM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Hopefully going to try to finish bolting everything up on front end today even though it's going to be's a recent pixs with the 16" wheels I'll be replacing the wide white's with a 750x16" agressive tread blackwall tire....

RANDY COX 03-04-2013 07:09 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Finally got the front Diff all bolted up,got brakes bled calipers on yada,yada,yada,with 16" wheels,I'm gonna run 750x16's blackwall, the fun begins to start rust repair,I think I'm gonna have to replace all 4 floor supports,inner and out rockers,part of the floor board and side wall,gonna be a job as looks like I'll be alone on this build,my son helps sometimes.'m sure yall have seen this a million times as this rust is typical on all models...Just take it 1 day at a time,got alot of work ahead of me,But when I look at other peoples builds it makes me want to work on my truck,It encourages me to press on..

RANDY COX 03-10-2013 07:00 AM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Well the weather here today got up in the 60's woo-hoo,So I got to go outside and play I mean work on the truck,Of course the PO,PO,PO whoever had hacked up the dash for the radio,so I cut me out a piece from an extra door I got for parts,I wouldn't hack up a good door it welded in just have to cut out new hole for radio and dress it up alittle.Little at time.I guess next thing will be floors,rockers,footwell...

RANDY COX 03-10-2013 08:28 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Well finished up grinding for radio install.Me and my son decided to see what the rallies on my 48 would look like,they look ok,but Look alittle small on front end,so might have to go with taller tire,would love to find some 33x9.50-15...Don't want to go too big...

RANDY COX 03-23-2013 09:34 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
didn't do anything to truck waiting for repair panels for floor,I put the 16"s back on my ole fleetline cleaned up the whitewalls and painted the wheels red..

RANDY COX 03-26-2013 06:41 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Well got my inner and outer Rockers today 3/26.So when it dries up I can get started on tearing out the old ones....Yahoo...

RANDY COX 04-21-2013 09:14 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
well Iv'e been kinda quiet on here,I got my wipers working now,ordered some more repair panels,waiting on them to come in..went to junkyard today and got a grill,e-brake handle and cable and some original West-coast gonna be real busy when the other parts come in....will post some pictures....

RANDY COX 05-12-2013 08:26 AM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
I know I gotta post some new pictures,I went to a swap meet here in Floyd co.And found some original west coast mirrors(STAINLESS),one was missing mirror,sill had frame,and the gentlemen said $6.00 bucks,my jaw just dropped I didn't hesitate,I gave him that six dollars so fast they were smoking,I saw another set (STAINLESS)even had 6"(STAINLESS) spot mirrors bolted to the lower arm,ask the Gentlemen how much and he said $12.00 Bucks,so I grabbed up those too.I couldn't believe I got 2 sets for $18.00 Bucks,After I got home to check them out more the brackets are perfect they fit the door exact.Just gotta clean them up get'em bolted on.I like days like that....

RANDY COX 05-25-2013 06:25 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Oh the fun begins hadn't had too much time to work on the old truck lately between work and the weather.But did get driver rocker cut out and workin on floor board...

RANDY COX 05-30-2013 05:06 PM

Re: Randy & Jakes 64 4x4 SLOW build
Here's a Video of the Ole truck Running...

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