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Lattimer 01-09-2013 01:12 AM

Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
On my birthday, December 31st, I treated myself to a 1970 C-10. Always loved these trucks and I actually learned to drive in a 1969 K-10. Wanted one for years and the wife finally gave in and let me get it.

Truck is actually in amazingly good shape, and it was started on as a project by one of the previous owners. The guy I bought it from put in his garage and it sat for over 2 years.

So, I got the truck, an extra grill, 4-speed trans, a new repop chrome front bumper, roll pan, extra rear end, front disk brake parts, the original seat, extra shifter, extra power steering pump, parts for power brakes, extra tailgate latches, and a few other small items.

Truck has a 327, long tube headers, 3-speed on the floor.

Needs floorboards and rockers, wiring work, a little dent and rust repair here and there, new interior, and new HVAC. Looks like it needs shocks and some suspension work along the way as well.

Body is overall incredibly solid, and I can't find any bondo in it.

These are from the day I went to look at it.

Engine runs very good, but had a coolant leak on the intake manifold. I'll post pics of that later on.

This is the interior after I started ripping things apart.

Lattimer 01-09-2013 01:13 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Here it is in my garage. Notice the bed full of parts and the motorcycle mufflers.

Lattimer 01-09-2013 01:17 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Plan is to re-do the interior in black, fix everything I find wrong mechanically, add AC, fix the floorboards and other rust, tilt column, put the bench seat back, and eventually get it professionally painted. Going to swap in the 4-speed, add power brakes, but keep the drums.

Currently have or have on order almost everything I'm going to need.

Went and got insurance on it today, and should be able to register it in a few days. I intend to drive it while I work on it.

Lattimer 01-10-2013 09:35 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Gotta get more pics up, but last night I swapped in a tilt steering column and set up a brake booster. Got power brakes and tilt wheel now. Figured out why the headlight wouldn't work (dimmer switch) and got those working. Only lights left to figure out are the back up lights and the dome light inside.

This afternoon I'm heading to the DMV to get it registered. Then all I really need is an exhaust to get it on the road.

Tonight I have to finish playing with the starter and I think I'll put shocks on the rear.

Lattimer 01-11-2013 12:41 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Tonight was new front shocks. Also pulled out the rotted out passenger front fenderwell and painted the upper part of the dash.

Lattimer 01-11-2013 02:45 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Engine is done. Used Torquer manifold I got from a buddy, Edelbrock 1406 carb that was already on the truck, new water pump, new hoses and belts, rebuilt HEI distributor, plugs, wires, etc. Also put in the power brakes with a new booster.

PO installed a big aluminum radiator. Heater box is going in the trash to make way for an A/C system

Front shocks installed, Monroe Gasmatic. Fronts brakes are in surprisingly good shape. This wheel needs 1 new wheel stud.

Lattimer 01-11-2013 02:49 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Have to make a minor steel repair on the radiator support where the passenger inner fender bolts in.

mcbassin 01-11-2013 05:18 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Looks like a real nice project. What are your plans? Full restoration or little at a time?

Lattimer 01-11-2013 08:06 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build

Originally Posted by mcbassin (Post 5810933)
Looks like a real nice project. What are your plans? Full restoration or little at a time?

Little at a time, but its going to be a '70's style hot rod when I'm done.

67cheby 01-12-2013 06:46 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
looking good !

Lattimer 01-12-2013 07:56 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build

Today I installed the passenger fenderwell, ripped out the old heater box, did a minor weld repair to the radiator support, painted the inner fenderwells and part of the firewall, and painted the dash.

Now I'm working on putting the dash back together and fixing all of the wiring.

Lattimer 01-19-2013 09:01 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Out of town for work for a few days, but when I got home Thursday I started again. New high beam switch, new wire troughs at the radiator support and at the firewall. Painted more of the firewall. Fixed about 50 lousy wire splices. Installed a coolant overflow jug.

Changed the differential lube and discovered that its a 3.73. Looks to be in pretty good shape.

Installed all new lug nuts to replaced the 4 different types of mix and match nuts. Installed 1 new wheel stud.

Got the rear shocks installed. Still waiting for the lowering springs. It looks lowered now, but that's because the springs are collapsed....LOL.

Also got a real exhaust installed. Got the universal header kit from Hearthrob and added a set of Flowtech mufflers. It now has a nice mellow sound.

Also decided this week that the flex fan has got to go, so I ordered a dual electric fan and adjustable thermostat controllers.

Today I start installing the new heat and A/C system. Pics to come.

RCbowtie69 01-19-2013 10:16 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Nice start to a cool project,hope to see more pictures soon & keep on truckin'' :metal:

Lattimer 01-19-2013 11:05 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build

Originally Posted by RCbowtie69 (Post 5827944)
Nice start to a cool project,hope to see more pictures soon & keep on truckin'' :metal:

Thanks. I'll have more pics later today if I can accomplish anything.....

Lattimer 01-19-2013 11:42 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Didn't get as far as I had hoped. Torqued the lugs, aired up the tires, checked the oil, and took it for its maiden voyage. Engine runs great, exhaust is a bit louder than I wanted but has that old school rumble and burbles on decel. Steering and front suspension feels decent. Rear sucks, but I already knew that due to the collapsed springs. I only have about 1-1/2" of travel right now to the bump stops.

Speedo works, filled it with gas and the gauge works. Oil pressure is good, temp stays pretty nice. Brakes work decent but something is wonky with the power brakes.....they feel manual to me. Possibly not getting enough vacuum.

Got it home and started installing the Classic Air system. Got it a little better than halfway. Slipped once and buggered my dash paint with the dremel, so I have to sand and paint a little tomorrow before I assemble the rest of the interior vents. Cutting the hole over the radio sucked a lot. Plus my variable speed dremel died in the middle, so I was stuck with my single speed unit.

Still have to finish the AC lines, heater lines, mount the compressor, then go get it charged up at some point.

Hopefully pics tomorrow.

Lattimer 01-20-2013 04:42 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
All I accomplished today was fixing my divet in the dash. Drove it to Advanced auto to get heater hose for the new heater.

Out of town for the next few days, will finish the install and gets pics up next weekend.

LEEVON 01-20-2013 04:49 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Sweet mufflers Dude!

Lattimer 01-20-2013 04:56 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build

Originally Posted by LEEVON (Post 5830733)
Sweet mufflers Dude!

LOL-----the motorcycle mufflers are gone now.

Lattimer 01-25-2013 09:59 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Finally some pics.

AC install Almost done. They sent me one wrong hose I have to get replaced, have to hook up 2 wires, and have to get a belt to fit it.
Also painted the dash install a new dash pad, cig lighter, glovebox light, and rebuild the heater controls.

Lattimer 01-25-2013 10:10 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
New steering wheel ready to install. No clue why the pic is upside down.
New Exhaust. Used a heartthrob universal header kit with Flowtech mufflers. Little too loud, so I may have to extend the pipes or something.
New Chrome bumpers. Back was missing entirely, so I bought the whole kit with brackets, license plate holder, light and everything. Front bumper was new in package and came with the truck. Shipping date on the package was 1999....LOL

Tomorrow the new dual electric fans go in and I might do the steering wheel. I think Sunday I will start on recovering the stock bench seat. Following weekend I am planning to start floorboard repairs.

Lattimer 01-27-2013 01:22 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
New dual fans. Actually was a decently easy install, although time consuming. Derale fans with 4000 cfm combined.
Thermostats for the fans. I set them up so one comes on at 180, second comes on a 210. Both come on if the A/C is turned on.
Fan relays and wiring mess

Lattimer 01-27-2013 01:26 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build

Originally Posted by Lattimer (Post 5843445)
Finally some pics.

AC install Almost done. They sent me one wrong hose I have to get replaced, have to hook up 2 wires, and have to get a belt to fit it.
Also painted the dash install a new dash pad, cig lighter, glovebox light, and rebuild the heater controls.

I see I messed up the pics in this post. Here are the pics again.

Lattimer 01-27-2013 01:27 AM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Plan for tomorrow is radio install, then start working on reupholstering the original seat. Not looking forward to either one.

Lattimer 01-27-2013 11:18 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Radio didn't happen. Back was a little sore this morning so I decided crawling under the dash was a bad plan. Was a decent day out so I took the Chevy out for a ride tyo Lowes and AutoZone. Discovered yesterday that the winshield washer pump doesn't work, so I picked up a universal one to use and bypass it. Just gotta figure out the wiring.

I did work on the stock bench seat though. Took me about 6-7 hours, but got it done. I got a velour and vinyl cover kit and the seat repair kit from LMC. Got 3 yards of vinyl (could have done with 1.5) from a fabric store.

This is how it started.
New foam added on top of the original. Also put a layer of black vinyl and some carpet substrate under the foam. Used an electric carving knife ($12 at WalMart) to cut shape the foam. I forgot to take good pics but I replaced the drivers side springs with new ones, and repaired the passenger side ones. Also had to repair the ends on about 5 of the main springs.

Here is the finished product. Not perfect by any means, but for never having done any upholstery work before, I'm giving myself a B+.

67cheby 01-28-2013 01:27 PM

Re: Lattimer's 1970 C-10 build
Nice work you cant figure it out if you dont ever try, you will get better each one you do !

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