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Billy G 06-11-2003 11:00 PM

Houston, Texas Area Members
Hey guys....are there any parts supplliers....salvage yards....ect...that yall 'frequent' in our area?...If so....let me know. I'd greatly appreciate it!!!!

Billy G

STP67-72 06-12-2003 07:08 AM

I keep some new parts in stock and can order most anything you need. I am doing this part time and have done it for years. I buy,sell and build these trucks. I have alot of used parts and about 20-25 parts trucks. Let me know if i can help. Steve's Truck Parts 409 722-6929 Beaumont area.

400ex 06-12-2003 08:48 AM


I have ordered some parts and even bought a cowl hood from a dealer in Spring called Outback Truck Parts.

Do a search on the web for Outback Truck Parts and that should pop you to the web page.


Billy G 06-12-2003 08:50 AM

Thanks Steve!!!!........I have ya number down, and Im sure I'll be in touch soon!....The guy I bought my truck from manages Car Quest in Lumberton

Thanks James!!!...I'm doin a search right after this post!...

Appreciate the help yall!

Billy G

nightmare 06-12-2003 10:55 AM

here's that website billy:

Mike Culpepper 06-12-2003 12:36 PM

OUtback is pretty well stocked and is competitive with the online suppliers. I've bought a dash pad and a few other items and the quality seems to be good. Plus they are 10 minutes from my house....which is nice.

Along the lines of the original post , has anyone hit the junkyards on N. Shepperd? I was planning to do that but haven't had a chance yet.


Billy G 06-12-2003 01:14 PM

Cool Mike.......will check em out.
Havent made the yards on Shepard yet. More of my "Ima Gonna"

Maybe we'll have a cup or 2!!!!

Billy G

nightmare 06-12-2003 02:18 PM

the yards on n. sheppard don't have much on the 67-72 lines. neither do the ones on 249 close to 45. the ones down by the beltway and 288 had quite a few though. bought a 2wd shortbed frame from down there. $200, pretty nice too. anyhow, i don't seem to have their number right off the top of my head, but there was one place on Little York, Nuway Autoplex, 2135 Little York Road (713 694 8105) that had a 71 there last year. haven't been back to see if they still do or not.

mtdave2 06-13-2003 08:34 AM

id leave that outback place alone, i have talked to several people who have had bad deals with them.. me included. not honest folks.

Suicide-D 06-13-2003 01:48 PM

I'm with mtdave2... I wasn't real happy with the quality of they're stuff either.... I got really poor customer service from them. Order from the suppliers on the board or from Steve (He's a good Guy).

my new 72 06-13-2003 02:11 PM

OUTBACK SUCKS. Sorry for yellin, but they aren't interested in really anything but shows, and even at the shows they are assholes to people when they come up to their booth.

mtdave2 06-15-2003 10:54 PM

they basicly told me i was a lier, didnt know what i was talking about. i had to send the photos, call them 4 times and YELL at them, no kidding. if i was face to face with him i would have knocked him out... if you all knew how easy going i am, that would say alot.

finaly after talking to there supplier rep, they refunded my money.
not after loosing a customer and making a enemy. not good business sence.

leave those $#$@# to themselfs and buy from one of the great venders on the board.

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