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McCoyAZ 02-04-2013 09:47 PM

It just aint right......
1 Attachment(s)
Was traveling Northern Arizona today and happened upon this sad site.

No classic truck deserves to be treated like this....

GVDobler 02-04-2013 09:49 PM

Re: It just aint right......
Owner would probably would say "That's my baby and it ain't fer sale."

HugoV 02-04-2013 09:52 PM

Re: It just aint right......
It looks so sad! I wish I could travel the country buying all these trucks..... (It's the secret hoarder in me). Haha
Posted via Mobile Device

FetchMeAPepsi 02-04-2013 11:53 PM

Re: It just aint right......
That kinda makes me uncomfortable.

I hear ya Hugo. When Ed McMahn finally rings my doorbell I'll grab a duffel bag full of cash and do just that. We'll clear the country and buy a bone yard to store the hoard.

Maybe we'll make it a museum or something and charge admission. Have truck rides for the kiddies and stuff to build awareness.

3QTRTONS 02-05-2013 12:00 AM

Re: It just aint right......
Man!!!!, what I could do with a start like that! I'da asked bout it.
ummmmm, if Ed shows up at my door, I'm running out the back,,,, cuz he's been DEAD for years! :devil:

Kinda reminds me of mine......

slepysal 02-05-2013 12:03 AM

Re: It just aint right......
I have come across cars and trucks like this, and when I ask about them its always " Not for sale it belonged to my_______ , and we plan to restore it soon."
But it never gets worked on ,it just sits and rots away. So sad.

McCoyAZ 02-05-2013 09:14 AM

Re: It just aint right......
It kinda sucks that these things are all over just rotting into the ground.

This one has been gutted and looks like the local rock throwing club has taken it on as their project to destroy.

I was in the hunt for a 1961 C60 dump truck when I found this parked next to another old dump truck and snapped the picyure.

It has Hornet nests where the sun visors should be and rats nests where the gas tank was. No motor, no trans, no glass, pretty much been gutted out and the body isn't in too good of shape.

I'd buy it for $100. just to have it but I don't think much of it is salvageable.

LostMy65 02-05-2013 09:53 AM

Re: It just aint right......
2 to 3 years ago, when I went on the hunt for my 65 I sold in 86, I often thought this was one of the possibilities.
Fortunately, I found it before it was left to rust away.
Posted via Mobile Device

pdxhall 02-06-2013 03:49 AM

Re: It just aint right......
I've found one right in the suburbs at an abandon house I've been driving past for over a year. I recently began my search for an owner and found that the couple that lived there are deceased but I'm getting closer to possibly finding a relative to get more info. It's a 65 C10 with the custom interior, side trim and a perfect aluminum grill. I'd hate to see this just hauled to a scrapper when they decide to do something with the house.

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