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JointTech 02-06-2013 06:26 AM

picked up a blast cabinet
my buddy saw this on the side of the road. Got it for $60. Gloves are shot. Looks like theres some kind of long spring that holds the door on the bottom of the media holder but it came off and the spring looks sprung. light works.
I was going to clean it up and paint it but I think Ill just clean it up and fix the gloves and call it good until I get a paint setup. Im sick of rattle cans.

It has a matco sticker on it but Im not sure it really is.

now to find something that needs blasting.

What media should I get? Anything to watch out for? Looks like you just hook up the air and it create a suction and blows it out the gun?
What pressure does it need to run at?

ETsC10 02-06-2013 12:31 PM

Re: picked up a blast cabinet
Good score!
IMHO, before you really get going, you should look for a vacuum to hook up
to it. They make vacs that will hold up to the rigors of a blast cabinet; a
regular shop vac will be a goner in no time.

Also, check out the condition of the gun's ceramic insert (nozzle). When the
orifice (hole) gets too big from use, the blaster won't work well at all.

As for air, the more the better...they take lots!
For media, it depends on what you will be primarily doing with it.

Have fun!

MP&C 02-06-2013 02:17 PM

Re: picked up a blast cabinet
Nice find, especially for $60. As a cautionary note, some medias that are a bit heavy will tend to pack down well the more you add, making it difficult for a siphon feed to pick up the media. So don't dump the whole bag in.... I think TP tools will have replacement gloves, and the carbide nozzles, while expensive, are virtually indestructible. I haven't changed a nozzle in over 5 years since I put it in.

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