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schurg 02-10-2013 09:00 PM

stake side, stake bed, whatever they're called, show em!
1 Attachment(s)
I've been kickin around the idea of doing the wooden panels that fit into the stake holes on my truck. 1st of all...I dont know what they are called, and 2nd, if anyone has some pics, let's see em!

this pic is of what I mean

Justin36 02-10-2013 09:34 PM

Re: stake side, stake bed, whatever they're called, show em!
I call them side boards lol
Posted via Mobile Device

ole dollor 02-10-2013 10:44 PM

Re: stake side, stake bed, whatever they're called, show em!
when i was a young kid all pickups had side boards on them to haul cattle and horses, and the butane tank was on top of the cab for more bed room...

special-K 02-11-2013 08:31 AM

Re: stake side, stake bed, whatever they're called, show em!
Looks good. Side boards or high as top we call high sides. Stake side,stake bed,or stock rack are all flatbed terms to me. Someone asked last week and I couldn't find any.

SS Tim 02-11-2013 09:16 AM

Re: stake side, stake bed, whatever they're called, show em!
2 Attachment(s)
72KAY20 made a nice set of side boards for his truck. Here is the link to his build and down around post #257 starts the boards.

Madtat 02-11-2013 11:48 AM

Re: stake side, stake bed, whatever they're called, show em!
That be me! Thanks for trying Special K and for schurg and SStim for posting.
I also posted the a pic in the photoshop forum but as of yet no replys.
Those are some clean looking trucks.

Bishops Trucks 02-11-2013 11:52 AM

Re: stake side, stake bed, whatever they're called, show em!
I do like the looks of the oak rails. I've been planning building some on mine when I get to that stage.

Canuckvetter 05-08-2022 03:01 PM

Re: stake side, stake bed, whatever they're called, show em!
3 Attachment(s)
Reviving a post from 9 yrs ago.
Who else has "Side Rails", "Side Boards", "Advertising Boards", "Stake Rails", "Stake Racks" etc. Post up some pics please.

As a young wanna be carpenter in 1977 I had a 68 GMC that I drove to high school. I got a Summer job as a carpenters helper "Goffer". My Boss bought a brand new 77 Dodge Warlock that Summer. It had oak side rails from the factory and I though it was the coolest truck EVER! It wasn't long before I fabricated a make shift set for my old GMC.

Fast forward to the present. A carpenter for over 40+yrs. I built this set out of full 1X5 Douglas Fir. Which my buddy, who is the same vintage as me, said " You have gone and knocked all the cool off your truck".
Last pic I pulled off this site some where and was the 2nd choice for the 67.

tim_mc 05-08-2022 06:21 PM

Re: stake side, stake bed, whatever they're called, show em!
1 Attachment(s)
These were on my '67 C20 when I got it. My wife and brother convinced me to keep them on the truck.

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